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模拟练习五模拟练习五 Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Simply because no one tell us how to fail1. so failure becomes a growing experience.2. We forget that failure is a part of the human condition and that every person has the right to failure. Most parents3. work hard in either preventing failure or shielding4. their children out the knowledge that they have failed.5. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her childs hastily made table as “perfect!” even if6. its clumsy and unsteady. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails math, his teacher is unfair or stupid. The trouble with failureprevention devices are that they7. lead a child unequipped with life in the real world.8. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time and that it is impossible to enjoy a game even when you dont win.9. A child who does not invited to a birthday party,10. who doesnt make the honor roll or the baseball team feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “It doesnt matter”, because it does. The youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment and then be helped to master it. 【答案及解析答案及解析】1.【答案】tell 改为 tells 【解析】本题考查语法规则。句子主语是“no one”,谓语应该使用第三人称单数形式,故应 将“tell”改为“tells”。 2.【答案】so 后加 that 【解析】本句考查语义逻辑及固定搭配。若本句中“so”表示“所以”之意,句意就应为“只因 没有人告诉我们怎样失败,因此失败成为经验的累积。 ”这显然与文意不符。应在“so”之后 加“that”,使用“so that”表示目的,句意为“只因没有人告诉我们怎样失败,从而使失败成为 经验的累积。 ” 3.【答案】failure 改为 fail 【解析】本题考查语法规则及词汇用法。句意为“每个人都有权利失败”。句中“失败”应用 动词形式,而“failure”是名词,故应该改为“fail”。 4.【答案】in 改为 at 【解析】本题考查固定搭配。 “努力学”或“努力做”应为“work hard at.”而非“work hard in.”。5.【答案】out 改为 from 【解析】本题同样考查固定搭配。动词“shield”的用法与“prevent”相似, “shield sb from.”意 为“让某人接触不到,让某人避开”。把“out”改为“from”之后句意通顺。 6.【答案】if 改为 though 【解析】本题考查词汇用法。 “even if”与“even though”均可表示“尽管”,但“even if”用于假设 的情况而“even though”用于现实。本句意为“有位母亲把孩子摆得乱七八糟的桌子说成完美。 ”此句描述的情况是实际发生的事情,作者以此为例说明家长的一些不正确的态度,因此不 能使用表示假设的“even if”,应把“if”改为“though”。 7.【答案】are 改为 is 【解析】本句考查语法规则。需要注意的是本句的主语是“trouble”而非“failureprevention devices”,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。 8.【答案】with 改为 for 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑与固定搭配。练习前文可知,句意应为“家长对待孩子失败的不 正确态度会使得孩子对于真实的世界没有准备”。应使用词组“prepare for”表示“为作准 备”。 9.【答案】impossible 改为 possible 【解析】本题考查语义逻辑。不难看出作者的观点是即便不能获胜,参与的过程也是有趣 且有益的,故应把“impossible”改为“possible”。 10.【答案】does 改为 is 【解析】本题考查语法规则及语义理解。通过理解整句的意思可以发现,主语“child”与动 词“invite”之间应为被动的关系,意为“一个没有被邀请参加生日宴的孩子会觉得难受”,因 此应该把“does”改为“is”,用“is invited”构成被动。
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