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Unit 4 How was your school trip? 单元复习课. 词汇拓展1. hang (v. ) _ (过去式)逗留;徘徊2. win (v. ) _ (过去式)赢;获胜 _ (n. ) 获胜者3. visit (v. ) _ (n. )访问者答案:1. hung 2. won; winner 3. visitor4. rainy (adj. ) _ (n. )雨;雨水5. lucky (adj. ) _ (adv. )幸运地6. dry (adj. ) _ (反义词)湿的;潮湿的7. play (v. ) _ (n. )运动员答案:4. rain 5. luckily 6. wet 7. player. 短语互译1. (俚语)闲荡;闲逛 _ out2. 在结束时 _ the end of3. (因病或节假日)休息;不工作;不上学day _ 4. 睡过头;起得晚 _ late答案:1. hang 2. at 3. off 4. sleep5. yard sale _6. go for a drive _7. all day _8. have fun doing sth. _9. in the future _答案:5. 庭院旧货出售 6. 开车兜风 7. 整天8. 做某事很愉快 9. 在将来;未来. 句型攻关1. 你去书店了吗?不,我去图书馆了。 _ you _ to the bookstore? No, I _ to the library. 2. 那儿有树木吗?不,没有树木,但有一些相当漂亮的花。 _ _ any trees? No, there _ any trees, but there were _ really nice flowers. 答案:1. Did; go; went 2. Were there; werent; some3. 在下一个休息日,我打算开车去兜风。_ the next _ _, Im going to _ _ _ _. 4. 他们的休息日过得怎么样?_ was their day off? 5. 你购物愉快吗?Did you _ _ _? 答案:3. On; day off; go for a drive 4. How5. have fun shopping核心考点:三词一语一句型三个单词:winner, umbrella, autograph一项语法:一般过去时一个句型:Good luck to you. 1. (2012济南中考)我多么希望有一天能够得到林丹的亲笔签名啊!How I wish to get the _ _ Lin Dan one day!2. (2011哈尔滨中考)Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become _ in the exam. So please take a deep breath and calm down. A. runners B. winners C. players 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。runner跑步者;winner获胜者;player运动员。由句中“feeling peaceful is the first step”可知,心平气和是在考试中成为获胜者的第一步。故选B。autograph of3. (2011绵阳中考)My classmate lent me a(an) _ so that I wouldnt get wet in the rain. A. candle B. umbrellaC. scarf D. wallet【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。由后半句“我才没被雨淋湿”可知应选B。4. (2011南宁中考)Were going to have a football match with Class 1. _. A. Thank you B. Good luck to youC. Not at all D. It doesnt matter【解析】选B。考查交际用语。 根据上文“我们要和一班进行一场足球赛”得知应该表示祝福。A表示感谢,B表示祝福,C为“不客气”,D为“没关系”。因此选B。5. (2011山东中考)What did Mr. Smith do before he came to China? He _ in a car factory. A. works B. workedC. is working D. will work【解析】选B。考查时态。句意:在来中国之前史密斯先生是干什么工作的?他在汽车厂上班。问句中用“before he came to China”表示过去的时间,回答时应使用过去时态。故选B。
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