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上海交通大学硕士学位论文基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究姓名:林征申请学位级别:硕士专业:软件工程指导教师:陈昊鹏;朱煜20080601基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究 I 基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究 摘 要 随着企业需求的日益增长和企业信息化程度的进一步深入, 在企业系统中出现了一些诸如“信息孤岛”、重复开发等问题。为有效解决这些问题,在企业基础架构建设中引入了新的架构思想SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)。目前,SOA 作为一种新的软件架构已经引起了学术界和软件开发领域的极大兴趣,成为新的研究热点。 SOA 的目标是为企业构建一个灵活的、可扩展的基础架构,以便更好地支持随需应变的企业需求。SOA 把所有的应用都当成服务,然后通过对服务的调用来完成业务流程。同时,SOA 通过将原有的应用和资源转变为可共享的标准服务,打破了“信息孤岛”,实现了对原有系统的重用和集成。 作为一个优秀的架构应该是可实践的和可复用的,所以一个良好的基于 SOA 的架构应该具备以下三点特征: (1) 架构中所提供的服务必须是松散耦合的; (2) 从实际业务的角度来划分服务; (3) 服务的具体实现、位置和传输协议对服务的调用者来说都是透明的。 基于上述分析,本文设计了一个基于 SOA 的系统集成架构,划分为:表示层、管理层、业务层和服务层。 在服务层中,我们将各种基础业务封装成细粒度的、易重用的 Web 服务,然后系统通过 ESB(Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线)发布和注册服务,并接受来自业务层和管理层的调用。在这些面向服务的架构层中,从业务角度来看,服务是对应于真实的业务活动或者业务活动中的某个组件; 从技术角度看, 服务是接口与实现相分离的,表示层服务请求者只需调用接口就能与服务提供者通讯,实现了实现技术的透明性。 在业务层中,我们利用 BPEL 技术,把服务层中公开的各类服务在该层定义其组合方式,然后按照业务流程进行服务编排。通过这种方法,可以将相关服务绑定到某一个业务流程,成为一个新的 Web 服务,并且这个新的 Web 服务可以做为一个独立的具有特定功能的应用程序存在,从而实现对企业实际业务流程的描述,并且最终通过该层真基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究 II 正实现 SOA 中的业务流程处理功能。 在管理层中,主要提供一些流程管理工具。业务流程通过该层时,可以根据业务需求,让其直接通过,或是将其暂时关闭,或是改变与之相对应的业务界面等等,最终通过该层实现随机应变的 SOA 的目的。 在表示层中,我们借助 WEB2.0 技术,通过提供一个统一风格的业务界面,屏蔽各个集成子系统界面的差异性,从而让用户产生一种错觉,即所有的功能都源于同一个系统。 最后,本文结合了一个实例(一个造船厂因为业务需要决定重新构建它的涂装管理系统),讲述了基于 SOA 的系统集成架构在实践中的应用,并且以生成新派工单为例,展示了基于 SOA 的系统集成架构中各个部分的应用。不过本文中对系统集成架构的设计没有更多的关注其服务安全等问题,需要在今后的工作中进一步研究。 关键词 SOA,系统集成,Web 服务,架构设计 基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究 III THE RESEARCH OF SYSTEM INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY BASED ON SOA ABSTRACT With the increase in business needs and broad use of Information Technology in enterprises, there are many problems such as “information silo“, duplication of development efforts and other issues. In order to effectively solve these issues effectively, a new idea of architecture called SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) is introduced to the infrastructure construction of an enterprise. As a new software architecture, SOA attracts great interest from academia and the area of software development, and has become a new hotspot recently. The goal of SOA is to build a flexible and scalable architecture, which can support the various business needs of the enterprise. SOA takes all the applications as services and then calls the services to complete the business process. At the same time, SOA changes the original applications and resources into standard services that can be shared. As a result, it breaks the “information silo“ and realizes the reuse and integration of the existing systems. Because a good architecture must be practicable and reusable, an architecture based on SOA should have the following three features: (1) Services in the architecture must be loosely coupled; (2) Services are clarified according to actual business; (3) The realization, location and transport protocols of services are transparent for the service-invokers. To sum up the above analysis, this paper designs a system integrated architecture based on SOA, which is is divided into four layers: the presentation layer, the management layer, the business layer, and the service layer. In the service layer, various fundamental businesses will be encapsulated as fine 基于面向服务架构的系统集成技术研究 IV granulated and reusable web services. By the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), the system releases and registers the services which will be called by the business layer and the management layer. From the business point of view, a service is corresponding to a real business activity or a certain component of the business activity. Technically, the interface and implementation of services are separate from each other. A service of the presentation layer can communicate with a service provider by calling a certain interface. In this way, transparency of the technology is achieved. In the business layer, BPEL technology is employed to define different combinations of the various types of public services in the service layer and organize services according to business processes in this layer. In this way, the related services can be bundled to a certain business process, which will be a new Web service. This Web service, as a separate application, is used to describe the real business process and achieve the function of business process operation based on SOA. In the management layer, some tools are provided to manage processes. According to the business needs, business processes can be passed through this layer directly or stopped temporarily, or the corresponding interface which the data displayed on can be changed and so on, thus achieve the purpose of SOA. In the presentation layer, WEB2.0 technology is used to provide a business interface with a unified style which shields the difference from the old interfaces. The technology will give people the misconception that all of the functions are provided by a same system. Finally, this paper gives a practical example (a shipyard decided to rebuild its ship-painting management system because of the new business needs), which demonstrates the application of the system integrati
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