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http:/bn.sina.com.cn /tv/2006-07- 11/093820514.htmlProducing a TV show ReadingShark attacks Read the article Shark attacks and find out as much information as you can about sharks: Information about sharks: Para. 1 There are nearly 400 types of sharks.About 30 types attack humans. Some well-known types of sharks that attack humans are great white shark, tiger shark and bull shark.Para. 2Para. 3Sharks do not feed on humans.Three types of shark attacks are hit and run; bump and bite and sneak Four tips on how to avoid being attacked by sharks are: dont swim in the dark or when you have a fresh wound; dont wear colorful or shining things; stay in groups.Para. 4 Para. 5Para. 6 An increase in water sports has led to an increase in shark attacks.Three tips on what to do if a shark attacks are: dont panic; hit the shark on the nose and stick your finger in the sharks eyes.Dont be frightened by sharks. Read the article again and find out what unique senses sharks have, what senses sharks use to attack humans and what people can do to protect themselves.Sharks can see in the dark. To survive: stick your finger in the sharks eye when it attacks you. Sharks can smell blood far away. To survive: hit the shark on the nose when it attacks you. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 91 in your Workbook to have a better understanding of the usage of words and phrases learnt in this section. Planning How to plan it?Work in groups of four to discuss and choose which animal you would like to focus on, and then write down the name of the animal and one of its unique senses. Each of you can be responsible for researching information about one aspect of the animal.Preparing You may go to a zoo, watch an animal documentary, read some books or surf the Internet to get the information you need. While you are doing such things, you need to take notes. You will get together to discuss what should be included in your show. You will make a list which focuses on how the animal uses its senses and think about how to present the information.Producing You each work on a different part of the TV show. When the different parts are put together, read the writing carefully, correct the mistakes and add some new ideas.Presenting Each group will take turns presenting your TV show to the class by showing your work and narrating. Have a discussion to decide which groups TV show is the best, and who is the best storyteller.1. The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans. (p18)be likely to: be expected (to)That is not likely to happen. It isnt likely that he will succeed. Teenage girls are more likely to truant from school but boys are more likely to be removed because of bad behavior, new research has found. 辨析 likely, probably, possibly possible, probable和likely均表示可能性 1. possible表示客观上潜在的可能性,但常 带有实际可能性很小的暗示。 2. probable是有几分根据的推测,语气比 possible强。 Success is possible but hardly probable. 成 功是可能的,但可能性不大。 3. likely侧重表面看来颇有可能,与probable 较近,有时可互用。一般构成短语“to be (un)likely to do”; 或It is likely that “Could we put off the meeting?” she asked. “_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.” (2007江苏)A. Not likely B. Not exactlyC. Not nearly D. Not really高考链接解析:根据答语中“今天是人人都在的唯一一天 ”,我们“不能”推迟会议,表示委婉的否定 对方的提议,故选D。考察交际用语和省略句的 用法。在复习中要掌握一些西方人的表达习惯 说法,尤其是一些简略回答的表达要认真理解 。 Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning. (2000上海)A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally高考链接解析: 前后进行比较,所以用 Similarly 故答案选CMultiple Choices1. -How much do you charge for the puppies?-_ from 30 to 50. A. Somewhere B. Everywhere C. Nowhere D. Anywhere 2. I cant remember exactly when the Blacks left _city. I only remember it was _ Monday.A the ; the B. a; the C. a ; / D. the; a DD3. He got up early this morning _ he would miss the plane. A. in fear B. with fear C. for fear that D. for fear of4. Wed like to hold a party to _ his birthday, but he refused.CAA. observe B. congratulate C. greet D. wish 5. They worked hard so as to find a proper method, _ they could solve the problem.A. by which B. with which C. for which D. in which6. I crossed the street to _ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.A. avoid to meeting B. avoid to meet C. be avoided meeting D. avoid meetingBD7. - The meeting will be held at 8 a.m. on Monday. Can you get there on time?- Yes, I can_.A. make it up B. make it
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