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How are you? How old are you?Ask and answerWhat can you do? What do you like? What can you see? What do you have? Whats this/ that? What are these/ those? What is he/she?How WhatEnglishChinese MathsArtPEMusicWhats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?Whats missing?one, two, threeRead and matchMathsdraw you and meEnglishDo, Re, MiMusicABCArtMaths, Maths, one, two, three;English, English, ABC;Music, Music, Do, Re, Mi;Art, Art, draw you and me.Say a rhymeWhat lessons do you have? We have Chinese, Maths and Art.Magic eyes.Magic eyes.andChineseMathsArtEnglishMusicPEdowhatlesson WehaveyouLets learn!Lets learn!We learn Maths. One, two, three;We learn English. ABC;We learn Music. Do, Re, Mi;We learn Art. Draw you and me.Say a rhymeMagic eyes.Magic eyes.andthreeMiDrawmeLetsplayyouReone WetwoDolearnA: What lessons do you have?B: I have A: What lesson do you like?B: I like Make a dialoguelesson12345MusicEnglishMathsChinesePEArtMondayFridayWednesdayThursdayTuesdayTimetable 12345MusicEnglishMathsChinesePEArtMondayFridayWednesdayThursdayTuesdayTimetable 12345MusicEnglishMathsChinesePEArtMondayFridayWednesdayThursdayTuesdayTimetable 12345MusicEnglishMathsChinesePEArtMondayFridayWednesdayThursdayTuesdayTimetable 12345MusicEnglishMathsChinesePEArtMondayFridayWednesdayThursdayTuesdayTimetable What lessons do you have? TimetableMonTueWedThuFri MorningAfternoonChineseArtMathsMusicPEEnglishMake a dialogueA: What lessons do you have onThursday morning?B: We have.A: What lessons do you have onThursday afternoon?B: We have .ThuMorningAfternoonChineseMathsMusicPEEnglishArtA: What lessons do you have on Thursday? B: We have. A: What lesson do you like? B: I like ThuMorningAfternoonMake a dialogueChineseMathsMusicPEEnglishArtA: What lessons do you have on Monday? B: We haveand.A: What lesson do you like? B: I like MonMorningChinese Maths MusicAfternoonPE English ArtA: What lessons do you have on? B: We have.MonTueWedThuFriA: What lesson do you like? B: I like Chinese ChineseChineseChineseChinesePE PE PEPEPEEnglish EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishMusicMusicMusic Music ArtArtArtArtMathsMathsMathsMathsMusicMathsWhat lessons do you have on? We have .12345MonTueWedThuFriMake and say:1.Listen and number(根据录音给图片编序号)。abc( )( )( )def( )( )( )ghi( )( )( )4912856732、Listen and choose.(选择你所听到的单词。)1).( )AbikeBlikeCkite 2).( )AcanBcatCcap 3.( )A puppetB puzzleC panda 4).( )AfiveBfineCfour 5).( )AatBwhatCthatA A B A B3. Listen and number(听录音,给下列句子编号。)( ) Can you jump? ( ) What can you see? ( ) I have a doll. ( ) Do you like autumn? ( ) What do you have? ( ) I can see a little bird and a little bee.4 5 3 1 6 24Listen and choose the right sentence.(听录音,选一选。) 1.( ) A. I can see a kite. B. I can see two kites. 2. ( ) A. What do you like? B. What do you have? 3. ( ) A. Do you like tigers? B. Do you like this tiger? 4. ( ) A. I have a yo-yo. B. I can see a yo-yo. 5. ( ) A. What can you see? B. What can you do?BAABA6Complete the sentences.(选单词,把句子填完整) 1).( )I like .AdollBdolls2).( )I like this .AdollBdolls 3).( )What you like?AdoBcan 4).( )What you see?AdoBcan 5).( )I see a plane.AcanBhave 6).( )I a toy plane.AcanBhave 7).( )What can you ? I can dance.AdoBsee8).( )What can you ? I can see a cake.AdoBsee9).( )Yes, I .AdoBdont 10).( )No, I .AdoBdontB A A B A B A B A B7. Translation. (翻译)。(1)my: (1)(2) can: (2) (3) your: (4) toy: (5) have: (6) see: 我的能你的玩具有看见8Read and choose. (根据情景,选择正确的句子。) 1). ( ) 当你想问 “你喜欢什么?”时,应该怎么问?A. What do you like? B. Do you like monkeys? 2). ( ) 你想问:“你能做什么”,应该怎么问?A. Can you jumping? B. What can you do? 3). ( ) 当别人问你是否喜欢春天时,你应该回答:A. l like spring. B. Yes, I do. 4). ( ) 当你想问别人有什么东西时,你应该问: A. What do you like? B. What do you have? 5). ( ) 当你想问别人能看见什么时,应该问:A. What can you see? B. What can you do?ABBBA9. Choose the right translation. (选择正确的中文翻译。)( )1. What do you have? A.你有什么? B.你喜欢什么? ( )2. What can you see? A.你能看见什么. B.你能做什么? ( )3. Jumping on the bed. A. 在床上跳. B.在床下跳. ( )4. Whos she? A.她是谁? B.他是谁? ( )5. Can you see three dogs? A. 你能看见一只狗吗? B. 你能看见三只狗 AAAAB10、连词成句。1.What you can see ( ?)2.like Do you summer (?)3.can a plane see I (. )4. Nice meet to you too ( , ) ( . )What canyousee?Doyoulikesummer ?Icanseeaplane. Nicetomeet youtoo. ,
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