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初一英语期末模拟试卷一初一英语期末模拟试卷一初一英语期末模拟试卷I、语音A)从 A、B、C、D 中找出划线部分的读音与所给单词所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项:1bl(ou)se A. d(ou)ble B. c(ou)ld C. c(ou)nt D. y(ou)2b(a)nana A. b(a)ck B. b(a)sket C. f(a)mily D. h(a)ve3l(o)ve A. (o)ther B. (o)ver C. (o)ften D. wh(o)se4p(ear) A. d(ear) B. h(ere) C. (ear)ly D. ch(air)5d(u)ty A. f(u)ll B. l(u)nch C. st(u)dent D. r(u)lerB)用句中划线部分的同音词填空:6Where is my new hat ? I want to _ it .7I want to get _ kilos of meat for supper.8No, I dont _ her name.9Hes going to _ some food by bike .10It isnt right . Please _ it again.C)判断下边每组单词划线部分有几种发音A、一种 B、二种 C、三种 D、四种11(ear)ly d(ear) w(ear) pion(eer)12bef(ore) d(oor) d(au)ghter fl(oor)13(a)fter C(a)nada w(a)nt Austr(a)lia14b(oa)t thr(ow) c(ou)nt fl(ow)er15bl(u)e (u)ncle s(o)ck M(o)ndayII、词汇:A)根据句意及所给首字母,补全下列单词:1Today is Tuesday . And its W_ tomorrow .2You cant buy things in the shop now . Look! Its c_.3Excuse me .Kate , could I borrow you bike . please? Mine is b_.4Mr Green is English . He comes from E_.5Meimei often helps her mother do some h_ at home.Look, she is cooking supper now.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空:6The Chinese people are very _.(friend)7Please give me the _ basket. (shop)8How many _ are there in the picture? (child)9No , the school is very near _ home . (I)10Yes , they are _ books now. (read)C)用句中划线词的反义词填空:11Your bag is big , but mine is _.12Please close the window and _ the door .13Your are right . Im _.14Please carry the light box .Let me carry the _ one.15It isnt easy. Its too _.16Are you in the same class? No, we are in _ classes.17Am I late? No, You are _.18Is this box full ? No, its _.19This coat is dear , but that one is _.20Take off your old coat .Please _ the new one.III、汉英互译1整天_ 2到家_3把收好_ 4半公斤鱼_5想试试_ 6not like at all _7early in the morning_ 8take off_9and so on_ 10do housework_IV、选择填空1My watch broken .Can you _ it for me ?A. mend B. makeC. do D.take2Would you like _?A. drinking somethingB. something to eatC. drink somethingD. anything to eat3Here is your coat. Please_.A. put it onB. wear itC. put on itD. put away it4We often buy some school things _ the shop _ my home.A. in , onB. from , nearC. in , atD. from , to5There _ milk in the bottle.A. isnt muchB. arent muchC. isnt manyD. arent many6I have_ uncle in Shanghai.A. an B. aC. the D./7I want to buy_ .A. two glasses of milkB. two glass of waterC. two glasses of orangesD. two glass of waters8I dont go to school _ Sunday morning.A. at B. inC. on D. for9Are all the things in the car now ? _ .A. Yes , they areB. No , it isntC. Yes , it isD. No , they dont10The machine is _heavy. We cant carry it.A. so B. veryC. too D. much11-Can I borrow an eraser , please?-Sorry , I dont have _ here.A. it B. theyC. one D. much12“I dont like rice,“she _.A. speak B. speaksC. say D. says13- Jim , could you help me , please ?- _?A. Is it brokenB. Whats wrongC. Here you areD. I dont think so14I cant see the kite _ the tree , but I can see many apples _it.A. on ,in B. in,onC. in ,in D. on,on15Dont _these flowers to your home.A. take B. carryC. put D. throw16_ bananas very much.A. My brother and I likeB. My brother and I likesC. I and my brother likeD. I and my brother likes17.the picture! What can you _?A. Look , seeB. Look at , seeC. See , lookD. See , look at18. -Can I throw it like this ?-Yes ,_.A. thats all rightB. thats rightC. thats allD. you are19. I have two brothers . One is a worker , _ is a soldier.A. the otherB. otherC. othersD. the others20. -Would you like a glass of milk ?- _.A. Yes , thanksB. No , thanksC. No , pleaseD. Yes , please not.句型转换1.Jim likes (eggs and bread).(对划线部分提问)_Jim like?2.I like our school (very much).(同上)_you like your school?3.Wu Dong usually leaves school at 5:50.(改一般疑问句)_Wu Dong usually school at 5:50?4.Mr Wang doesnt teach us English.(变肯定句)Mr Wang _English.5.Lucy is having supper now.(改一般现在时)Lucy _ at 6:30.6.The shop closes at this time of day.(改成同义句)The shop _ at this time of day.7.How much fish do you want?(同上)How much fish _ you_ ?8.Put these books on the desk, please.(改否定句)Please _these books on the desk.9.Tom has some nice pictures on the wall.(同上)Tom _ nice pictures on the wall.10.do, your, the, with, farmers, do, machines, what (连词成句).用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Mr Smith _(not teach)French. He _(teach) English in our school.2.Id like _(have)some oranges.3.He likes _(swim)in the river.4.Uncle Wang _(make)a machine there. Cant you see?5.Kate,its time _ (have)supper.6.Now lets _(do)the work.7. _ your brother _ (go)to school at seven in the morning?8.There _ (be)some water in the bottle.9.
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