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WritingPre-writingRecall something about Dr Mary Murray, who worked as a volunteer with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). A: Dr Mary Murray was a volunteer, who worked with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). B: Dr Mary Murray once worked in a clinic in both Malawi and Sudan, which are developing countries in Africa.C: Working conditions in the clinics in the Sudan were very terrible and challenging.D: Medecines Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an organization that provide free medical care to children in poor countries.Writing on Page 36Now write about Dr Murray for the school magazine. 1. who she is 2. reasons why she joined MSF 3. what she did in Malawi 4. what she did in the Sudan 5. the effects on her of her experiences 6. her plans for the futureMeeting Dr Mary Murray Last week I was lucky enough to meet Dr Mary Murray. She has been working as a doctor for the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres for almost the years.Who she is She joined MSF because all her lise she has been eager to help people who might otherwise not get help.The reason why she joined MSFHer first assignment for MSF was to Malawi in 1997, where she worked with young children suffering from HIV/AIDS. She became very upset when she found that there were not enough medicines to cure the children and that so many died. Gradually she saw the situation improve.What she did in MailawiShe made the same commitment to the people of the Sudan when she worked there. But this time her problems were different. The climate and the basic conditions of the clinics made her life very challenging. But she could still laugh about some of her experiences. She admitted that “its amazing what you can do when you have no choice.”What she did in the SudanHer experiences make her grateful for what she has. She is very delighted that she can help people in need. She values her past experiences.The effects on her of her experiences The future seems full and satisfying for Dr Murray. She will be returning to the Sudan to work for MSF for another six months. Then her plans are uncertain. She hopes that it will include returning to work in Africa though.Her plans for the future Good luck Dr Murray! The best wishes of NO 6 Middle School, Jinan go with you. We hope you will keep in touch!A sample of homework Hello Shanshan, My name is Xiao Guang and Im really pleased that I can help you stay at school. Ive heard that you love practising English so Im also practising my English in this letter! Writing task on Page 75Introduc e yourself.Let me tell you a bit about myself. Im 16 years old and I go to No 2 Middle School in Beijing. My favourite subjects at school are maths and science. I have a great group of friends that I play soccer with every lunchtime. In my spare time I like going to the movies and reading.Say something about yourself and the things you like doing.I live with my mum and dad in an apartment on the fifteenth floor. I have two sets of grandparents. My mums parents live far away in Shangdong, but I see my other grandparents often as they live near us. Describ e your familyId love to get a letter from you and to learn about your life in Gansu. Yours sincerely, Xiao GuangLet her know you would like to hear from her.Sign your name.
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