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白领熬夜保养攻略 熬夜人士必备白领族作为“亚健康”症状的高发人群,平时的养生保健是不可以不注意的。身体各部位、各关节的部位保健、营养饮食的调理、生活睡眠的规律变化一不注意,日积月累多方面都会有问题,那么,白领女性日常保健需要注意哪些方面呢?1、应酬过后注意酸碱平衡现代人少不了应酬,饭店的食品虽然美味诱人,但往往脂肪和碳水化合物过高,而维生素和矿物质含量不足,常在外就餐者平时应多食用蔬菜、水果、豆制品、海带、紫菜等食品。在日常生活中,碱性食物有抗疲劳作用。大量的体力劳动后,人体内新陈代谢的产物(乳酸、丙酮)积蓄过多,造成人体体液偏酸性,让人有疲劳感。为了维持体液的酸碱平衡,可多食用以水果为主的碱性食物,如西瓜、桃、李子、杏、荔枝、哈密瓜、樱桃、草莓等。2、白领族谨防“鼠标手”腕管综合征又叫鼠标手,是指人体的正中神经在进入手掌部的经络中,受到压迫所产生的症状,主要会导致食指和中指疼痛、麻木与拇指肌肉无力感。现代越来越多的人每天长时间的接触、使用电脑,这些上网族多数每天重复着在键盘上打字和摆弄鼠标,手腕关节因长期密集、反复和过度的活动,导致腕部肌肉或关节麻痹、肿胀、疼痛、痉挛,使这种病症迅速成为一种日渐普遍的现代文明病。有人将这种不同于传统手部损伤的症状群称为鼠标手。不要连续在电脑前工作过长的时间,在连续使用鼠标一个小时之后就需要做一做放松手部的活动。现实生活中发现,鼠标的位置越高,对手腕的损伤越大;鼠标的距离距身体越远,对肩的损伤越大。因此,鼠标应该放在一个稍低位置,这个位置相当于坐姿情况下,上臂与地面垂直时肘部的高度。键盘的位置也应该和这个差不多。很多电脑桌都没有鼠标的专用位置,这样把鼠标放在桌面上长期工作,对人的损害不言而喻。3、光照半小时让“心”放松生活在社会上难免有这样那样的痛苦和烦恼,要想应付各种挑战,重要的是通过心理调节维持心理平衡。日光照射可以改变大脑中某些信号物质的含量,使人情绪高涨,愿意从事富有挑战的活动。在上午光照半小时对经常萎靡、有抑郁倾向的人效果尤为明显。4、小妙招让 OL 久坐不累大腿与地面平行。将椅子调高,使大腿与地面平行,可以降低对肌肉、肌腱和骨骼的压力,预防肌肉骨骼疾病;选择靠背椅,在腰部放一个卷起的毛巾或靠枕。手、手腕和前臂在一条直线上,使小臂放在办公桌上时肘部成直角;头部和身体保持直线,稍微前倾;肘部应靠近身体,弯曲 90120 度为宜;双肩放松,上臂自然下垂;双脚平放在地板上;椅子最好加个垫子。5、熬夜加班也要保养熬夜族要多喝白开水,因为熬夜族身体很容易缺水。但不宜饮用咖啡或浓茶,因为咖啡或浓茶会引起失眠,也会相对消耗体内 B 族维生素,缺乏 B 族维生素的人容易疲劳,如果常饮咖啡或浓茶可能因此形成恶性循环。熬夜加班,也要有技巧,才能依然身体硬朗。否则,铁打的身体,也受不了如此的日夜操劳呢!6、在办公室喝什么饮品最健康工作之余多喝茶叶水,可起到清热解暑的功效。但是喝得太多会影响矿物质的吸收。此外,就餐时喝茶水是一种不健康的习惯。咖啡作为时尚饮品,少量饮用有利健康,但不易大量饮用。碳酸饮料的摄入对健康没有好处,不建议长期饮用。Stay up to white-collar health care six pointsWhite-collar workers as a “sub“ a high risk of symptoms , the usual health care is not inadvertent . Body parts , parts of each joint health, nutrition diet conditioning , life changes . a regular sleep carelessly , over time many will have problems , then white-collar womens daily health needs attention to what areas?1 , socialize attention after acid-base balanceUltimately, modern entertainment, http:/blaneyex.com the hotels food though tempting , but often too fat and carbohydrates , and vitamins and minerals deficiency , often outside diners usually should eat more vegetables, fruits, soy products , kelp, seaweed and other foods .In daily life , alkaline foods have anti-fatigue effect. After a lot of physical labor , the product of human metabolism ( lactic acid, acetone ) accumulate too much , resulting in human body fluids acidic , people have fatigue. In order to maintain acid-base balance of body fluids can eat more fruit-based alkaline foods such as watermelon , peach, plum , apricot, lychee , melon, cherry, strawberry and so on.2 , white-collar workers to guard against the “mouse hand“Carpal tunnel syndrome is also called the mouse in hand , http:/chaoyuptc.com refers to the median nerve in the bodys meridians into the palm , the symptoms produced by compression , index finger and middle finger major cause pain, numbness and thumb muscles powerlessness. More and more people every day modern prolonged contact , the use of computers, most of these online family repeated every day typing on the keyboard and playing with a mouse, wrist due to prolonged intensive , repeated and excessive activity , resulting in paralysis of the muscles or joints wrist , swelling , pain, spasm, so that the disease rapidly becoming an increasingly common disease of modern civilization . Was this kind of different from the traditional hand injury symptom clusters called mouse hand .Do not continuously work at the computer long time, after one hour of continuous use the mouse needs to do a hand s doing relaxing activities . Found in real life , the higher the position of the mouse , the greater the damage on the wrist ; http:/ntguanfen.com mouse farther distance away from the body , the greater the damage on the shoulder .Thus , the mouse should be placed in a lower position , this position is equivalent to the case of sitting , the upper arm and the elbow height perpendicular to the ground . Position of the keyboard , and this should also be the same. Many computer tables have no special position of the mouse , so the mouse on the desktop, long-term work , damage to persons self-evident.3 , light half an hour so that the “heart “ RelaxLiving in the community will inevitably have this kind of pain and trouble , in order to meet the challenges , it is important to maintain psychological balance through psychological adjustment .Sunlight can change some signals in the brain substance content , people sentiment, willing to engage in challenging activities . Half an hour in the morning light on the often apathetic, depressive tendencies effect is particularly evident.4 , a small coup so tired OL sedentaryThighs parallel to the ground . Will raise the chair so your thighs are parallel to the ground , you can reduce the muscle, tendon and bone pressure , http:/szdingyun.com prevention of musculoskeletal disorders ; choose chairs, at the waist put a rolled up towel or pillow .Hands, wrists and forearms in a straight line , so that the arm on the desk when the elbow at a right angle ; head and body remain straight , lean forward slightly ; elbows should be close to the body , bent at 90 t
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