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Unit 2 A Magic DayIn a desertWWow! What a beautiful desert!在沙漠里哇!多么美丽的沙漠啊!WI feel hungry . Lets have lunch我感到饿了。我们去吃午餐吧。WWhat did you eat this morning? WI ate cheese, chocolate, chicken, and ice cream.你今天早晨吃什么了?我吃了奶酪、巧克力、鸡肉和冰激 淋。WwnbnthingDid you drink anything this morning?Wow! What a beautiful desert!Wwnbnthingdhdshhh nniNo, I didnt. Im thirsty now.你今天早晨喝了什么吗?不,我没有。我现在渴了。Oh, a bottle of water! I want it!哦,一瓶水!我想要它!Wow! What a beautiful desert!Thats not water! Thats a magic lamp!那不是一瓶水!那是一盏神 灯!Oh, Gogo!Oh, its fun!哦,Gogo!哦,好有趣!gowent 去Whats did you do this morning?I went to the park.eatate 吃Whats did you eat this morning?I ate an apple.Whats did you do last night?I wrote a letter.writewrote 写readread 读Whats did she do last night?She read a book.Whats did he do last night?He made a model.makemade 做riderode 骑Whats did he do last night?He rode bike. singsang 唱Whats did she do last night?He sang a song.drinkdrank 喝Whats did he drink this morning?He drank juice.go/wenteat/atemake/madewrite/wroteride/rodedrink/dranksing/sangread/readWhat did you do this morning? I read a book. Did you go to the beach after that? No, I didnt. I went to the park.之后
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