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材料:香菇,西兰花,酥肉,蚝油,盐,生姜,大蒜,水淀粉做法:1.香菇去掉头 ,冲洗干净沥干2.西兰花掰成小朵,冲洗干净后,放入盆子里,加入一勺盐泡30分钟3.锅里烧开水4.水开后放适量的盐和几滴油,下入西兰花焯水一分钟,捞出沥干5.在放入香菇焯水一分钟,捞出6.生姜和大蒜切成细末7.酥肉适量的待用8.锅里放少量的油,油热后下入大蒜,姜末爆香9.下入酥肉翻炒10.下入香菇继续翻炒,调入盐适量11.下入西兰花,调入蚝油和胡椒粉,大火翻炒起锅装盘12.锅里放少量的清水,加入盐和蚝油烧开,倒上淀粉勾芡,淋在装盘的西兰花上即可小贴士:1、西兰花用盐水浸泡,可去除里面的虫子2、西兰花要保持脆感,在焯水和炒制时火侯都不要太大。3、因为蚝油很鲜美了,不要在加鸡粉之类Materials: mushroom, broccoli, crisp flesh, oyster sauce, salt, ginger, garlic, water starch Practice: 1. The mushroom to turn around, rinse and drain 2. Broccoli break into small parts,http:/www.yulematou.com/, after rinse, into the basin, add a spoonful of salt to soak for 30 minutes 3. The pot to boil water 4. Put the right amount of salt and a few drops of water boiled oil, down to the broccoli for a minute and remove to drain 5. In add mushrooms for a minute, take it out 6. At the end of the ginger and garlic cut into thin 7. Crisp meat in moderation 8. Put a small amount of oil in the pan, oil after hot into the garlic and ginger until fragrant 9. Down to the crisp meat, stir fry Down to the mushroom and continue to stir, a salt 11. Down to the broccoli, call in oyster sauce and pepper and stir fry dish up the fire on the plate 12. The pan put a small amount of water, add salt and oyster sauce boil, pour on starch flour, drizzle on the plate of broccoli Tip: 1, broccoli use saline soak, can remove the inside of the worm 2 to keep crisp feeling,http:/www.yulematou.com/post/934.html, broccoli and when blanch and making fire is not too big. 3, because of the oyster sauce is very delicious, dont add chicken powder and so on
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