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吕桂艳 contribution n./u,c/ 贡献(物) 【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】make contributions to做出贡献 control n. 本可以 I wish it could be clear up. 天如能放晴,该多好。He didnt regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.他并不后悔说出自己的事, 但觉得还可以用其他的方 式来表达。He could have gone with him, but then he didnt finish his homework. 他本可以和他一起走, 但当时他没有完成作业。count v.记数,计算认为,看作 I count him among my closest friends.我把他当作我最亲密的朋友之 一。值得考虑,有价值,重要 It doesnt who you are; what really counts is your performance.你是谁 并不重要,重要的是你的表现。 【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】count on sb. /sth. to do sth. ; count on ones doing sth. ; count on it that 依赖/指望 (某人做某事) counter cn.计算器,计算者;柜台,结帐处country cn.国家农村,乡下 Which do you prefer to live in a city or in the country?你喜欢住在城里还 是乡下?【同义词辨析同义词辨析】country, nation, state, powercountry 侧重疆土等地理概念;nation 侧重组成国家的国民或民族;state 在英式英语中指政权、国 体等政治概念。在美式英语中 the state 通常指州;power 侧重指强国,大国。 countryside un. 乡下,农村couple cn. 夫妇,情侣一对,一双 a couple of socks 一双袜子【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】a couple of 两个,两三个【同义词辨析同义词辨析】couple, paircouple 通常指在一起或相互有关系的两个同样的事物。pair 指两个相对称的部分构成的一件物品, 如“剪刀”,“裤子”等。 courage cn.勇气,胆略【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】 have the courage to do sth. 有勇气去做keep up ones courage 不泄气,不气 馁lose courage 丧失勇气take up courage 鼓起勇气course cn.过程,经过 the course of history 历史进程课程一道菜【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】of course 当然in/during the course of 在期间 court n./u,c/法庭,法院 a civil court 民事法庭 a criminal court 刑事法庭=court martial courtyard cn. 庭院,院子(可简写为 court) cousin cn. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姊妹 cover cn.盖子;覆盖物;(书的)封面 v.覆盖遮盖,掩盖 Lies cannot cover up facts.谎言掩盖不住 事实。占(时间或空间)The town covers 5 square miles. 小镇占地 5 平方英里。行过(路程)I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 我想在天黑之前走完 100 英里。报道 The best reporters were sent to cover the accident. 最优秀的记者被派去报道那个事故。支付 Will 100yuan cover the bill? 一百 元够付账单的吗?包括,论及 The review covered everything we learned last term. 这次复习包括上 学期我们所学的全部课程。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】be covered with 被覆盖 cowboy cn. (北美)牛仔,牧场骑士 co-worker cn. 合作者,同事 craft cn. 工艺,手艺,行业crash v.碰撞,堕落 The car cashed on the bend, killing the driver. 车子在转弯出了意外,司机遇难。 (商业界)突然失败,倒闭 The New York Stock Exchange crashed in 1929. 纽约证卷交易所在 1929 年突然倒闭。n. 碰撞,堕落,坠毁 a plain / train / car crash 空难/火车意外事故/汽车意外事 故突然的响声(商业)失败,倒闭 crayon cn. 蜡笔,蜡笔画 marking crayon 标记彩色笔crazy adj.(crazier, craziest)疯狂的,精神错乱的 Hes crazy to drive so fast. 他把车开得这样快,真是 发疯了。着迷的,狂热的 Shes crazy about drawing. 她热衷于绘画。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】be crazy about 热衷于,醉心于drive sb. crazy 逼得某人发疯like crazy 发 疯地go crazy 发狂的 cream n./u,c/ 奶油,乳汁 ice cream 冰淇淋 create vt. 创造,制造,产生 adj. creative 有创造力的,创造性的 n. creation 创造,创造物Deserts are created by climate changes. 沙漠是由天气变化产生的。creature cn. 生物(人,动物)credit n./u,c/ 信用,信誉 a man of high credit 及有名望/信誉的人 academic credit 学分信赖 Dont place too much credit in hearsay. 不要过于相信道听途说。信贷,债权 personal credit 个人信贷 educational credit 教育贷款 crew n.(集体名词)全体乘务员,全体船员,工作人员 crime n./u,c/ 罪行,犯罪 a capital crime 死罪 commit a crime 犯罪 worse than a crime 罪大恶极 criminal cn. 罪犯,犯人 adj.犯罪的,刑事的 criminal cases 刑事案件 criminal act 犯罪行为 criminal attempt 犯罪未遂 crisis n./u,c/ (pl. crises)危机,存亡之际 criterion cn. (pl. criteria) 标准,尺度,规范 admission criterion 录取标准 marking criterion 评分标准crop cn. 农产品,农作物收获,收成 They get two crops of rice a year. 他们一年收获两季水稻。 cross vt.越过,穿过 cn.十字形,十字架,交叉 The old lady made a sign of cross on her breast at the sad news.听到这伤心的消息,老太太在胸前划了一个十字。adj.脾气不好的,易怒的 I was cross with him for being late.他迟到了,我很生气。 (=be angry with) crossing cn.十字路口,人行横道 zebra crossing 斑马线/人行横道线 crossroads cn.(单复同)交叉路口 at the crossroads 在交叉路口crowd cn.人群 A crowd of people were waiting in front of the gate.一大群人在门前等着。拥挤,挤 满 So many people crowded into the crowded hall. 许多人挤进了拥挤不堪的大厅。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】in the crowd(s)在人群中 be crowded with 挤满了 a crowd of 一群,一堆in crowds 成群,大群地 cruel adj.残忍的,残酷的,引起痛苦的 n. cruelty 残忍,残酷,痛苦 a cruel punishment/disease/remark 残酷的惩罚/痛苦的疾病/尖刻的话语 It was cruel of him to treat workers like that.他那样对待工人太残 酷了。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】be cruel to 对残忍cry cn.哭声,哭喊声 have a good cry 痛痛快快哭一场呼喊声 We heard a distant cry of warning.我们 听见远处传来一声警告的呼喊声。V.喊叫 The boy cried for help. 男孩大声呼救。She started to cry when she heard the dad news. 当听到这个悲痛的消息时,她开始哭了起来。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】cry out for help 大声呼救cry over 为而哭泣 cube cn.立方,立方体 magic cube 魔方 water cube 水立方 The cube of 2 is 8. 2 的 3 次幂是 8。adj.cubic 立方体的,立方形的 a cubic foot 1 立方英尺 cubic content 体积,容积 cuisine un.烹饪,烹调风格 Spanish cuisine 西班牙烹饪 culture n./u,c/文化,文明 ancient culture 古代文化 a man of culture 有教养的人 adj. cultural 文化的 cultural heritage 文化遗产 cupboard cn.橱柜cure cn. 疗法,药剂 Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds. 阿司匹林是治感冒的良药。vt.治疗,治 愈 The doctor cured her of her heart attack.医生治好了她的心脏病。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】beyond cure 不可救药cure sb. of .治愈某人的疾病 curious adj.好奇的,渴望知道的 It is curious that he should know nothing about the matter.真是奇怪,他 对此事竟一无所知。【常用短语常用短语/句型句型】be curious about 对某事感到好奇be curious to do 很想做 currency n. /u,c/ 货币,现金 a paper currency 纸币 curriculum cn. (pl. curriculums, curricula) 课程 high school curriculum 中学课程curtain cn. 窗帘,门帘 behind the curtain 在幕后,秘密 cushion cn.垫子,坐垫custom n./u,c/ 习惯,习俗 social custom
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