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必修一 UNITS 3句型公式妙笔生花以“过过低碳生活”为话题为话题 的常用句式1With the changing climate and severe pollution,I strongly believe we should all be living lowcarbon lives today.随着气候变变化和环环境的严严重污污染,我强烈建议议我们现们现 在应该应该过过低碳生活。2Living a lowcarbon life is a good way to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.低碳生活是减少温室气体排放的一项项好措施。3At home,I shall only turn on the lights if necessary,take shorter showers and keep the refrigerator and air conditioners in the lowcarbon mode to save energy.在家里,我会在必要时时才打开灯,淋浴时间时间 短些,为节为节 省能源,把冰箱、空调调调调 到节节能状态态。4In my opinion,riding bicycles instead of using cars can make a great difference to the problem.依我看来,骑骑自行车车而不是开私家车对车对 解决这这个问题问题 有重大意义义。5When shopping,Ill limit the use of plastic bags and whenever possible,I will separate my rubbish into nonrecyclable and recyclable waste.购购物时时,我将限制使用塑料袋,可能的话话,我实实施垃圾分类类。Unit 3 Travel journal游记记本节目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动基础盘点自测自评核心单词单词 1_ n运输输2 _ n费费用3 _ vt.说说服;劝说劝说4 _ adv.最后;终终于5 _ n时间时间 表;进进度表 vt.为为某事安排时间时间6 _ adj.顽顽固的;固执执的7 _ n旅行;旅程8 _ n弯;拐角 vt.使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰9 _ n态态度;看法transport farepersuadefinally schedulestubborn journeybendattitude10 _ n预报预报11 _ n保险险12 _ n风风景;视视野;观观点;见见解 vt.观观看;注视视;考虑虑13 _ vt.更喜欢欢;选择选择 某事物(而不选择选择 其他事物)preference n偏爱爱;爱爱好14 _ n不利条件;不便之处处advantage(反义词义词 )有利条件;优势优势15 _ vi. 毕业毕业 ;n.大学毕业毕业 生graduation n毕毕业业;毕业毕业 典礼forecastinsuranceviewpreferdisadvantagegraduate16_ vt. 组织组织 ;成立organizer n组织组织 者organization n. 组织组织 organized adj.有组织组织 的17 _ vt.决定;确定;下定决心determined adj. 坚坚决的;有决心的determination n决心18 _ adj. 可信赖赖的;可靠的rely vi.依靠;依赖赖organizedeterminereliable高频频短语语1_ 从那以后2 _喜爱爱;喜欢欢3 _ 关心;忧虑忧虑 ;惦惦念4 _ 改变变主意5 _ 下决心;决定6 _投降;屈服;让让步7 _照常8 _在午夜9 _在某处处或某一时时刻ever sincebe fond of care aboutchange ones mindmake up ones mindgive in as usual at midnight at one point 10 _张贴张贴 ;搭建11 _ 一方面,另一方面12 _.迫不及待地做某事put up for one thing.for anothercant/can hardly wait to do sth典型句式1ever since与现现在完成时连时连 用Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I _taking a great bike trip.从高中起,我和我姐姐王薇就梦想进进行一次了不起的自行车车旅行。2insist that从句的虚拟语拟语 气Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that_.尽管她对对去某些地方的最佳路线线并不清楚,她却坚坚持要自己把这这次旅行安排得尽善尽美。have dreamed aboutshe organize the trip properly3beadj.主动动形式的动词动词 不定式When I told her the air would _and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience.当我告诉诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难难,而且天气很冷时时,她却说这说这 将是一次有趣的经历经历 。4.“No matter疑问词问词 ”引导让导让 步状语语从句A determined person always tries to finish the job,_. 有决心的人总总是努力完成工作,不管它有多么难难。5Once引导导条件状语语从句_, nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变变。be hard to breatheno matter how hard it isOnce she has made up her mind单单元语语法现现在进进行时时1(2013哈尔滨滨高三模拟拟)Anna,where_you _with so many things in your hands?To my office.It has been moved to the third floor.Aare;heading Bwill;headChave;headed Ddo;head解析:选选A。考查时态查时态 。根据语语意可知此处问话处问话 人在询问询问Anna“手里拿着这这么多东东西前往哪里”,故用现现在进进行时时。2(2013山东潍东潍 坊质检质检 )My headache _ me.I thought it was going away,but now its getting worse and worse.Ais killing Bwas killingCkills Dkilled解析:选选A。从but now its getting worse and worse可知“我现现在头头疼得厉厉害”。故用现现在进进行时时。3(2013唐山高三第一次模拟拟)Tony found a better job in Beijing and _ in a middle school there now.Ataught Bhas taughtCis teaching Dwill teach解析:选选C。考查时态查时态 。根据时间时间 状语语“now”可知,应应用现现在进进行时时。做题时题时 不要受“found”的干扰扰,此处处“and”前后两个句子表达的时间时间 概念不一致。4John seems happy,even though his wife left him and he lost his job.I think he _ to put on a brave face.Awill try Bhas triedCtries Dis trying解析:选选D。考查时态查时态 。句意:约约翰似乎很高兴兴,即使他妻子离开了他,他失去了工作。我想他在竭力扮出一副勇敢的面孔。表示目前正在干某事,用现现在进进行时时。5(2013长长沙模考)Jill couldnt have noticed Frank for he _ two rows behind her.Awas sitting Bis sittingChad sat Dhas sat解析:选选A。考查时态查时态 。由句中的“couldnt have noticed”可知,此处处是在叙述发发生在过过去的事情,由此可排除B、D两项项,C项项是过过去的过过去,时间时间 不对对,故选选A。句意:吉尔不可能注意到弗兰兰克,因为为他当时时正坐在她后面的两排。考点串讲讲练互动单词单词 精研1. prefer vt. 更喜欢欢;选择选择 某事物(而不选择选择 其他事物)(教材P17)Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train?你更愿意用哪种交通工具:汽车还车还 是火车车?Im quite satisfied,and I prefer to rent such an apartment rather than buy one.我非常满满足,与其买买房子我更愿意去租一套这样这样 的房子。The children preferred cycling to the countryside to staying indoors all the day.孩子们们宁可骑骑自行车车到乡乡下去,也不愿整天呆在家里。We preferred that they (should) take our advice seriously.我们们更希望他们们会认认真对对待我们们的建议议。2.persuade vt. 劝说劝说 ;说说服(教材P18)Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she pers
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