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电影电影机器人历险记机器人历险记的英文剧本的英文剧本Robots script-There you go. -Thanks. Im gonna be a dad! I just talked to my wife. My babys gonna be delivered any minute. -Hey, get out of the way. -Hey, Im gonna be a dad. Congratulate me. Good for you, Herb. Dont even think about it. Hey! Sorry. How are you? Nice to see you. Im gonna be a dad! Congrats! Hey, Mr. Nuts, did you hear the news? -Yeah. -Beautiful day, isnt it? Im here. Im here. -Im here. -Oh, honey, Im so sorry. You missed the delivery. Its okay. Making the babys the fun part. Honey, I think youve got the wrong. No, I dont need to see the directions. Push, push. Push! Twelve hours of labor. Oh, but it was worth it. Look at him. Look at him. Rodney Copperbottom. Hes got your moms eyes and my dads nose. I knew we were smart to save those parts. This Copperbottom will do great things for the world, I can feel it. -Honey? -What? Whats that extra piece? Oh, no, they always put in an extra- We did want a boy, right? This wont hurt a bit, son. Got your nose. Got your nose. Got your- -Hi, son. -Are those my big-boy parts? They sure are. Theyre not shiny. Well, theyre not brand-new. Theyre preowned. So- Theyre hand-me-downs from your cousin Jeffrey. And theyre only for a year. Hey, Dad, whos that? That, Rodney, is Bigweld. The greatest robot in the world. I thought you were the greatest robot in the world. No, besides me. Hes the head of Bigweld lndustries. He invents things that make everyones life better. -Could I meet him? -Sure, maybe someday. -Dad? -Y eah? -What do you do? -Me? I work in a big, fancy restaurant. Im a dishwasher. And now, live from Robot City, its The Bigweld Show. Oh, yeah! Come on, Dad, you re missing it. All right, Rodney. All right, l m coming. Im coming. I had to bring work home with me again, Im sorry. Mr. Gunk has really been piling it on. And now, the host of our show, Bigweld. Welcome. This week I thought you d like to take a look around Bigweld Industries. This here is the front gate. Kind of cute, ain t it? -Good morning, Tim. -Good morning, Mr. Bigweld, sir. Tim, who closed the front gate? Well, I just thought since- We never shut the gate, Tim. Shutting this gate means shutting out fresh ideas. See, every day, robots come here from hither and yon. .bringing us new ideas. And I listen to every single one of them. So remember, whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts. .you can shine no matter what youre made of. Hes talking to me, Dad. He sure is, son. He sure is. Okay, folks, lets get to inventing. You know, I love to tinker. .but all the tinkering in the world isn t useful unless it starts with a good idea. So look around for a need and start coming up with ideas to fill that need. One idea will lead to another, and before you know it. .youve done it. See a need, fill a need. Thats it, Dad. I have to look for. .a need. Easy, now. -Hey there, sport. -Oh, hi. These are your 1 2-year-old parts. Theyre- Hand-me-downs. I know, Dad. -I dont mind. -They are from your cousin. .Veronica. You know how popular she is. Thanks. Oh, hey. Hey. Soon as you reach the age where your warranty expires, you start falling apart. Pretty soon theres gonna be more duct tape than me. -Can I try it now, Dad? -Oh, Rodney- -Have you worked all the kinks out of it? -This is gonna make your job easy. I invented it for you. Okay. Lets try it. Great. Okay, this is it. Wonderbot, go to work. Yeah, yeah. Hey! Copperbottom! -Mr. Gunk. -What is that? -Oh, that. My son made it. -Whats it doing? Mr. Gunk, please, youre making it nervous. Its wrecking my kitchen! -Ill stop it. -No! Your son, huh? It wasnt his fault. He had nothing to do with it. Yes, sir, hes a brilliant boy. An inventor. You, clean up this mess. And, you, get out. Inventor. Youre the hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, and thats all youll ever be. Somebody scrape this crud off of me. And serve it to the customers. Roundtrip or one-way? One-way. There you are. I told you Id find him. -Its a mothers instinct. -lnstinct? He left us a note: “Im leaving. Ill be at the train station. “ Never mind. Pick up that suitcase. Youre coming home. No, Mom. I have to do this. Im going to Robot City tonight. Im gonna get a job and Im gonna help Dad pay back Mr. Gunk. Talk to him. -Ro- -Robot City? Youre just a kid. Im never gonna be someone here. I wanna be an inventor. I wanna meet Bigweld. I wanna be somebody. You are somebody. Somebody whos not getting on that train. -Yes, I am. -Talk to him. -One ticket for Robot City. -Where are you going? -Not me. Him. -But. Rodney, did you know that when I was your age, I wanted to be a musician? I played pretty well too. .but my dad was worried I wouldnt be able to make a living. So I got refitted to be a dishwasher. Now, Im not complaining. But Ive always said to myself. .if I could do it over again, I would follow my dream. Youve got greatness in you, Ro
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