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友益英语学校 Lesson 1-2 一、根据课文情景完成对话。 A:Excuse me B:_? A: Is this your pencil-case? B:_? A:Is this your pencil-case? B:_. Thank you very much. 二、请写出汉语意思。 1.handbag _ 2.umbrella _ 3.desk_ 4.table_ 5.shirt_ 6.excuse_ 7.watch_ 8.coat_ 9.dress_ 10. skirt_ 三、将下列陈述句变成一般疑问句。 1.This is your umbrella. _? 2.Thats your watch. _? 3.This is his coat. _? 4.Thats his shirt. _? 5.They are your classmates. _? Lesson 3-4 一、根据课文情景完成对话。 A:My coat and my umbrella, please. _. B:Thank you, sir, Number five. _. A:This is not my umbrella. B:_. Is this your umbrella? A:_. B:Is this it? A:_. Thank you very much. 二、请写出汉语意思。 1.car _ 2.house_3.suit _ 4.school_ 5.teacher_ 6.son _ 7.daughter _ 8.ticket_ 9.number_ 10. bus _ 三、将下列句子变成否定句。 1.This is my watch. _. 2.Thats your suit. _. 3.This is their school. _. Lesson 5-6 一、根据课文情景完成对话。 A:_. B:Good morning, Mr. Blake. A:_. Alice is a new student. She is French. A:Alice, _ Hans. B:How do you do? A:_? 二、完形填空。 1.-Good morning, Mrs Read. -_. A. Im OK.B. Im fine. C. Thank you.D. Good morning. 2.-How do you do? -_. A. How are you?B. How old are you? C. How do you do?D.Thank you very much. 3.-How are you, Miss Wang? -_. A. How are you, Miss Gao. B. Im fine, thank you. C. Youre right, Im fine. D. Thank you. 4.-_! Are you Mr. Chen? -No, Im not. -_. A. Hello, GoodB. Sorry, Excuse me友益英语学校 C. Hello, OKD. Excuse me, Sorry 5.-Excuse me! -_? -Is this your handbag? -No, it isnt. A. Excuse meB. Pardon C. SorryD. Yes 三、请写出汉语意思。 1.morning _ 2.afternoon _ 3.evening_ 4.student_ 5.Swedish _ 6.French_ 7.German _ 8.American_ 9.English_ 10. Russian_ 四、就划线部分提问。 1.My name is Mary. _? 2.Its a Volvo. _? 3.My skirt is red. _? 4.He is American. _? 5.I am in Row 5. _? Lesson 7-8 一、根据课文情景完成对话。 A:I am a new student. My name is Robert. B:How do you do? My names Alice. _? A:Im Italian. Are you a teacher? B:No, _. A:_. B:Im a typist. _? A:Im an engineer. 二、下列每组单词中有一个拼写错误,请找 出 1.A. polacemanB. taxi-driver C. postmanD. mechanic2.A. air-hostessB. teacher C. workerD. horsewife 3.A. nurseB. doctor C. barbarD. bus-driver 4.A. typistB. engineer C. milkmanD. postman 5.A. EnglishB. Swedish C. ItilianD. French 6.A. AmericanB. Greek C. RussianD. Spanesh 7.A. GermanB. Brazilian C. JapaniseD. Chinese 三、连词成句。 1.am, I, student, new, a _ 2.What, you , are, nationality _ 3.Your, is, Mr. Blake, teacher _ 5.coat, my, please, umbrella, and, my _ 6.is, a, Alice, student, new, French, is, she _ 7.job, your, is, what _ 三、按要求完成句子。 1.She is their daughter.(改为一般疑问句) _? 2.He is our teacher.(变为否定句) _. 3.It is my car. (对划线部分提问) _? 4.She _ a typist.(用 am/is/are 填空)5.He is a policeman.(变为一般疑问句,并 作肯定回答) _? Yes, _. 6.-Whats _ job?(用 her, his, my, 友益英语学校 your 填空) -He is a taxi-driver. Lesson9-10 一、用 a, an 或 the 填空。 1.It is _ apple. 2.That is _ egg. 3.This is _ old desk. 4.Thats _ English car. _ car is red. 5._ girl in the car is Lucy. 6.I have _ new book. 二、按要求写出下列各词。 1.it(物主代词)_ 2.fat(反义词)_ 3.short(反义词)_ 4.clean(反义词)_ 5.cold(反义词)_ 6.young(反义词)_ 7.busy(反义词)_ 8.mother(对应词)_ 9.brother(对应词)_ 10. he(物主代词)_ 三、完成每组对话。 1.A: How are you today? B:_. 2.A: Nice to meet you. B:_. 3.A: Good morning. B:_. 4.A:Hows Stella? B:_. Lesson 11-12 一、从括号中选择适当的词完成句子。 1._ brother is a teacher. (He/His) 2.Whats _ job? (you/your) 3.Thank _ very much. (you/your) 4.This is _ handbag. (my/I) 5._
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