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Lesson 19 Family学习目标 1、能听、说、读、写family(家庭), father( 父亲) mother(母亲 )brother(哥哥、弟弟) sister(姐姐、妹妹)。 2、能听懂、会说、认识me look in 3、能用This is my 介绍自己的家庭成 员。. 1.Introuduce youself and your friend 介绍一下自己和自己的朋友Hi /Hello. My name isThis is my friend个人展示我最棒.2. Introuduce yourself body 介绍自己的身体器官 This is my. Can you use a word to describe them? 你能找一个词形容这一张张的图片吗?新知学习闯一闯跟我学family家庭,家人Lets watch and think.看一看,想一想。Lets learn new words father mother this brother that sister me。Danny来介绍.怎样介绍 自己?This is my合作学习:小组内互相介绍自己的家人 This is my. This is me.Lets chantfather mother是一家,brother,brother兄弟俩,sister,sister是姐妹花, family,family幸福家。 What can you see?Lets sing !小组内交流并展示这节课我学会了:. Introduce your family to more Classmates in English. 用英语向更多的同学介绍自己的家人。 Try to do something four your parents. 为长辈做一些力所能及的小事。.
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