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统计工作中“数据误差”产生的主要原因 In the statistical work in the “ error “ produces the main reason统计工作中的统计方法、手段,还需要进一步的规范和完善。因此在数据采用及事理分析中,就容易产生错误,造成统计数据质量下降,影响统计工作。 第一,行政部门领导干部的干预,领导干预对统计信息的准确性的影响非常大,多年以来,由于受到领导干部业绩考核指标的影响,许多基层干部出于无奈,不得不故意虚报统计数据,来为自己的“政绩”增光添彩。同时,其主管部门对此也处于无奈的窘境。第二,统计数据采集不准确。数据采集是统计数据的源头,力求统计信息准确就必须保证所采集的数据是真实的。现在的现状是:(1)报表人责任心不强,报表随意性大。(2)报表人员素质不高,对报表不理解。(3)很多的企业不重视统计,有的则是会计人员兼职。(4)某些地区、部门、行业,出于对自身利益的考虑,故意瞒报统计数据,以达到少缴、甚至不缴国家规定必须缴的一些规费、税金,从而导致了国家的相关规费、税费的大量流失。而这些地区、部门、行业,却因此而得到了大量的不当收益。第三,虽然我国的统计工作已经与国际接轨,但由于我国正在建设有中国特色的社会主义市场经济,现阶段仍处于发展中国家的阶段。First, the http:/www.tadew.cn http:/www.tastdmp.com http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com administrative departments of leading cadres of the intervention, the impact of leadership intervention on accuracy of statistical information is very large, over the years, due to the impact of the performance evaluation of leading cadres, many grassroots cadres as it cannot be helped, to intentionally false statistical data, to their own “achievement “ Zengguang luster. At the same time, the authorities have also is helpless. Second, the statistical data is not accurate. Data acquisition is the source of statistical data, and strive to accurate statistics and you must ensure that the collected data is true. Now the situation is: ( 1 ) the report responsibility heart is not strong, reporting arbitrariness. ( 2 ) the quality of reporting staff is not high, lack of understanding of the report. ( 3 ) many enterprises do not attach importance to statistics, some of it is accountant part-time. ( 4 ) in some areas, departments, industry, out of their own interests, deliberately conceal statistical data, in order to pay less, dont even pay the state provisions must pay some fees, taxes, resulting in a large number of relevant fees, the loss of national tax. And these regions, departments, industry, therefore it is improper benefits a lot of. Third, although the statistical work in our http:/www.tadew.cn http:/www.tastdmp.com http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com country has been in line with international standards, but because our country is building a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, at this stage is still in developing stage. Methods statistical methods, statistical work, also need to further standardize and improve the. So in the data and logic analysis, prone to error, resulting in the decline of the quality of statistical data, statistical work.针对我国目前统计工作中存在的“数据误差”应对的策略 In view of the current statistical work of the existing “ errors “ strategy1.加大对统计工作的宣传力度。力争使每一位统计参与者,特别是党政领导干部都要了解统计工作对我国国民经济建设起的巨大作用,努力提高他们对统计工作的正确认识,得到他们对统计工作的支持。开展统计法制教育,以法治统。通过多种多样的形式进行普及统计法的教育,从思想上提高他们对提高统计数据质量的认识,促使他们在实际工作中坚持原则,敢于同影响统计数字真实性的违法行为作斗争,真正做到以法治统。其次,还可对统计人员进行统计法的理论考试,让法深入人心,以便他们理直气壮地按法办事。再次,对大中专学校经济类专业应加设一门统计法基本知识课,以便学生将来走上统计工作岗位后能够依法办事,知法工作,把保证统计http:/www.tadew.cn http:/www.tastdmp.com http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com 数据质量放在首要地位,为党政领导及企业管理和决策提供可靠的依据。 对目前干部考核中一些片面强调GDP 增长的业绩考核制度进行改革。长期以来,统计工作中存在着“以数字论英雄”的局面,从而出现了“官出数字、数字出官”的怪现象。淡化统计数字的政绩观,建立科学的干部考核制度。这是走出“官出数字、数字出官”怪圈,让统计数据不受个人意志左右的治本之策。首先应当在调查研究的基础上,制定切实可行的考核目标,防止因考核目标不切实际而引发的虚报浮夸的歪风蔓延。其次,应完善干部实绩考核统计制度,将定量考核与定性考核有机结合起来,改进目标考核实绩的统计方法,确保目标考核实绩数据的准确性;最后,应建立干部政绩公议制度,扩大干部政绩考核的民主。实施领导干部政绩公议制度可改变过去那种干部只“对上负责、不对下负责”的弊端,提高干部工作的公开化、民主化程度,不断增强干部政绩考核准确性。增强他们工作的责任感和为民服务意识。 The 1 increase in the statistical work of propaganda. Strive to make every statistical participants, especially leading cadres must understand the great role of the statistical work in Chinas national economic construction, and strive to improve the correct understanding of their statistical work, http:/www.tadew.cn http:/www.tastdmp.com http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com get their support for the statistical work. To carry out statistical law education, law rule system. The popularity of “ Statistics “ through various forms of education, from the thought to improve their understanding of improving the quality of statistical data, prompting them to adhere to the principle of work in practice, dare to illegal behavior with the effect of statistics the authenticity of the struggle, truly rule integration rule. Secondly, can also be “ theory of Statistics “ examination of statistical personnel, to win support among the people so that they can be in the right and self-confident method, according to the law. Again, in college economics courses shall be equipped with basic knowledge of class a “ Statistics “, so that students will take the statistical work can act according to law, the law of work, to ensure the quality of statistical data is put in the first place, provide the reliable basis for the party and government and enterprise management and decision. The current cadre examination some one-sided emphasis on the growth of GDP performance appraisal system reform. Long-term since, there is a “ digital heroes “ of the situation of the statistical work, which appeared in the “strange phenomenon, digital, digital off
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