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人教新版六年级上册Unit2 Whats your hobby?Unit2 Whats your hobby?Lesson 11http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Lets reviewWarm-upgoing fishingplanting flowerscooking mealsWhats your grandpas hobby? His hobby is http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Guessing gameLook at my grandpa. He likes cameras. He is interested in traveling. Guess, whats his hobby?Lead-inHis hobby is taking photos.is interested ininghttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Guessing gameI have a brother. He likes computers. He is interested in playing games. Guess, whats his hobby?Lead-inHis hobby is playing computer games.ingis interested inhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Guessing gameI have a little sister. She likes dolls. She is interested in making things. Guess, whats her hobby?Lead-inHer hobby is making dolls.interested inis inghttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationLets learntake photoplay computer gamesmake dollshttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationThink and sayAre you interested in them?What are you interested in?http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Look! Who are they? PresentationJust read and talkThey are Yang Ming, Zhou Pei and Lisa. She is making a doll.Whats the girl doing?Look, listen, and sayhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationListen and matchJust read and talkWhat are they interested in?Zhou PeiYang MingLisahttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationLook, listen, and sayJust read and talkThe kid is feeding the _. The baby is _. He is _.The baby is _.She takes good care of the baby.cryingsmilinghungrybabytakes good care of (照顾好,好好照看)http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Yang Ming: What are you doing, Zhou Pei?Zhou Pei: Im making a doll. Im interested in making dolls. How about you?Yang Ming: Im interested in playing computer games. What are you interested in, Lisa?Lisa: Im interested in taking photos.PresentationListen and imitateJust talkhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Yang Ming: Really?Lisa: Yes, I have two photos here. Look at this one!Yang Ming: How cute! The kid is feeding the baby.Lisa: Yes, the baby is hungry. Hes crying.Lisa: And now look at this photo. The baby is smiling.Yang Ming: What a super kid! She takes good care of the baby.PresentationListen and imitateJust talkhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Read it by yourself for one minute . 自读对话一分钟。Learning tip :102 030504060302010Practice当你自己朗读时,遇到不会 读或不明白意思的单词或句 子,可以把它圈起来,请教 同学或老师!http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。PracticePronunciation (语音)Fluency (流利)Cooperation (合作)OK!Great!Super! http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PracticePair workIm interested inAre you interested in ?What are you interested in?http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PracticeBingo game游戏规则:先观看屏幕上的九宫格图片,然后在自己事先准备好的九宫格纸上写出对应的短语;随后老师开始随机说短语,学生在自己的纸上圈出老师念的短语,当圈出的短语成横行,竖行或斜行时,学生快速说:Bingo! http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网His hobby is taking photos.No, Im interested in playing computer games.Whats your fathers hobby?Are you interested in making dolls?PracticeLets interviewhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网如何询问和介绍兴趣爱好呢 ? What are you interested in?Im interested in.Summary例句 What are you interested in?Im interested in taking photos.http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网
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