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第七章第一节 Mechatronics一.单词1.mechatronics:机电一体化2.interdisciplinary:跨学科,多领域的3.modeling:建模,造型4.sensor:传感器,灵敏元件5.automotive:自动的,汽车的6.optoelectronic:光电的,光电学的7.intelligent:聪明的,有智力的8.actuator:调节器,激励器,执行元件9.robotics:机器人学10.encompass:围绕,包含11.transaction:事项,记录,处理,交易,学报,会刊12.synergistic:协作的,合作的13.integration:整体化,集成,综合14.category:种类,目录,部门15.fusion:融合,联合,聚变16.mechanical:机械的,力学的,机械般的17.discipline:纪律,训练法,学科二,选择题1.Mechatronics is nothing new;it is simply the application of the (C) techniques in precision mechanical engineering。A.newly B.complex C.latest D.advanced2.This,of course,is someing many forward-thinking designers and engineers (B) for years.A.has been doing B.have been doing C.have done D.will be doing 3.Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary fusion(not just a simple mixture!) of mechanics,(D) and information technology.A.optics B.physics C.biology D.electronics4.A Japanese from Yasukawa Electric Company (D) the term “mechatronics“ in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines.A.made B.used C.discovered D.coined5.Today ,the term encompasses a large array of technologies;many of (B) have becone well-known in their own right.A.what B.that C.which D.where6.For example ,many early robots resulting (C) mechanical and electrical systems,became central to mechatronics.A.in B.of C.from D.by7.Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 (D) the publication of the first referred journal;IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.A.in B.as C.at D.with8.After acknowledging that many definitions have circulated ,they selected the following for articles to (B) in Transactions. A.include B.be included C.includeing D.have been included9.In the mid-1980s,mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary (B) mechanics and electronics.A.among B.between C.mid D.middle10.The authors suggested 11 topics that should fall,at least in part,(A) the general category of mechatronics.A.under B.below C.in D.at三.英译汉1.Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary fusion (not just a simple mixture! ) of mechanics,electronics and information technology. The objective is for engineer to complete development,which is why it is currently so popular with industry.译文:机电一体化是一门由机械学,电子学,信息技术多学科融合的学科(不是简单的混合) ,目标是使工程师完成产品开发,这就是为什么机电一体化技术目前在工业上非常流行的原因。2.In the mid-1980s,mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics.译文:在 20 世纪 80 年代中期,机电一体化产生了工程学,它是由机械学和电子学组成的边缘学科。3.For example,many early robots resulting from mechanical and electrical systems became central to mechatronics.译文:例如,由机械系统和电子系统产生的许多早期机器人已经成为机电一体化的核心。四.汉译英1.机电一体化技术,电子学,机械学,智能控制,机器人学,信息技术,科学术语。译文:mechatronics,electronics,mechanics,intelligent,control,robotics,information,technology,scientific tem.2.机电一体化技术是一门关于机械学,电子学和信息技术的跨学科技术。译文:Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary of mechanics,electronics and information technology.3.机器人是机电一体化技术发展的产物,它涉及机械学,电子学,智能控制技术等。译文:Robot is the evolutional outcome of mechatronics,which includes mechanics,electronics and Intelligent Control technology,etc4.机电一体化技术广泛用于汽车工业,机械工业及国防工业。译文:Mechatronics has been applying widely to auto industry,mechanical industry mechanics,national defense industry.5.今天。机电一体化技术已经成为研制机器人的关键技术。译文:Today,mechatronics has become the key technology of developing robots.第二节。Computer Integrated Manufacturing System一,单词。1.integrate:集成,使成整体,是一体化2.encompass :包围,环绕,包含或包括某事物3.coherent:连贯的,一致的4.geometeic:几何学5.compatible:兼容,谐调,一致的6.fixture:夹具7.be thought of as :被认为8.transform into :转变成二.选择题1.A CIM system is commonly thought of as an (A) system that encompasses all the activities in the production system from the planning and design of a product through the manufacturing system ,include control.A.integrated B.combined C.stable D.special2.CIM is the approach (C) many companies are using to get to the automated factory of the future.A.to B.of C.that D.when3.The purpose of CIM is to transform product designs into salable goods (D) a minimum cost in the shortest possible period of time.A.on B.in C.to D,at4.The element of CIM differs (A) the traditional jod shop manufacturing system in the role the computer plays in the manufacturing process.A.from B.between C.in D.on 5.CIM is the (C) of design ,manufacturing ,distribution ,and financial function into one coherent system.A.automatics B.robotic C.computerization D.methodology6.Computer-integrated manufacturing system are basically a network of computer systems (tied )together by a single integrated database.A.fastens B.links C.tied D.tightens7.A CIS system can direct (B) activities ,record results ,and maintain accurate data.A.design B.manufacturing C.measuring D.marketing8.A major element of a CIS system is a (D)system.A.CAM B.CAPP C.CAE D.CAD9.The design-related tasks performed by a CAD system are (A) ,engineering analysis,design review and evaluation and automated drafting.A.geometric modelin
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