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第14课时 活 学 活 用考 点 精 选词 语 辨 析句 型 聚 焦第14课时考 点 精 选1 provide点拨 vt. 提供;规定;准备;装备vi. 规定;抚养;作准备The course is free but you have to provide your own books.该课程是免费的,但你要自备课本。They will provide us with eggs and meat. 它们可以为我们提供鸡蛋和肉。拓展 provide sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb.考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦2 realize点拨 vt.实现;了解, 认识到vt. & vi.变卖; 赚得He realized his dream when he passed the entrance examination.入学考试通过了, 他的梦想实现了。How much did you realize on the house?这所房子出售后你们赚了多少钱?第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦3 record点拨 vt. & vi.记录; 录音; 拍摄vt.显示; 自动记下n记录, 记载;最好的成绩, 水平; 纪录,经历, 履历; 功过His voice does not record well.他的声音录下来不好听。He broke a record in running.他打破了一项赛跑纪录。His record is against him. 他的履历对他不利。She keeps a record of our daily expenses. 她将我们的日常开销都记录下来。He broke the record for the onehundred meter dash. 他打破了百米赛跑纪录。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦4 relax点拨 vt. & vi.(使)轻松,(使)松弛; 放宽A good massage always relaxes me.有效的按摩总能使我放松。拓展 常用同根词为relaxing和relaxed。I find cooking very relaxing.我发现烹饪可以令人非常放松。We come here once a year expecting a quiet, relaxing holiday. 我们每年来这里一次,期待度过一个安静而放松的假期。His job seems to be relaxed. 他的工作看起来很轻松。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦5 result点拨 n结果; 效果; 后果; 成效;比分, 成绩vi.发生, 产生; 导致, 结果是Success depends on the result of this experiment.成功与否取决于这次实验的效果。When will you get your exam results?你什么时候会知道考试成绩?The accident resulted in ten deaths. 这次事故造成十人死亡。 6 next to紧接着,相邻,次于Who stood next to you? 谁站在你的旁边?He sat next to her. 他坐在她的旁边。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦7 no longer 不再点拨 no longer 通常位于实义动词之前,助动词或 连系动词之后,位于句首时要倒装。no longer 表示时间上的不再, 在意义上等同于notany longer。Im sorry, but Mr Brown no longer works here.我很抱歉,布朗先生已经不在这里工作了。He no longer bought books. 他不再买书了。拓展 notany more 意为“不再”,表示时间上的不再, 还可表示程度上的不再或事物数量上的不再。I wont be late for school any more.我再也不会迟到了。I do not feel sick any more. 我不再感到恶心了。We couldnt stand it any more. 我们再也不能忍受了。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦8 not at all 一点也不,绝非Lucy doesnt like playing basketball at all.露西一点也不喜欢打篮球。The film doesnt attract me at all.这部影片一点也不吸引我。Thank you for your help. Not at all. “感谢您的帮助。”“别客气。” 9 one after another 一个接一个The doctor sees the patients one after another.医生一个接一个地给病人看病。Students came to his office one after another.学生们一个接一个地来到他的办公室。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦10 on duty 值日,值班Lets hurry. Im on duty today. 快点,今天我值日。I usually go on duty at 8 am. 我通常上午8点去值班。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦词 语 辨 析1 once与 ever辨析 once和ever都表示“曾经”。但once 通常用于一般过去时,而ever通常用于完成时及过去时的疑问句。Have you ever been to Canada?Yes, but only once.“你去过加拿大吗?”“是的,但只去过一次。”第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦2 only与 single辨析 only和single都可表示“单个的,唯一的”。但 两者用法有区别:only只和定冠词the或形容词性物主代 词连用;single修饰可数名词单数,可以和a 连用,也 可以和否定词连用,但only不可。Among them only Mary is single.他们中只有玛丽还是单身。She is the only person for the job. 她是这个工作最合适的人选。 There was not a single person in the house. 屋子里一个人都没有。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦3 personal 与 own辨析 personal表示“私人的,个人的”,指个性化特 点而非群体性所共有,也指“本人所做的;亲身的”;而own常与形容词性物主代词连用。I heard her personal opinions with my own ears.我亲耳听到了她的个人意见。I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 我亲眼看到这次事故的全过程。 Its all a matter of personal taste. 这纯粹是个人的兴趣问题。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦4 excuse me, sorry与 pardon辨析 excuse me 意为“抱歉”,常用于打扰别人做 事,要吸引别人注意力时,也可以用于请求别人让路; sorry 意为“对不起”,常用于做错事情感到愧对别人 时;一时没听清别人说什么时用pardon。Girl: Excuse me! Where is Mr Green?Boy: Pardon?Girl: Do you know where Mr Green is?Boy: Sorry, I dont know.女孩: 抱歉,请问格林先生在哪儿?男孩: 你说什么?女孩: 你知道格林先生在哪儿吗?男孩: 对不起,我不知道。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦5 next day与 the next day辨析 两者都含有“明天,第二天”之意。next day用于一般现在时,着眼点是说话时的第二天;the next day则用于过去时,着眼点是过去某个时间的第二天。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦1 keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事His parents always keep him playing the piano.他的父母总是让他坚持弹钢琴。My mother kept me doing my homework yesterday. 我妈妈昨天一直让我做作业。 2 keep/make sth/sb. adj. 让某物/某人保持某种状态Will you please keep the door open?请让门敞开着好吗?Doing exercises keeps healthy/can keep healthy.每天做运动可保持身体健康。Its important for us to keep calm in danger.遇到危险时保持镇静很重要。句 型 聚 焦第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦I have a lot of rules at home.For example,my mother keeps me at home every night. 我家有很多的家规。比如,晚上我母亲都让我待在家里。 The sunshine makes me happy.阳光使我感到高兴。The house needs to be painted, and it can make the house more beautiful.这所房子需要刷漆,这可以使房子变得更漂亮。第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦3 make/let sb. (not) do sth. 让某人(不)做某事In China, children should be selfsupporting, while parents had better let children decide something by themselves. 在中国,孩子们应该自立,而家长最好让孩子自己决定某些 事情。Spring is coming. Lets go to plant trees!春天来了,咱们去植树吧!第14课时考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦. 单项填空 ( )1.There are plenty of books in our library. You can_four at a time.A. own B. borrow C. lend D. carry ( )2.Im sorry to have kept you_. It doesnt matter. Ive just come. A. wait B. waited C. waiting D. to wait ( )3.He likes making jokes and he often makes us _A. laugh B. cry C. sleep D. singC B 活 学 活 用第14课时A 考点精选词语辨析活学活用句型聚焦( )4.If it had been fine yesterday, we could have watched that air show. But it_all day.A. has rained B. had rainedC. rained D. rains ( )5.It_hard outside. You have to stay a
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