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Key to the Exercises 练习参考答案Unit 1 Part II. 1. Reading Comprehension 1Zheng He, originally named Ma He, was born into a Muslim family just beyond the borders of China (later Yunnan Province in the southwestern part of China) in 1371.2. He served as a court eunuch. 3. Because Zheng He helped Zhu Di, who later became Emperor Chengzu, gain the throne during the coup. 4. The fleet reached the countries of Southeast Asia, east Africa and Arabia, initiating a feat in the history of navigation and regarded as an unprecedented great historical period in Chinese history of trade and cultural exchanges.5. 7 times.6. 116 years earlier than that of Magellan. 7. Zheng He brought back the so-called kylin and Fulu (African giraffe and zebra),which became decorative animals for the Chinese imperial garden.8. Zheng He “walked like a tiger“ and did not shrink from violence when he considered it necessary to impress foreign peoples with Chinas military might. He ruthlessly suppressed pirates who had long plagued Chinese and southeast Asian waters. He also waged a land war against the Kingdom of Kotte in Ceylon, and he made displays of military force when local officials threatened his fleet in Arabia and East Africa. From his fourth voyage, he brought envoys from thirty states who traveled to China and paid their respects at the Ming court.9. The Hongxi Emperor (reigned 14241425), decided to stop the voyages during his short reign.10. (omitted)2. Vocabulary 1. served as 2. in large quantities 3. pay our respects 4. seek to 5. impresswith 6. unprecedented 7. Navigation 8. subordinates 9. plaguing 10. suppressed 3. English-Chinese Translation A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1当他还年幼时,明朝(1368-1644)在 1378 年征服了他所在的那个省。他被带到了当时 明朝的首都,成为了一名宦官。 2郑和帮助朱棣赢得皇位后,就被他安排专门负责掌管中国海军。 3郑和下西洋航海历史比哥伦布航海要早 87 年,比伽马早 93 年,比麦哲伦早 116 年之久。4 郑和一般是通过外交手段来达到自己的目标并且他所率领强大军队吓得那些最有可能 成为敌人的人屈服于他。 5从他的第四次航行以来,他就带回来自 30 多个国家的外交使节,专门前往中国向明朝 礼拜。 B. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese据现存资料记录郑和走路似老虎,在他认为有必要时不惜使用暴力,用强 大的中国军队来震慑外国人。他不仅残酷镇压长期困扰中国和东南亚水域的海 盗们,而且还发动了一场反对锡兰王国的科特陆地战争。当阿拉伯和东非当地 官员威胁着他的船队时,他向他们展示强大的中国军队。4. Chinese-English Translation A Translate the following sentences into English 1. Since then, this kind of glass was produced in large quantities in China and became a common utensil.2. The fact that Marco was not a historian did not stop him offering a long history about the Mongols. 3. Marcos account of the Mongols life is particularly interesting when compared to the tale of many wonders of Chinese civilization which he was soon to see for himself.4. Their ships navigated the wide sea area, developing mutual trade, exchanging culture and technologies, communicating traffic on the sea and promoting social and economic development in such countries and areas.5. Although he has a tomb in China, it is empty: he was, like many great admirals, buried at sea.BTranslate the following paragraph into EnglishIn 1485, Columbus presented his plans to John II, King of Portugal. He proposed the king equip three sturdy ships and grant Columbus one years time to sail out into the Atlantic, search for a western route to Orient, and then return home. Columbus also requested he be made “Great Admiral of the Ocean“, created governor of any and all lands he discovered, and given one-tenth of all revenue from those lands discovered.Unit 2Part II . Reading comprehension 1.139 airports.2.It has been focused on the transportation of coal, containers, iron ore and grain and roll-on-roll-off ships, as well as deep-water access to the sea.3.Bus transport is the main choice, in urban and suburban areas, for its economy and convenience.4.Because the coach station is always disordered and crowded.5.Most of the buses run only during the daytime from about 06:30 to 19:30.6.CNY1.00 or CNY1.20 for one ticket.7.Taxi. 8.Because most taxi drivers do not understand much English, although those in tourist cities are encouraged to learn and speak some simple English.9.With a rate of 20 50 Yuan a day. 10. Omitted. Vocabulary 1. range from 2. Focus on 3. be equipped with 4. under construction 5. be incorporated with 6. recommended 7. perfect 8. domestic 9. depend on10. convenient. English-Chinese Translation A. 1. 中国地大物博,坐飞机旅行对于时间有限的、需抵达相距几千英里之外目的地的游客来说是唯一真正可行的选择。2. 中国沿海港口的建设主要集中在对煤、集装箱、铁矿和粮食运输以及对滚装船和深水区域等方面建设。3. 因其经济实惠和方便快捷,公共交通工具在市区和郊区成为人们的首选。4. 每个城市出租车的车费不尽相同,但他们总是被清晰地标明在出租车计价器上,你只需按照计价器上金额支付即可。5.对于游客而言,利用空闲时间骑自行车在一座城市里转悠是了解这座城市一种很特别的方式。 B. 现在,在城里人力车不太被经常使用,因为汽车已逐渐取代它且在城市交通枢纽系统中起着最重要的作用。在北京,当你去游览胡同(一种很有其特点的、古老的小巷)时,强力推荐你使用人力车。在山西平遥古城,人力车是非常受到游客们欢迎的。. Chinese-English Translation A .1. TV and air-conditioning are usually provided on the long-distance buses, some may also have a toilet and sleeping berth if you have an overnight journey. 2. I will send you a revised itinerary also by e-mail as soon as possible. 3. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best
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