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冷锻造紧固件和相似元件钢冷锻造紧固件和相似元件钢 第第 1 1 部分部分 碳和低合金钢丝规格碳和低合金钢丝规格本人精心整理的文档冷锻造紧固件和相似元件钢第 1 部分 碳和低合金钢丝规格Contents 目录1 Scope 范围2 Designation 命名3 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 采购商提供的信息4 General 概要5 Steelmaking process 制钢工艺6 Freedom from defects 故障免除7 Decarburization 脱碳8 Chemical composition 化学成分9 Mechanical tests 机械测试10 Hardenability 可淬性11 Grain size 颗粒尺寸12 Tolerances on diameter 直径公差13 Marking 标注14 Test certificate 测试证书Appendices 附录A Options 选项B Tests for surface defects 表面缺陷测试C Detection of surface carburization 表面渗碳探测D Hardening test on steel wire for wire diameters not exceeding 25 mm对直径不超过 25mm 的钢丝的淬水测试Tables 表格1 Permitted depths of decarburization 脱碳允许深度2 Chemical composition (ladle analysis)化学成分(铸桶分析)3 Permitted deviations in product analysis from specified range: carbon steels types Oand 1 and boron-treated steels types 9 and 1 O 指定范围内:碳钢类型 0 和 1硼处理钢 9 和 10产品分析中允许的背离值4 Permitted deviations in product analysis from specified range: alloy steels types 2,3,5 and 7 指定范围内:合金钢类型 2,3,5 和 7产品分析中允许的背离值5 Mechanical properties of wire 金属线机械性能6 Hardenability requirements 可淬性要求7 Steel type 1: Jominy hardenability requirements 钢类型 1:8 Tolerances on diameter 直径公差9 Number of turns in reverse torsion test 扭转疲劳测试中旋转的匝数Specification 规格1 Scope 范围This Part of BS 31 11 specifies requirements for steel wire up to and including 30 mm diameter for use in the manufacture of low, medium and high tensile, cold forged fasteners and similar components in the following eight types of steel.此 BS 31 11 部分指定了在生产低中高拉力冷锻造紧固件和相似元件中使用的30mm 铜丝的要求包括以下八种类型的钢:O low carbon steel 低碳钢1 medium carbon steel 中碳钢2 carbon-molybdenum steel 碳钼钢3 1 % chromium steel 1 %铬钢5 1 % chromium-molybdenum steel 1 %铬钼钢7 1/2 % nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel 1/2 %镍铬钼钢9 low carbon-manganese-boron steel 低碳锰硼钢10 medium carbon-manganese-boron steel 中碳锰硼钢NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.注意:此标准引用的参考文献见内封底2 Designation 命名The designation shall consist of the following items in the order given:命名按照以下顺序给出:(a) the number of this British Standard, ?.e. BS 31 11 : Part 1 ;此英国标准的数量?.e. BS 31 11 :部分 1;(b) the type number and grade number of steel required (see table 2);要求低的钢的类型数和等级数(见表 2) ;(c) the abbreviation COND and one of the following letters denoting the delivery conditions:缩略语 COND 和以下一个字母表明交付条件:A denotes drawn to size and finally spheroidize annealed; A 指按尺寸和最终球化退火冷拉;B denotes drawn, spheroidize annealed and finally light drawn; B 指冷拉球化退火最终轻拉;C denotes spheroidize annealed and finally light drawn; C 指球化退火和最终轻拉;D denotes direct drawn. D 指直接冷拉(d) the abbreviation GR and the number denoting the grade of decarburization required (see clause 7). 缩略语 GR 和数量表明要求的脱碳等级(见条款 7)Examples of this designation are as follows:此命名示例如下:(1)BS3111 :Part 19/2CONDAGR3(2) BS 31 11 : Part 1 0/1 COND B3 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 采购商提供的信息3.1 General 概要The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order.在询问和定购时采购商应提供以下信息:(a) the complete designation as covered by clause 2;由条款 2 指定的完整的命名(b) the nominal, maximum or minimum diameter required (see clause 12);要求的名义上的最大或最小直径(见条款 12) ;(c) the coil mass with inside and outside diameters.内直径和外直径的圈数NOTE. If coatings are required the type of coating to be applied, its mass or thickness and method of measurement should be agreed at the time of the enquiry and order.注意:如果要求用指定类型的涂层应在询问和定购时达成关于圈数和厚度和测量方式的协议3.2 Options 选项A number of options are specified in appendix A. In the event that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement any of these options and specify his requirementsat the time of the enquiry and order, the manufacturer shall supply in accordance with the basic specification.在附录 A 中指定了大量选项在采购商在询问和定购时不能表明有亿元实施任何选项和指定其要求时生产商应按照基本规格提供4 General 概要The wire shall comply with the general requirements of this standard and the appropriate specific requirements for the steel type and grade. Where any of the options given in appendix A are called up at the time of the enquiry and order, the wire shall, in addition, comply with the requirements of any such options.钢丝应符合此标准的一般要求和对于钢类型和等级的适当的详细的要求在询问和定购时提出任何附录 A 中的选项时钢丝应与任何选项的要求相一致5 Steelmaking process 制钢工艺The steel making and casting process shall be any process except the Bessemer process. See also option A.1.制钢和铸造工艺应是除 Bessemer 工艺外的任何工艺也见选项 A.16 Freedom from defects 故障免除The steel shall be free from pipe and from such segregation and surface defects as might preclude its use for the purpose for which it is intended. See also option A.2.除应用目的外钢应从金属管中隔离的和表面故障中自由移动也见选项 A.27 Decarburization 脱碳7.1 The requirements of 7.2 and 7.3 shall not apply to steel type O except type 0/4.除类型 0/47.2 和 7.3 的要求不得应用与钢类型 0 中7.2 Decarburization shall be determined by microscopic examination as described in BS 6617 : Part 1.按照 BS 6617 : 第 1 部分的描述通过精微检测来决定脱碳NOTE. The definitions of decarburization are as given in BS 661 7 : Part 1.注意:脱碳的定义见 BS 661 7 : 第 1 部分7.3 Decarburization shall be
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