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实用综合教程 2教案第 1 页 共 31 页An Integrated Skills Course 2Unit 1 Blue-Collar workersObjectives: 1. Enlarge students vocabulary relating to Blue-Collar workers; 2. Let students have some idea of personal qualities; 3. Make students know how to write a note of thanks; 4. Learn different usages of Modal Verbs.Focuses: 1.Vocabulary: (omitted) 2.Speaking: the personal qualities and the jobs of the Blue-Collar workers 3.Grammar: Modal verb in English 4.Practical writing: How to write a note of thanksOutline: Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text A Period 2: Discussion of Text A Period 3: Comprehensive Exercises Period 4: Grammar Tips; Modal Verbs Period 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up Comprehension Period 6: Practical Writing Period 7: Starting Out (2)we can get professional training and technical knowledge;and (3)the salary is good. Question 2: What will be your favourite blue-collar job and why? Hint: My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because(1) I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air;and(2) I can keep fit and get good pay. Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)实用综合教程 2教案第 2 页 共 31 页A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience. White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work. Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes) Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points. 1. Heartland n.the area or region where a particular set of activities or beliefs is most significant 中心地区,心脏地带 Jack had a six-day bus tour around the industrial heartland of America. 杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴旅游了六天。Even the attack on Pearl Harbour was remote from the countrys heartland. 即使是珍珠港事件的发生地也远离美国的心腹地带。 2. Resident n. people who live in a place 居民,住户 They are going to build more low-cost homes for local residents. 他们将为当地居民建造更多低成本的住宅。 He has been resident in Brussels since 1997. 他自 1997 年起就住在布鲁塞尔。 Phrases: (1) permanent resident 永久居民 (2) resident physician 住院医生 reside v. 居住 Margaret resides with her mother in a London suburb. 玛格丽特同她的母亲住在伦敦郊区。 residential adj. 居住的,居民的 a smart residential area 整洁漂亮的住宅区 3. corporation n. company 公司 multinational corporations 跨国公司 4. workforce n. 劳动力,劳动队伍 In the country, half the workforce is unemployed. 该国中有一半劳动力失业。 an employer of a very large workforce 雇用了大量员工的雇主 5. replacement n. sth. or sb. that takes the place of sth. or sb. else 代替物,代替者 Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement. 泰勒提名亚当斯接替他。 replace v. 代替,取代 Mary replaced Robert as manager of the company. 玛丽取代罗伯特担任公司经理。 6. shortage n. without enough of sth. 缺乏,缺少 Vietnam is suffering from food shortage. 越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。 7. manufacturer n. a business or company which makes goods in large quantities to sell 生产商the worlds largest doll manufacturer 全球最大的玩偶生产商 manufacture v. 生产 It also works with companies to manufacture and sell them. 它同样也与一些公司合作生产和销售产品。 8. remarkable adj. unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them 令人瞩目的,明显的 He was a remarkable man. 他是个非凡卓越的人。 remarkably adv. 显著地,非常 Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema. 草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。实用综合教程 2教案第 3 页 共 31 页9. recovery n. improvement in quality, health, etc. 恢复,复苏 Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery. 利率的降低未能带来经济的复苏。 recover v. 恢复 She has recovered from the operation. 她动完手术现已康复。Phase: recover ones feet (或 legs, footing)(跌倒后又)站起来 10. annual adj. once a year, every year 年度的,每年的 annual meeting 年会 annual report 年报,年度报告 annual production 年产量 annual sales 年销售额11. earnings n. (pl.) money received in return for ones work (复)收入,工资,挣得的钱 net earning 净收益 earning rate 收益率 earn v. 挣钱 Jack earns a lot of money every month. 杰克每个月挣很多钱。 12. point to 显示,表明;指向 When Japanese people refer to themselves, they point to their nose, not their heart. 当日本人表示自己时,他们会指向自己的鼻子,而不是心口。 13. gap n. big difference; space between two things or a hole in the middle of sth. solid 差距;空隙 the gap between rich and poor 贫富差距 He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap. 他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。 14. high-end 高端 This should give high-end enterprise systems sufficient support. 这将给高端的企业系统以足够的支持。 15. Decline n./v. decrease 下降 Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the first quarter. 工人每小时的产量在第一季度
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