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1The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses 导言译文(部分)更多内容请详见我的博客“翻译评论”栏目: http:/blog.sina.com.cn/u/1236961672This is the first in a series of three books about computer viruses. In these volumes I want to challenge you to think in new ways about viruses, and break down false concepts and wrong ways of thinking, and go on from there to discuss the relevance of computer viruses in todays world. These books are not a call to a witch hunt, or manuals for protecting yourself from viruses. On the contrary, they will teach you how to design viruses, deploy them, and make them better. All three volumes are full of source code for viruses, including both new and well known varieties.It is inevitable that these books will offend some people. In fact, I hope they do. They need to. I am convinced that computer viruses are not evil and that programmers have a right to create them, posses them and experiment with them. That kind of a stand is going to offend a lot of people, no matter how it is presented. Even a purely technical treatment of viruses which simply discussed how to write them and provided some examples would be offensive. The mere thought of a million well armed hackers out there is enough to drive some bureaucrats mad. These books go beyond a technical treatment, though, to defend the idea that viruses can be useful, interesting, and just plain fun. That is bound to prove even more offensive. Still, the truth is the truth, and it needs to be spoken, even if it is offensive. Morals and ethics cannot be determined by a majority vote, any more than they can be determined by the barrel of a gun or a loud mouth. Might does not make right.If you turn out to be one of those people who gets offended or upset, or if you find yourself violently disagreeing with something I say, just remember what an athletically minded friend of mine once told me: “No pain, no gain.” That was in reference to muscle building, but the principle applies intellectually as well as physically. If someone only listens to people he agrees with, he will never grow and hell never succeed beyond his little circle of yes-men. On the other hand, a person who listens to different ideas at the risk of offense, and who at least considers that he might be wrong, cannot but gain from it. So if you are offended by something in this book, please be criticalboth of the book and of yourselfand dont fall into a rut and let someone else tell you how to think.From the start I want to stress that I do not advocate anyones going out and infecting an innocent partys computer system with a malicious virus designed to destroy valuable data or bring their system to a halt. That is not only wrong, it is illegal. If you do that, you could wind up in jail or find yourself being sued for millions. However this does not mean that it is illegal to create a computer virus and experiment with it, even though I know some people wish it was. If you do create a virus, though, be careful with it. Make sure you know it is working properly or you may wipe out your own system by accident. And make sure you dont inadvertently release it into the 2world, or you may find yourself in a legal jam . . . even if it was just an accident. The guy who loses a years worth of work may not be so convinced that it was an accident. And soon it may be illegal to infect a computer system (even your own) with a benign virus which does no harm at all. The key word here is responsibility. Be responsible. If you do something destructive, be prepared to take responsibility. The programs included in this book could be dangerous if improperly used. Treat them with the respect you would have for a lethal weapon.This first of three volumes is a technical introduction to the basics of writing computer viruses. It discusses what a virus is, and how it does its job, going into the major functional components of the virus, step by step. Several different types of viruses are developed from the ground up, giving the reader practical how-to information for writing viruses. That is also a prerequisite for decoding and understanding any viruses one may run across in his day to day computing. Many people think of viruses as sort of a black art. The purpose of this volume is to bring them out of the closet and look at them matter-of-factly, to see them for what they are, technically speaking: computer programs.这是有关计算机病毒系列著作三卷本中的头一本。在这本书中,我要让你用一种全新 的思维方式来看待计算机病毒,并澄清对计算机病毒的一些错误概念和认识,然后再以客 观的态度来讨论当今世界上的计算机病毒问题。这套书不是对一个“受迫害者”的采访, 也不是教你如何保护计算机免遭病毒攻击的手册。恰恰相反,这套书能教你如何设计病毒, 怎样传播它们,以及怎样使它们效能更好。所有三本书里都充满了病毒的源代码,包括已 知的著名病毒和新病毒。很显然,这样的书肯定会使一些人感到不愉快。事实上,这也是我的愿望。因为他们 正需要一些不愉快。我深信计算机病毒并不是邪恶之源,计算机程序员们有权利创作它们、 发布它们,和用它们进行试验。不论我如何表述,这一立场肯定会冒犯很多人。因为即便 是纯粹从技术的角度来简单探讨一下如何写作病毒和提供一些例子,都会惹怒那些官僚们。 但是只要一想到网络上活跃着的无数黑客,便足以驱散官僚主义者们的狂怒在我心中留下 的阴霾。这套书不仅超出了对病毒进行技术分析的范畴,还为那些诸如“病毒也有有益的 一面” 、 “病毒是有趣的” 、 “病毒也是一种玩笑”等论点进行了辩护,这就更易遭人厌恶了。 但是,真理就是真理,真理就需要表述,哪怕它遭人怨恨。道德规范不能仅仅由多数人的 投票说了算,就象它不能由枪炮或大嗓门说了
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