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研究生课程教学档案研究生课程教学档案开课单位公共卫生学院学时数30课程名称(中文)卫生服务研究课程名称(英文)Health Services Research开课时间第 1 学期适用学生范围医学及其相关专业课程简况任课老师鲍勇职称教授联系电话13795329355课程简介中文简介:(5001000 字)卫生服务研究是现代医学研究的重要内容,它从卫生服务的供方、需方和第三方及其相互关系出发,研究卫生系统为一定的目的使用卫生资源,向居民提供医疗、预防、保健、康复等卫生服务的过程。卫生服务研究旨在合理组织卫生事业,以有限的卫生人力、物力、财力、技术和信息等资源尽可能满足广大人民的需要,从而保护和提高居民的健康水平,改善社会卫生状况。它以人群健康需要、需求、服务利用和卫生资源等为主要研究内容,分析相互之间的关系,介绍卫生服务研究常用的定量、定性方法,并应用上述原理和方法为卫生计划的实施和评价提供科学依据,学习国际卫生服务研究的优势,探讨我国卫生服务研究的进展。通过卫生服务研究的学习,改善卫生服务的可及性,实现公平、效率和质量三者的协调,为探索卫生服务研究领域提供了基本的原则和基础性的指导,对于推动我国卫生事业的改革进程具有重要意义。本课程内容主要包括:卫生服务研究概论;家庭健康询问调查;国际卫生服务研究的进展;我国卫生服务研究的进展;调查研究设计;定量研究方法;定性研究方法;参与性评估;研究中的偏价倚题和质量控制;重点卫生问题的确定;卫生服务需要、需求与利用;卫生服务质量管理;卫生人力资源;卫生费用;卫生服务研究和区域卫生规划;卫生服务与卫生项目评价;过程评价;效益评价;卫生服务综合评价;卫生发展管理程序;社区卫生服务的发展研究;卫生服务公平性;行为危险因素监测等。课程简介英文简介(1000 单词以内)Health Services Research is an important part of modern medical research.It researches on the process of providing the residents with medical, prevention, health care, rehabilitation and other health services by the use of health resources of the health systems on the basis of the supply-side, the demand-side, the third party and their mutual relations in health services. Health Services Research aims at organizing public health untakings reasonably, meeting the need of the people with finite human resources, meterial resources, financial ability, technology, information and other resources so as to safeguard and improve the residents health standards and reform the social health status. The main contents of health services research are the need, the demand, the use of health services and the healthe resources. The course analyses the relationship between them and introduces the quantitative and qualitative methods commonly used in health services research and provides a scientific basis for the implementing and evaluation of the health programming with the application of these principles and methods. We can probe into the headway of national health services research through the advantage of the international health services research. By learning the health services research, the implementation of health services can be improved, and the harmony of the equitableness, efficiency and quality can be realized. It gives the basic principles and foundational guidance to explore the field of health services research and it is of great significance in promoting the health reform course of China. The course will cover: summarization of health services research; investigation of family health inquiry; headway of international health services research; headway of national health serices research; the design of the survey; Quantitative research methods; Qualitative research methods; Participatory assessment; quality control in the survey; certainty of the keystone in health; need, demand and use of health services; quality control of health services; sanitary human resource; health expenses; health sevices research and regional health programming; health services and health items evaluation; process evaluation; benefit evaluation; integrated evaluation of health services; administrators of health development; research on the development of community health services; equitableness of health services; inspection of behavior risk factors; etc.作 者龚幼龙名 称卫生服务研究参考书出版社复旦大学出版社出版时间2003.11教研室意见教研室主任:(签字)院系意见:
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