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上海交通大学硕士学位论文基于中国移动GSM/TD-SCDMA互操作的测试分析与研究姓名:薛瑛申请学位级别:硕士专业:计算机技术指导教师:陈恭亮20090501上海交大工程硕士论文 基于中国移动 2G/3G 互操作的测试分析与研究 基于中国移动基于中国移动 2G/3G 互操作的测试分析与研究互操作的测试分析与研究 摘摘 要要 在未来很长一段时间内,中国移动将面临着建设和优化 GSM 和 TD-SCDMA 两张网络的局面,从网络技术上将 TD-SCDMA 属于 3G 技术,可以给运营商带来高速的数据接入服务,但因为 TD-SCDMA 网络的建设期才开始两年,相比之下,已经建设十多年的GSM网络有着更好的覆盖率, 由此2G和3G互操作的课题应运而生,2G/3G 互操作不仅仅要求网络的融合,更需要在融合中促进用户满意度和网络综合收益的最大化。这也是中移动今年投入的重点课题。 本文详细研究了 GSM/TD-SCDMA 互操作的策略、触发方式、信令流程、建议参数等等。 重点对于 GSM/TD-SCDMA 互操作的策略和出发方式进行了的深刻分析,通过分析我们发现基于覆盖的互操作由于切换往往发生在小区覆盖边界上, 信号覆盖弱,信息丢失率高,所以暴露出基于覆盖的互操作的切换的成功率和切换失败回切到本系统的成功率来都不是很高。而且它的作用主要在于挽救 3G 网络的覆盖不足,而无法通过互操作来发掘出网络的最大优势。 由于上述的基于覆盖的互操作的不足,本文提出了基于业务的互操作,它是在 2G/3G 互操作领域的创新,它调整了互操作的触发机制,根据业务性质判断是否触发切换,把切换点提前到业务建立的初期阶段,而不同于基于覆盖的互操作发生在业务建立完成后,由于切换发生的时刻不一样,导致了互操作切换的性能有质的不同,最终也导致了分流结果不同、用户感受不同。 并且结合基于业务的互操作,我们调整了互操作策略,针对 2G 网络和 3G第 2 页 共 65 页 上海交大工程硕士论文 基于中国移动 2G/3G 互操作的测试分析与研究 网络各自的优势,遵循“语音走 2G,数据走 3G”的原则,采取语音直接切换到2G 网络,数据业务不会切换到 2G 网络的策略,这能够很好的弥补现阶段 3G 网络的覆盖问题,并且使 3G 网络能够更好的发挥出数据业务的优势。通过对基于业务的互操作方案的比较分析, 从结果看采用基于业务的互操作中 RAB 建立完成后的互操作手段对客户影响小、成功率高。 在理论研究的基础上, 本文通过中国移动现网对于基于覆盖的互操作和及业务的互操作的实际测试,统计了测试数据,可以看到基于业务的互操作的切换成功率都在 92以上,而基于覆盖的互操作的切换成功率仅在 80左右。可见基于业务的互操作的性能要比基于覆盖的互操作的性能好。 并且通过测试所得到的结果对于互操作应用也起到了实际参考意义。 本文最后对 LTE 的发展方向进行了展望。 也对于互操作的深入课题进行简要探讨,这也是今后有待进一步研究的方向。 关键词:GSM,TD-SCDMA,重选,切换,CS 域,PS 域,2G/3G 互操作,重定位,LTE 第 3 页 共 65 页 上海交大工程硕士论文 基于中国移动 2G/3G 互操作的测试分析与研究 The testing analysis and research based on GSM/TD-SCDMA interoperability of China Mobile Abstract In a long future, In a long future, China Mobile will face the construction of optimized GSM and TD-SCDMA chose two networks at the same time. From the networking technical aspect, TD-SCDMA is the network with 3G technology can bring high-speed Internet access, but compare with the GSM network which has already being existing for more than a decade and has a better signal coverage, TD-SCDMA network only has had 2 years development and lack of business strength. So the proposal of 2G and 3G handover have been put on the table. The final goal of 2G and 3G handover is not only to archive the integration of their networks, also the customer satisfaction and profit maximinzation is essential. In This article, paper first introduced the strategy of GSM/TD-SCDMA handover, trigger mechanism, signaling process and the parameters.According to the study of the strateay of GSM/TD-SCDMA handover. I found that the handover operation based on coverage switching more often happened at the neighbor cell, low coverage area. It also has the higher chance to lose the package during the transmission. So this directly leads to a result of lower sucdessful switching rate and less chance to switch back to the host system. Thus, the handover shall be mainly used for extending the 3G network coverage. And the weakness is also obvious. It can not give the full scope to their advantages. According to the weakness mentioned above. Paper brought the issue of 第 4 页 共 65 页 上海交大工程硕士论文 基于中国移动 2G/3G 互操作的测试分析与研究 handover which based on business strategy is the innovation creation of 2G/3G interoperation field. It adjusted the GSM/TD-SCDMA handover trigger mechanism by using business operation properties to decide starting trigger the switching or not. Therefore the trigger point has been brought forward at the early stage of business operation instead of put it at the tail end of the interoperation based on coverage strategy. Because the switching point are vary as well as the final outcome and may effect customers experience. In combine with the resource of business operation and interoperation. We changed our operation strategy, which specifically for 2G and 3G network related to their own strength. To separate the data transmission from voice which is on 2G and data on 3G. This very basic rule would allow the data business operation will never interfere 2G network. Likewise 3G network can be beneficial from that and capitalize the high speed accessing strength. The comparison of business operation strategy and signal coverage overview strategy has been made in the end of this section. Ane the from the result, the use of RAB which based on business operation strategy to establish handover would have a higher handover successful rate and less impact to the customers. Based on the theoretical research in the paper. And to link with the actual performance test of business operation strategy and signal coverage overview strategy. The conclusion can be made sa follow. The successful rate of business operation stratrgy are all above 92%. On the other hand, only 80%successful rate been made by the signal coverage overview strategy. The result clearly shows the interoperation based on business operation strategy has a better performance. And this testing result are very useful for the practical application. In conclusion, the study of 2G/3G handover and business expectation have been 第 5 页 共 65 页 上海交大工程硕士论文
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