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1大学预科班写作学习资料大学预科班写作学习资料 上海新东方中学部上海新东方中学部 杨玉智杨玉智 一、句子翻译练习参考答案与要点一、句子翻译练习参考答案与要点 1 印度和巴基斯坦使世界上很多人惊恐地认为两国之间可能爆发全面战争,并动用核武 器。 India and Pakistan scared the world into thinking that an all-out war with nuclear weapons might break out between them.(或:an all-out war where nuclear weapons would be used) 要点:“使”的翻译:make, help, enable, ensure, 具有使动含义的词,例如 puzzle, confuse, upset 等;被动句 2学生讨厌写作文,因为往往只有按照固定模式写就的作文才能得高分,而试图要发挥想 象力的则可能被看作偏题。 Students hate writing compositions because only those who write in a fixed pattern/template will get high scores, while those who try to use their imagination will be regarded as being off-topic. 要点:those who;be regarded as 3当我们的汽车慢慢向前蠕动时,沿路站着手握木棍长矛的男人,他们的眼睛里充满了仇 恨,嘴里高喊着愤怒的口号。 When our car slowly made its way, men with clubs and spears were standing along the road, with resentment (burning)in their eyes, and shouting slogans angrily. 要点:with 4作为欧盟成员,英国遇到很多困难,其根源在于,他的经济和政治倾向于和美国而不是 欧盟其他国家保持一致。 As a member of the EU, Britain has encountered/met with many problems, the root of which is that its economy and politics tend to move in line with the US rather than the rest of the EU. 要点:保持一致(move in line with; align with) 另译:As a member of the EU, Britain has encountered/met with many problems, which originates from the fact that its economy and politics tend to move in line with the US rather than the rest of the EU. 5企业对安全条理和管理程序置若罔闻,这就是最近山西煤矿事故灾难的主要原因。 Some enterprises turned a deaf ear to safety regulations and administration procedures, which was the main reason for the recent coal mine accidents in Shanxi. 要点:置若罔闻的翻译;which 引导的非限制性定语从句 6更重要的是,随着国家日益开放并开始接受许多国际通用的规则,中国急需全面发展的 人才。 More importantly, as China opens further to the outside world and begins to accept many internationally recognized practices, all-round talents are badly needed in China. 要点:随着(as;with) 7许多用人单位缺乏科学和理性的人员评估体系,而单纯地把名牌大学的文凭作为选人的 严格标准。 A large number of employers lack/ are lacking in a scientific and rational employee/personnel evaluation system but rigidly regard the diploma from a prestigious university as the only strict standard/yardstick of talent selection. 要点:此处,人员不要翻译为 people/person 8这次研讨会由文化部发起,吸引了来自 12 个国家和地区的 300 多位专家来共同讨论信 息技术的机遇和挑战。2Initiated by Culture Department/Bureau/Ministry, the seminar attracted over 300 experts from 12 countries to discuss the opportunities and challenges brought by information technology. 要点:过去分词直接做状语;定语的后置 96 月 8 日午夜,在中国西北的陕西省,一场突如其来的暴雨引发了肆虐的洪水,威胁着 34 个县的五百多万人的生命。 At midnight on June 8, a sudden storm caused a serious/devastating flood, threatening the lives of 5 million people in 34 counties of Shaanxi province in Northwest China/ Chinas northwest/ the northwest of China. 要点:状语的处理;现在分词作为伴随状态。 10中美两国发展健康和稳定的关系符合两国人民的根本利益,也有利于世界的和平、稳 定和发展。 The development of a healthy/sound and stable Sino-American relationship is in accordance with the fundamental interests of both countries peoples and conducive to the peace, stability and development of the world. 要点:符合;有利于;句子的名词化处理。 11. 热烈欢迎各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。 Business guests from all over the world are welcome to further enhance cooperation, establish and develop trade relations. 要点:被动句的翻译 12. 如早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。 We will appreciate it greatly if samples or product lists are delivered as soon as possible. 或:It would be highly appreciated if./ We would be highly appreciative if. 要点:如何表示感激二、高级翻译练习参考答案二、高级翻译练习参考答案Thunderstorm (Excerpt 1)Zhou: Hold your tongue. (Turning back to Lu Dahai.) Youre no longer in a position to speak to me, Lu Dahai firms already sacked you. HAI: Sacked me! CHONG: Thats not playing the game,Father. ZHOU:(turning to Zhou Chong ): You shut up and get out! (Zhou Chong departs in high dudgeon through the center door.) HAI: All right, then, (Grinding his teeth. ) Your dirty tricks are nothing new to me. Youd stoop to anything so long as there was money in it. You got the police to mow down your men, and then you- Zhou: How dare you! Ma:(going to Lu Dahai): Come on, lets go. Thats enough. HAI: Yes, and I know all about your record too! When you contracted to repair that bridge over the river at Harbin, you deliberately breached the dyke- Zhou(harshly): Get out of here! SERVANTS:(tugging at Lu Dahai): Come on! Outside! Out! HAI: You drowned two thousand two hundred coolies in cold blood, and for each life lost you raked in three hundred dollars! I tell you, creature, youve made your money by killing people, 3and you and your sons stand accused for ever! And now on top of that you- PING(hurling himself on Lu Dahai and striking him twice in the face): Take that, you lying swine! (Lu Dahai returns a blow, but is seized and held by the servants.) PING:Give him what for! HAI: ( to Zhou ping): You-! (The servants set upon him. Blood appears on his face.) ZHOU(harshly): Stop! Leave him alone! (The servants stop but still keep hold of Lu Dahai.) HAI(struggling): Let go of me, you hooligans! PING(to the servants): Hustle him outside! MA(breaking down): You are hooligans, too
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