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8 Dangerous trainers危险的运动鞋Thud,thud ,thudMy big brothers got some new trainers. He wears them all the time.Thud, thud, thud! When he runs upstairs in the,m the whole house shakes. Mum shouts, Stop that noise! My brothers new trainers are big and puffy and purple. Theyve got soles as thick as tractor tyres.Clump, clump. Hes clumping to his bedroom. Gangway! he shouts. I have to squash myself against the wall, so my feet dont get crushed I hate your horrible trainers! I tell him. Theyre dangerous. But he just clumps downstairs again. Thud, thud, thud. The front door slams. Thank goodness- hes gone out. Its nice and peaceful now. I can lie here on the floor and read my book.Stomp, stomp, stomp. The floor begins to tremble. Is a herd of elephants heading this way? No, its the new trainers. Here they come again-like great, purple, crushing machines.Mind my book. Youre trampling on it!My big brother throws himself into a chair. He props his big purple feet up on one another.I cant see the telly now! Its my favourite programme. Your trainers are in the way!. Mum says: those new trainers are a menace! Take them off in the house. But my brother says, I love my new trainers. They are great, I am never going to take them off! Not ever! Then do up those dangly laces! sighs mum. Youll break your neck! But my brother just clumps outside. His long laces dangle behind him. And his monster trainers squash all the little daisies on the grass.I hate those new trainers. They should be banned. My brother even wants to go to bed in his new trainers. But mum says: Ive never heard of anything so silly. Take them off. So he climbs up to his top bunk bed. He throws down his new trainers. Whump, whump, so they land near my bottom bunk bed.Mum switches off our light. I lie in the dark and watch the dangerous trainers. They seem to be even bigger at night. Theyve got two big purple tongues that stick out at me and go, Ya boo. Theyve got little eyes, like a spider. The eyes are watching me back! The trainers are alive. Dont be silly, I tell myself. Trainers cant be alive.I close my eyes so I cant see the trainers any more. Then I fall asleep. But next morning, when I wake up, the trainers have moved. Theres no doubt about it. They are under my brothers computer desk now. And they are neatly side by side. My big brother didnt move them because he is still in the top bunk, snoring. You have been out, havent you? I wag my finger at the trainers. When we were all asleep you went out on your own didnt you?But the trainers dont say a word. Wait until tonight, I warn them. I didnt see you go out last night because I fell asleep. But tonight Ill stay awake. Ill catch you, just wait and see.The top bunks creaking. My big brothers waking up.A life of their ownYour trainers are alive, I tell him. They go out at night on their own, without you. You know those little metal holes where you put your laces? Well, they arent lace holes. Theyre eyes. Your trainers have got lots of eyes, like spiders. Did you know that? And theyve got big slurpy purple tongues. But my brother just groans you do talk a load of rubbish! Then he turns over and goes back to sleep. Those trainers are getting me really mad. Theyre wrecking my things. Today I found my crayons mashed into the carpet.you shouldnt have left them on the floor, said my brother.But I bet those trainers did it. Clump, clump, clump. You cant get away from them. You can hear them all over the house. Who squashed this chewing gum into the carpet? shouts mum.its these trainers, says my big brother. I havent got used to them yet. theyre so big and heavy I cant control them. They keep treading on things! Dont be silly, says mum. Its your fault, not your trainers. Youre talking as if your trainers have a life of their own.Mum doesnt know it. But shes exactly right. Those trainers do have a life of their own. They have a secret life. They go out at night, on their own when were all asleep. They must do, mustnt they? How else could they be in a different place by morning?Tonight Im going to prove it. Im going to prove it. Im going to follow those trainers and see where they go. Im going to spy on them.Its night time. It must be very late because the house is quiet. Mum and dad are in bed. But Im not asleep. Im watching those trainers, like I said I would.Its hard work. My eyes keep closing. Dont fall asleep! I whisper to myself. Stay awake!The trainers are behaving themselves so far. They havent moved at all. But their spider eyes are glittering in the dark. I dont trust them. Theyre very sneaky. As soon as I close my eyes theyll be off, on their own. But my eyelids are so heavy. My head is dropping down. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.The trainers are on the move! I knew it. I knew they had a secret life. Theyre marching down the stairs. Clump, clump,clump. What if they wake up mum and dad? But they dont. Even
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