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11孩子肥胖家长应该怎么做孩子肥胖家长应该怎么做肥胖症是以体内脂肪积聚过多为主要特征的一种慢性营养障碍性疾病。近年来,患肥胖症 的儿童逐年增多,肥胖已成为儿童健康的一大杀手,其合并症有高血压、糖尿病和脂肪肝 等,到成年还可引发动脉粥样硬化、冠心病等疾病。肥胖症的发病主要与不健康的生活方式有关,摄入过多、营养过剩和缺乏运动是主要 原因。肥胖儿童多有偏食、挑食的坏习惯,多食易饥,喜食甜食和油腻性食物,这些食物热 量高,导致摄入热量过多,而他们又缺乏运动,消耗的热量减少,体内多余的热量就会以 脂肪的形式贮存起来。如果父母都明显肥胖,那么子女约有 2/3 的可能性出现肥胖,这说明肥胖症有一定家 族遗传倾向。有情感创伤和心理异常的儿童也可能发生肥胖,如父母的离异、亲人的死亡、学业上 的挫折等都属于情感创伤;心理异常包括因家长溺爱造成的胆小、依赖、孤独等;如果家 庭氛围不好,孩子生长在吵闹的家庭环境中,往往会采用埋头吃东西的方式来逃避现实, 满足其自身安全的需要。症状这里所讲的肥胖症是指单纯性肥胖症,不包括内分泌代谢疾病引起的脂肪增多。这种 肥胖症是任何年龄都可能发病的,但最常见于婴儿期、学龄前期和青春前期。食欲旺盛 肥胖儿童一般食欲旺盛,喜吃零食,偏爱甜食和油脂类食品,常有不良饮食 习惯。形体肥胖 脂肪多堆积在面部、双乳、肩部、腹部、大腿等处,四肢肥大,手背厚, 男孩外生殖器被会阴部脂肪掩盖,看起来很小,实际属正常范围。肥胖纹 腹部或大腿皮肤可出现粉红色或紫红色线状条纹。其他 肥胖儿童骨龄大多正 常,智力良好,活动量小,稍运动后则出现多汗、气喘。常用判定标准有两种,肥胖度和体重指数:肥胖度(%)=( 实际体重- 标准体重)/ 标准体重100%,超出正常标准体重 20% 即为 肥胖。具体来说,超出 20% 29% 为轻度肥胖,超出 30% 49% 为中度肥胖,超出 50% 为重度肥胖。体重指数(BMI)= 体重( 千克)/ 身高( 米)2,25 29 为超重,超过 30 为肥 胖。妈妈怎么做22加强孩子的饮食管理。首先,应控制进食量,给予低热量饮食,既要满足孩子生长发 育对各种营养素的需求,又要避免摄入的热量过多而达不到减肥的目 的。刚开始时要限制 孩子的体重增长过快,进而使之下降,当其接近正常体重时即可不再控制进食量。一般给 孩子低糖、低脂和清淡的饮食。孩子应避免吃高糖和油 炸食品。其次,要帮助孩子改变不 良饮食习惯,不要吃高糖、高脂的零食,也不要喝过甜的饮料;吃饭时不要狼吞虎咽,应 细嚼慢咽;饭后要适量活动,不要坐卧不 动,限制看电视时间。达人妈妈实战攻略蛋白质为生长发育所必需,每天要保证每千克体重不少于 2 克。蔬菜、水果含热量较 少,同时能够提供大量维生素和矿物质,还能避免孩子产生饥饿感,因而是理想的减肥辅 助食品。增加孩子的运动量。可以想办法提高孩子对运动的兴趣,其形式要多样化,如慢跑、 爬楼梯、做健身操、武术、游泳、打乒乓球等,使运动深入到孩子的 日常生活中并成为日 常爱好。如果你和孩子一起锻炼,更易见效。运动量不要过大,每天运动 1 小时左右,可 逐渐增加,应避免剧烈运动,以免刺激食欲。心理疗法。大一点的孩子因肥胖自尊心受到伤害后会产生许多心理问题,如精神焦虑、 情绪抑郁、不喜欢与人交往等;大人对孩子进食习惯的多方指责和过分干预 也会加重其思 想负担或使其产生对抗心理。因此,心理治疗也是必不可少的。你应该关心和体贴孩子, 避免焦躁情绪。每个孩子都是有优点的,要善于抓住孩子生活 中的亮点并加以鼓励,并让 孩子正确认识肥胖的危害性,解除思想顾虑,改变多食少动的习惯,树立健康向上的生活 信心。注意预防肥胖症的发生与出生体重有关。因为在胎儿发育后期,脂肪细胞的数量和体积的增加 最快,并且脂肪细胞一旦形成就不会消失,因此,预防肥胖症要从孕期开始,准妈妈在孕 晚期要注意预防营养过剩,减少巨大儿出生的概率。孩子应定期到保健门诊做生长发育监测,早期发现过重或肥胖倾向,应及时加以矫正。提倡母乳喂养。母乳喂养的孩子不易发生肥胖。带着孩子多做体育锻炼,增加孩子的运动量,以减少脂肪的囤积。帮助孩子养成良好的生活饮食习惯。早餐要吃饱,午餐要吃好,晚餐要吃少。少吃快 餐食品,多吃蔬菜和水果。晚饭后看电视、玩电脑时间不要过长。不要熬夜,就寝前不要 再吃夜宵。Obesity is the body adipose accumulation is overmuch as the main characteristics of a chronic nutritional disorder. In recent years, the obesity of children increased year by 33year, obesity has become a major killer www.baigoo.net of childrens health and its complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty liver, into adulthood can also cause the disease such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD).The pathogenesis of obesity is www.zshtech.com mainly associated with unhealthy lifestyles, excessive intake of excess, nutrition and lack of exercise are the main reasons.Obese children have the habit of partial eclipse, picky about food, feed more easily hungry, like eating sweets and greasy food, the food quantity of heat is high, leading to excess calories, and they lack of exercise, consume less heat and excess heat in the body will be stored in the form of fat.If the parents are obese, obviously the possibility about two-thirds of children obesity, suggesting that obesity has a tendency to certain families.Children with emotional trauma and mental abnormalities may also occur obesity, such as parents divorce, the death of relatives, such as academic setbacks are emotional scars. Psychological abnormalities include caused by parents spoil timid, dependent, lonely, etc; If children grow in family atmosphere is bad, the noisy family environment, tend to adopt countersunk eating ways to escape from reality, meet the needs of its own security.symptomsHere of obesity is simple obesity, not including the endocrine metabolic diseases cause the increase in the number of fat. The obesity is any age may come on, but the most common in infancy, preschool period and early youth.Appetite than obese children generally good appetite, like eating snacks, preference for sweets and fat food, often have poor eating habits. More body fat fat accumulation in the face, breasts, shoulder, the place such as the abdomen, thighs and legs, large, thick back, boy was covered with the perineal fat external genital organs, looks small, actually belong to the normal range.Fat grain abdomen or thigh skin can appear pink or purple linear striae. Most other obese children bone age normal, good intelligence, small activity, a movement appeared after the sweat, asthma.There are two kinds of commonly used criterion, degree of obesity and body mass index (bmi) :Obesity (%) = (actual weight - standard weight)/standard weight by 100%, 20% above normal standard weight is obesity.In particular, more than 20% 29% for slightly obese, beyond 30% 49% for moderate obesity, more than 50% for severe obesity. Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg)/height (m) 2, 25 29 is overweight, more than 30 is obese.Mother doStrengthen the management of the childs diet. First of all, should control food intake and give a low calorie diet, both to meet the needs of children growth for a variety of nutrients, and to avoid excessive intake of calories and reach the purpose of weight loss. Start to 44limit the childs weight is growing too fast, and then make the drop, when its close to normal weight can no longer control of food intake. Generally
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