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成都理工大学硕士学位论文国家地质公园运营管理模式研究姓名:胡丹临申请学位级别:硕士专业:旅游管理指导教师:李晓琴20100501摘 要 I 国家地质公园运营管理模式研究国家地质公园运营管理模式研究 作者简介:胡丹临,女,1984 年 8 月生,师从成都理工大学李晓琴副教授,2010 年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学旅游管理专业,获得管理学硕士学位。 摘摘 要要 我国是世界上最早由政府部门组织建设国家地质公园的国家, 也是全球最早建立地质公园的国家之一。1999 年,联合国教科文组织地学部提出了建立地质公园的构想,中国政府对此做出了积极的响应,并于 2000 年开始在全国组织实施国家地质公园计划。截止 2009 年底,我国已批准建立 182 处国家地质公园。 国家地质公园的建立将地质遗迹的保护与利用有机地结合起来, 既有效的保护了地质遗迹资源, 为地学研究和科普教育提供教学基地, 向社会普及地学知识,又促进了当地旅游业的发展,增强地方经济实力,缓解当地就业压力,实现了环境、经济、文化的协调发展。然而,由于其发展过于迅速,国内对其运营管理的研究尚处于起步阶段,且相对滞后,导致国家地质公园在运营管理方面出现了诸多问题。幸而国家地质公园尚属新生事物,各方面的工作都处于开创性阶段,运营管理模式尚未定型。因此,创建一种具有普遍意义的、较系统的、适合国家地质公园发展的运营管理模式迫在眉睫。 基于此,本文梳理了国家地质公园运营管理的国内外研究现状,对地质公园的概念及相关内容进行了阐述;对研究需要的理论基础和技术工具进行了解读,并通过比较国内外典型地区和国家遗产旅游地的运营管理模式,总结其成功经验,从管理学和旅游学的角度,依据“产权理论”、“利益相关者理论”、“新公共管理理论”和“极域管理工具”,在对国家地质公园运营管理现状及现存问题分析的基础上,从法律法规、运营机制和管理体制三个层面提出了构建国家地质公园运营管理模式的思路和建议: (1)根据法理学原理,在对国家地质公园立法现状分析的基础上,提出了填补基本法,完善行政法规、地方性法规、部门规章及各种相关制度的建议,建立了健全的法律体系,以此引导国家地质公园的建立、地质遗迹资源的开发与保护和旅游市场秩序的维护。 (2)运用产权理论,揭示了国家地质公园产权转移的可行性及产权分离的必要性,并通过对国家地质公园经营主体、转让模式、转让价格和收入分配等问题的研究,引入市场工具,建立了高效的运营机制,实现了“政企分离” 。 (3)综合运用利益相关者理论、新公共管理理论和极域管理工具,借鉴国内外先进的管理经验, 结合我国实际情况, 设立了权威的国家地质公园管理机构,构建了立体、统一的管理体制,避免了“多头管理、条块分割”的现象。 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 II 为体现该模式的实际操作性,文章最后引入实证研究,通过对四川大巴山国家地质公园运营管理现状的分析,结合公园的实际情况,尝试构建了适合其可持续发展的运营管理模式, 旨在为我国其他国家地质公园构建运营管理模式提供新思路和新方法。 关键词:国家地质公园 法律体系 运营机制 管理体制 Abstract III Research on the Operation and Management Mode of National Geological Park Introduction of the author: Hu Danlin, female, was born in August, 1984 whose tutor was associate Professor Li Xiaoqin. She graduated from Chengdu University of Technology in Tourism Management major and was granted the Master Degree in June, 2010. Abstract China was the first country in the world to organize and establish National Geological Park by the governments, and it is also one of the countries which established Geological Park earliest. In 1999, UNESCO Division of Earth Science presented a conception of establishing Geological Park, and the Chinese Government has made positive response, started organizing and implementing National Geological Parks Program on a nationwide in 2000. By the end of 2009, China has approved the establishment of 182 National Geological Parks. Establishment of the National Geological Park will be an organic combination of protection and use of geological heritage, which not only protect geological heritage effectively, provide teaching base for geosciences study and science education, popularize geological knowledge to society but also promote local tourism development, enhance local economic strength and relieve pressure on local employment, establishment of National geological park achieve coordinated development of environment, economy and culture. However, because National Geological Park has developed rapidly, but the domestic research of its operation and management is still in its infancy and relative laggard, thus many problems emerge in its operation and management. Fortunately National Geological Park is still a new born thing, and all fields of work are still at initial stage, its operation and management mode has not stereotype yet. So create an operation and management mode which is universal significance, systematic and suitable for developing of National Geological Park is imminent. Base on this, the thesis makes a thorough review of research on the theory of operation and management of National Geological Park at both home and abroad, 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IV elaborates the concept of Geological Park and relevant content, unscrambles the theoretical basis and technological tool which be used in this research, and through compares the operation and management mode of heritage resorts in typical regions and countries both home and abroad, summaries the successful experiences of them, then thesis from the angle of management and tourism, according to “Property Rights Theory”,” Stakeholder Theory”,” New Public Management Theory” and “Pole Domain Management tools”, puts forward some ideas and suggestions of establishing operation and management mode of National Geological Park from three aspects that are legal system, operating mechanism and management system based on the analysis of National Geological Parks present condition and existing problems of operation and management. (1)According to law principle, thesis puts forward some suggestions such as fill up basic law, perfect the administrative regulations, local rules, department rules and various related system, and establishes robust legal system for guiding establishment of National Geological Parks, development and protection of geological vestige and maintain the order of tourism market based on the analysis of National Geological Parks present conditions of legislation. (2) Applying Property Rights Theory, thesis reveals the feasibility of the transfer of National Geological Parks property rights and the necessity of the separation of property rights, establishes a high efficient operating mechanism by researching the trade entities, the transfe
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