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人教新版六年级上册Unit6 There are four seasons Unit6 There are four seasons in a year.in a year.Lesson 33http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Lets singWarm-uphttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Lets reviewWarm-upWhen does spring begin? Hows the weather in spring? Whats spring like? What do people do in spring?http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Lead-inLook and saysummerhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationLook and sayHows the weather? It is very hot.Its rainy.It is heavy rain.http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网hothotterhottest较热最热热Presentationhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Look, listen and find the answers: Q1: When does summer begin? Q2: Hows the weather in summer?PresentationJust read and talkhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网PresentationJust read and talkhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网 Q1: When does summer begin? Q2: Hows the weather in summer?Just read and talkIt begins around June. Its very hot and theres often a lot of rain. Presentationhttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Listen again and read:PresentationJust read and talkSome of them go on trips with their parents, some go camping with their teachers, and some have summer classes. Q3: What do students do in summer? Q4: Do they enjoy the summer holidays?Yes, they do.http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Listen and imitateJust read and talkPracticeSummer is the second and the hottest season of the year. In China, summer begins around June. The weather is very hot and theres often a lot of rain. Sometimes there is heavy rain.http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Listen and imitateJust read and talkPracticeIn summer, schools close and students have their holidays. Some of them go on trips with their parents, some go camping with their teachers, and some have summer classes. They all enjoy the summer holidays.http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Read in groups.(分组读)Read together.(齐读)Read in pictures.(分图读)Practicehttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Look and matchPracticego to a summer campgo on a triphave summer holidayshttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网What do they do in summer?Look and sayPracticeEat watermelonshttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Go to the beachLook and sayPracticehttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Go swimmingLook and sayPracticehttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Drink cold juiceEat much ice creamLook and sayPracticehttp:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网Group workPracticeWhat do you like to do in summer?http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网本课学习的关于夏天的特点和活动的句 子有哪些?Summary It begins around The weather is and theres Sometimes there is School The students Some of them, some and some http:/cai.7cxk.net 中小学课件网
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