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河南科技大学硕士学位论文智能车辆系统诱导算法研究姓名:李艳艳申请学位级别:硕士专业:计算机应用技术指导教师:张海涛20100501摘 要 I论文题目:智能车辆系统诱导算法研究 论文题目:智能车辆系统诱导算法研究 专 业:计算机应用技术 专 业:计算机应用技术 研 究 生:李艳艳 研 究 生:李艳艳 指导教师:张海涛 副教授 指导教师:张海涛 副教授 摘 要 摘 要 随着经济和现代化城市的发展,尤其在大中城市,人们对交通工具的需求量明显增加,机动车数量急剧增长,不仅产生了一系列的交通问题,如交通拥挤、交通堵塞、交通事故等,而且出现了能源浪费、环境污染等问题。为了满足交通运输的需要,目前国内外从依靠修路来扩大路网规模转移到依靠高新技术来改善现有道路系统和管理体系,即实施智能交通系统。智能车辆系统作为智能交通系统的一个重要的研究分支,已经成为一个研究热点。 首先在研究 Agent 和多 Agent 系统的理论基础上,利用多 Agent 系统的优点,将多 Agent 系统应用到智能车辆中,提出了基于多 Agent 的智能车辆系统的框架结构;其次进一步对系统的组成部分指挥中心 Agent 和车辆 Agent 的结构和功能进行分析,研究了驾驶员在系统中对驾驶行为的影响,完成了对整个系统的总体设计;对路径诱导模块的 Dijkstra 算法进行了分析,并针对传统Dijkstra 算法的不足进行优化与改进,采用邻接链表替代邻接矩阵来存储道路网,并通过起点和终点的启发信息进行路径的分层搜索;最后以洛阳市城市交通网络为例,利用 Mapinfo 对系统所需的原始信息数据进行处理,生成了相对应的电子地图,在其基础上进行优化算法的仿真实验;实验结果表明,优化后的Dijkstra 算法在一定程度上弥补了传统 Dijkstra 算法的不足,缩小了搜索范围,缩短了搜索时间,提高了效率。 将多 Agent 系统加入到智能车辆系统以后,满足了系统对分布性和实时性的要求,为驾驶员提供安全、快捷的行车路线,使驾驶员能快速到达目的地,减少了车辆的行驶时间,提高了交通系统的性能。 关 键 词:关 键 词:Agent,多 Agent 系统,智能车辆系统,诱导算法,MapInfo 论文类型:论文类型:应用基础研究 摘要 IISubject: Research of guidance algorithms for Intelligent vehicle systems Specialty: Computer Application Technology Name: Li Yan-Yan Supervisor: Zhang Hai-Tao vice-professor ABSTRACT As the development of economy and modern city, especially in the big cities, the demand of the transportation increases significantly, and number of vehicles grows rapidly, which not only produced a series of problems, such as traffic congestion and traffic jams, traffic accidents, but also rose out problems, such as the energy waste, pollution problems. At present, in order to meet the needs of transportation and improve the existing road system and management system, many countries have transfered expanding the scale of network which relies mainly on repairing the roads to the intelligent transportation system. Intelligent vehicle is one important branch of the intelligent transportation system research, and now becomes a research hotspot. First, based on the theory of Agent and the Multi-Agent systems, and taking advantage of the Multi-Agent systems, we will apply Multi-Agent systems to the intelligent vehicle system and raise an intelligent vehicle system based on Multi-Agent systems; secondly, we analyze the structure and function of the part of the system including command center Agent and the vehicle Agent, research the influence of the drivers in driving behavior of the system, and give the overall design of the system; then we analyze Dijkstra algorithm of the route guidance module, improve its deficiency, using adjacency list to replace adjacency matrix, and use the information of beginning and end to implement layered search; finally, we use the Mapinfo to process the original data, take Luoyang traffic network as an example, produce the corresponding electronic map, and do simulation experiments of optimized Dijkstra algorithm; the experimental results show that the optimized algorithm in a certain extent makes up for the traditional Dijkstra algorithm, narrowed scope of search, shorten the search time, improve the efficiency greatly. Using the Multi-Agent systems in the intelligent vehicle system meets the real-time and distribution requirement of the system.It provides a safe and quick route for drivers, so the driver can quickly reach the destination, reduce the waiting time, and 摘要 IIIimprove the transportation system performance. KEY WORDS: Agent, Multi-Agent systems, Intelligent vehicle system, Guidance algorithm, MapInfo Dissertation Type: Basic Application Research 缩略语词汇表 70 缩略语词汇表 缩略语词汇表 ITS Intelligent Transportation System 智能交通系统 UTCS urban traffic control system 交通信号控制系统 VGS vehicle guidance system 车辆诱导系统 CDRGS Centrally Dynamic Route Guidance System 中心式动态车辆诱导系统 DDRGS Distributed Dynamic Route Guidance System 分布式动态车辆诱导系统 GPS global positioning system 全球定位系统 VICS Vehicle Information Communication System 道路车辆信息通信系统 MAS Multi-Agent systems 多 Agent 系统 ACL Agent Communication Language Agent 通信语言 KQML Knowledge Query and Manipulate Language 知识查询与操作语言 KIF Knowledge Interact Format 知识交换格式 DR Dead-Reckoning 航位推算系统 GLONASS Global Navy Navigation Satellite System 全球轨道卫星导航系统第 1 章 绪论 1第1章 绪论 第1章 绪论 在本章中,首先对课题的研究意义以及研究的必要性进行简单的介绍;其次对国内外几个比较成功的车辆诱导系统进行详细的描述,对多 Agent 系统的研究现状进行概括,并提出相关的问题;最后,给出了本文的主要研究内容以及章节安排。 1.1 研究的意义 研究的意义 交通运输的迅猛发展是一个国家实力增强的重要标志之一。随着世界经济大环境的快速发展,各国的经济、社会和城市化的进程也不断加快,交通运输与社会生活也更加密切的联系在一起。尤其在大中城市,人们对交通工具的需求量明显增加,机动车数量急剧增长,一系列的交通问题也愈加明显和突出,如交通拥挤、堵塞、事故等,由此造成了巨大的经济损失;能源浪费、环境污染等问题也日益突出,这些己经成为影响各国经
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