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徐州三中徐州三中 2018 届届高三年级高三年级英语英语午练午练 14 .单项填空单项填空(共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1 In 2016, Kevin Garnett, who played for 21 seasons in the NBA, announced his retirement, _ unforgettable memories for the youth. Aleft Bto leave Chad left Dleaving 2 The idea, before Darwin, even to naturalists, _ we might somehow be related to apes was almost unthinkable. Awhich Bwhy Cthat Dwhat 3 He showed us a magazine _ an article about him was printed along with his photograph. Awhen Bin whom Cin which Dwhich 4 I may not come to see you recently _ I can complete the project ahead of time. Aafter Bsince Cunless Donce 5After suffering a heart attack, Michael Jackson was pronounced dead, _ a tragic end to the world s most popular entertainer. Amarked Bto mark Cmarking Dhaving marked 6Gina seldom _, but to my surprise, she told me a big lie yesterday. Alied Blies Chad lied Dhas lied 7 Tom _ late last night. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep when we sang a song together just now. Ashould have stayed up Bcan t have stayed up Cmust have stayed up Dneedn t have stayed up 8 _ to him the last time you saw him, you would know what to do now. ADid you speak BWere you to speak CHave you spoken DHad you spoken 9 _you lose the paper document, sign in www.sina.com.cn, _you might download all you need. AIf; which BSo long as; what CIn case; where DEven if; as 10 As a teacher, I often use this celebrity s experiences to _ the message to my students that they should have their own dream for the future. Adeclare Bconvey Csummarize Dattach 11 With the Rio Olympics curtain _, the US outshone others with 46 gold medals. The UK ranked second with 27 gold medals, followed by China with 26 gold medals. Acoming down Bbreaking off Cgoing through Dturning up 12 From what you have told me, I am in the _ that the Chinese Lunar New Year has become an international festival. Aacquaintance Bknowledge Chope Dbelief 13 His book is a bestseller now. Without his wife s persuasion the book _ probably. Aisn t published Bwon t be published Cwouldn t be published Dwouldn t have been published 14With China _ in the world trade more frequently, the world economy is developing more rapidly and steadily. Aparticipating Bto participate Cparticipated Dbeing participated 15I haven t seen Linda for ages.How is she going? I met her this morning and I greeted her._? She just smiled at me without saying a word. AWho cares BHow come CGuess what DSo what .完形填空完形填空(共共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分分,满分满分 20 分分) 请认真阅读下面短文请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中四个选项中,选出最佳选项选出最佳选项。 Green is a combination of the colors yellow and blue. Each of the two colors brings its own _16_ energy to the overall feeling of the color green. Blue _17_ calm and peace, while yellow shows liveliness and high levels of energy. As a marriage _18_ these two very different colors, green is a mixture of _19_, offering both the excitement of yellow and the calm of blue. It improves blue s obedience (恭顺恭顺) and _20_ yellow s power, inspiring us to be both _21_ and peaceful. It is the foundation of the seasons of spring and summer, thus _22_ birth and growth. Green is one of the reasons that _23_ brings about so much excitement and activity. As a visual _24_ of the end of winter, green stems and leaves _25_ from the bare branches of trees and the _26_ ground. In this way, green invites us to _27_ our layers of clothing and open ourselves to the _28_ world, not in an upsetting way _29_ with easy- going excitement that _30_ us outside just to sniff the spring air. Unlike almost any other color, green seems to have its own smell, a fascinating _31_ of the sun and sky. In the best- case situation, it stops us in our tracks and reminds us to _32_ the great experience of simply being alive. Green also gives us the energy to value the overall _33_ of growth, to nurture (培养培养) ourselves _34_, without becoming overly attached to one part in it. Green reminds us to let go and let nature do her work, _35_ giving us the energy to do our own. 16A.universal Bunique Ccreative Dsupreme 17A.describes Bexplores Cconveys Dextends 18A.between Bbeyond Cto Dover Copportunities Dalternatives 20A.increases Bgathers Csoftens Dmotivates 21A.active Bnatural Caggressive Dexplicit 22A.postponing Bsymbolizing Caccelerating Dstrengthening 23A.spring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter 24A.output Breward Ctrend Dsign 25A.come away Bshoot up Cget around Dset out 26A.dark Bmuddy Cexpan
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