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基于冲突再分配 DSmT 的多尺度融合边缘检测算法摘要:由于实际景象地物特征复杂,单一尺度边缘检测算子提取的边缘与噪声点测度差异小,因此将导致细小地物与噪声相互掺杂,边缘提取不准确的现象。针对此问题,提出了一种基于冲突再分配 dsmt 的多尺度融合边缘检测算法。首先提取图像多尺度边缘测度,接着提出双向指数映射基本置信指派构造方法构造多尺度边缘测度基本置信指派,然后采用冲突再分配 dsmt 组合规则对多尺度边缘置信指派进行融合,最后根据融合后的边缘置信指派图通过双阈值法确定边缘像素。通过对可见光和合成孔径雷达(sar)图像的仿真实验表明,该算法相比单一尺度的 canny 算子在边缘提取过程减小了误检和漏检边缘点数目,在抑制噪声的同时,大量保留了景象细节信息。关键词:边缘检测;冲突再分配;多尺度边缘测度;基本置信指派;证据理论multi.scale fused edge detection algorithm based on conflict redistribution dsmtqiao kui.xian1, yin shi.bai1 ,qu sheng.jie2*1.school of computer science and engineering, xian technological university, xian shaanxi 710032, china;2.school of automation, northwestern polytechnical university, xian shaanxi 710072,chinaabstract:single-scale edge detection operator itself is sensitive to noise which leads to little difference between the real and false edge, so the edge detected by it is not accurate, because ground object character is complex and thin ground object is intermingled with noise in real environment. so a novel multi-scale fused edge detection algorithm based on conflict redistribution dsmt is proposed in this paper. first multi-scale edge measure is extracted and then evidence theory is brought in. the basic belief assignment of multi-scale edge measure is constructed by a new method of bidirectional exponent and then fused by conflict redistribution dsmt combination rule. at last edge points are extracted by multiple thresholds. simulation with both optical and sar images shows that the edge detection method of this paper suppresses noise effectively, meanwhile preserving rich details.single.scale edge detection operator itself is sensitive to noise, which leads to little difference between the real and false edge, so the edge detected by it is not accurate, because ground object character is complex and thin ground object is intermingled with noise in real environment. therefore, a new multi.scale fused edge detection algorithm based on conflict redistribution dsmt was proposed in this paper. first, multi.scale edge measure was extracted and then evidence theory was brought in. the basic belief assignment of multi.scale edge measure was constructed by a new method of bidirectional exponent and then fused by conflict redistribution dsmt combination rule. at last, edge points were extracted by multiple thresholds. the simulation with both optical and synthetic aperture radar (sar) images shows that the edge detection method of this paper suppresses noise effectively, while preserving rich details.key words:edge detection;conflict redistribution (cr);multi.scale edge measure;basic belief assignment (bba);evidence theory 0 引言图像边缘检测是图像匹配、识别与分析等领域的基础课题,国内外在该领域展开大量的研究 1-6 。在复杂场景的实际应用中,图像往往存在负载地物并且容易受到噪声干扰,信噪比较低,单一尺度的 canny、sobel 和 log 等算子提取的真实边缘与噪声点测度差异小,导致细小地物与高频噪声相互掺杂,边缘检测精度低。边缘检测算子对噪声的鲁棒性和定位精度是相互矛盾的,小尺度算子有利于边缘定位,但对噪声极为敏感;大尺度算子虽然对噪声鲁棒性好,但边缘定位精度差,有时会丢失某些局部细节。多尺度边缘检测算法被证明是有效的 7-8 ,在小尺度上可以对景象细节进行检测,在大尺度上能很好地抑制噪声,多个尺度融和后提取边缘,就可以在保留景象细节的基础上提高算法对噪声的鲁棒性。由于受到成像机理以及噪声的影响,任何边缘检测算子都存在不确定性,多尺度边缘测度之间也存在一定的冲突,证据推理理论被证明可以更好地处理具有不确定、冲突和模糊的多源信息融合问题 9 ,因此可以将多尺度边缘测度的融合看作存在不确定和冲突的信息融合过程。综上,本文提出一种基于证据推理的多尺度融合边缘提取算法。首先计算图像多尺度边缘测度响应,然后引入证据推理理论,将 多尺度边缘测度作为证据推理的证据体,采用文中给出的双向指数法构造多尺度边缘测度的基本置信指派(basic belief assignment, bba),然后利用冲突再分配 dsmt 组合规则(conflict redistribution dsmt,cr.dsmt)进行融合,通过双阈值方法确定边缘像素点并进行非极大值抑制和细化,最后通过对可见光和合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,sar)图像的边缘检测实验对算法的有效性进行了验证。1 基于证据推理的鲁棒边缘检测算法1.1 多尺度边缘检测算子提取由于不同尺度下边缘测度会存在较大冲突,而dempster 理论在处理高冲突问题时,会出现 zadeh 悖论和 bba 分配不合理情况10 ,dsmt 在多证据融合下,主焦元 bba 难以收敛,因此采用新近提出的 cr.dsmt 组合规则 11 ,该组合规则在 dsmt 辨识框架下,对冲突按一定原则再分配,解决 zadeh 悖论的同时相对较好地处理了主焦元 bba 收敛问题。假设辨识框架为2 ,1,2,3,4,5, 为证据中的焦元,则:m()=0(8)当组合的焦元中不包含冲突焦元时:m(a)=x1,x2,xkdx1x2xk=aki =1mi(xi) (9)当冲突焦元之间相互组合以及冲突与不确定信息焦元组合时:m(u)=x1,x2,xkduu(x1)u(x2)u(xk)ki=1mi(xi)(10)其中 u(x)是组成 x 的所有 i 的并集。当冲突焦元与涉及产生该冲突的单焦元组合时:m(u)=x1,x2,xkdux1x2xkki=1mi(xi)(11)式(8)(11)为cr.dsmt 组合公式,将多尺度边缘测度 bba 图像逐点采用 cr.dsmt 组合公式融合后,保留融合后的 bba 图像。1.3 双阈值法确定边缘像素指通过上述步骤得到了融合后边缘测度bba 图像,统计该图像的直方图分布,选用两个阈值 t1 和 t2(t1t2) ,从而得到两个边缘图像 iedge1 和 iedge2 。由于iedge1 是使用大阈值得到的,因此含有较少的伪边缘,而可能失去细节信息,iedge2 阈值较小,保留了较多的细节信息的同时引入了虚假边缘点。双阈值确定边缘点的步骤如下:在图像 iedge1 中扫描,当遇到一个非零值像素点时,在图像 iedge2 中搜寻对应位置点的 8 邻域像素点,若在iedge2 中为边缘点,则将 iedge1 中对应位置赋值为1,最终得到的 iedge1 即为边缘图像,最后对iedge1 进行非极大值抑制
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