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一口气英语演讲第四册第一口气英语演讲第四册第 9 9 课课一口气英语演讲第四册第 9 课_上梅林傅教练:快速提高英语成绩,一对一教学诊断和咨询百度首页 | 百度空间 | 登录 上梅林傅教练:快速提高英语成绩,一对一教学诊断和咨询一口气英语、演讲式英语、刘毅英语、逆向式英语、词汇逻辑记忆、新概念英语超循环背诵指导、李阳疯狂英语、小学英语、初中英语、英语 900 句、走遍美国、看英文电影学英语、提升口语和听力水平 主页博客相册|个人档案 查看文章 一口气英语演讲第四册第 9 课 2007 年 01 月 22 日 星期一 上午 10:019. Table MannersLets go grab a bite!Lets have a big feast!But, lets talk about table manners first.Table manners tell you a lot.They reveal a persons character.They reflect a persons education and upbringing.Make good table manners your habit.Make being polite your trademark.Follow these tips to make a good impression.我们去吃点东西吧!我们去吃大餐吧!不过,让我们先谈谈餐桌礼仪。餐桌礼仪透露很多讯息。它们表现出一个人的个性。它们反映出一个人的教育和教养。你要将良好的餐桌礼仪变成你的习惯。将彬彬有礼变成你的注册商标。遵照以下的诀窍,就可以给人好印象。First, wash your hands before eatingPut a napkin on your lapPut a hankie in your pocket just in caseKeep the conversation cordialKeep the table talk politeAvoid crude or disgusting topicsDont talk too loudDont eat too muchDo everything in moderation第一,吃东西前先洗手。膝盖上放一张餐巾。口袋里摆条手帕,以防万一。对话要真诚。餐桌上的谈话要有礼貌。要避免粗鲁、低级,或令人厌恶的话题。说话不要太大声“东西不要吃太多。做每样事情都要适当、得体。Second, have a “care about people“ attitude.Show kindness and concern.Show that eating together is likes haring.See who needs what.See what you can do.Remember that others come first.Pass everything around.Make sure every face looks content.Make sure everyone has what they need.第二,要有关心别人的态度。表现你的爱心和关心。表现出,一起吃饭是一种分享的样子。看看谁需要什麽“看看你可以做什麽。要记住,别人的需求为先。每样菜都要传给别人。确定每个人的表情看起来都很满意。确定每个人都吃到了他们想要吃的东西。Third, eat with style and grace.Dont gross people out.Dont talk with food in your mouth.Chew with your mouth closed.Chew crunchy things quietly.Dont look or sound like a pig!Eating noises are repulsive!Never belch or burp out loud!Never chomp or slurp your food.第三,吃东西要有风度,要优雅不要让别人倒胃口“嘴里有食物时不要说话。咀嚼时嘴要闭起来。安静地咀嚼脆的东西。不要看起来或听起来像猪在吃东西一样!吃东西发出声音是很讨厌的。绝对不要大声打隔。吃喝东西时不要大口咀嚼,或发出声音。Fourth, demonstrate good posture.Always sit up straight.Always keep your elbows off the table.Dont reach out in front of others.Dont stretch too far for things.Just ask by saying, “please pass that.“Turn away to cough or sneeze.Turn away to blow your nose.Always cover your mouth with your napkin or handkerchief when you do.第四,要表现出好的仪态。一定要挺直坐好“绝对不要手肘放在桌上。不要在别人面前伸手去拿东西。拿东西手不要伸得太远。只要开口要求:请把那个递给我咳嗽或打喷嚏要转过身去。搂鼻子要转过身去。而且当你这麽做时,一定要用餐巾或手帕掩出嘴。Finally, always compliment the meal.Always be thankful for the food.Let others do the complaining.Select the tastiest dish.Praise it sincerely.Praise the host or cook every meal.Use good table manners when you eat.Youll be a welcome guest at everyones table.Now, lets go eat a wonderful meal!最後,一定要称赞这顿饭。一定要感谢有这些东西可吃。抱怨的事情让别人去做。挑选一道最美味的菜。衷心地赞美。称赞主人或厨师的每一道菜。吃饭时要表现好的餐桌礼仪。在人人的餐桌上,你都会是个受欢迎的客人。现在,让我们开始享用这美好的一餐吧!类别:一口气英语 | 添加到搜藏 | 浏览(42) | 评论 (0) 上一篇:一口气英语演讲第四册第 8 课 下一篇:一口气英语演讲第四册第 10 课 最近读者:登录后,您就出现在这里。一叶 0415网友评论: 发表评论:姓 名: 注册 | 登录 *姓名最长为 50 字节网址或邮箱: (选填)内 容: 验证码: 请输入下图中的四位验证码,字母不区分大小写。看不清? 2008 Baidu
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