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1 这部电梯的价钱比预计的要稍高些. The cost of the lift is somewhat higher than estimated. 2 尽管我学习英语已多年,我还是不能与外国人交流. Though I have been learning english for many years , I still cannot communicate with foreigners. 由于年的奥运会,北京发生了重大变化 Due to 2008 Olympic Games, there have been great changes in Beijing. 妈妈抱怨约翰每天花太多时间看电视 Mother complained that John spent too much time on TV every day. 5 很多年轻人来到北京以实现他们的理想. Many young people come to Beijing to full fill their dreams. 6 他是唯一有资格担任这一职务的人. He is the only person who is qualified for the post. 7 只要尽我们所能,我们就一定能实现目标. As long as we try, we can certainly achieve our . 8 如果恶劣天气持续的话,将会出现更严重的交通问题. If the bad weather continues ,there will be more serious problems in transportation. 9 昨天我去拜访他,看看他是否能解决这个问题 I visited him yesterday to see if he could work out . 他不但兵浜球打得好,而且钢琴弹得好 He can not only play Ping-Pong well, but also play the piano well. 他们的研究主要集中在成人的学习习惯和学习技能上 Their research focuses mainly on the learning habits of adults and learning skills. 老师告诉我们这项工作必须在圣诞节前完成 The boss told us that the work must be finished before Christmas. 如果他早上点出发,现在应该到那里了 If he started at 8 oclock in the morning, he would have been there by now. 14 他提议成立一个项目组来解决物业上涨的问题 He put forward a proposal of setting up a project team to handle the rising prices. 15 由于他的帮助,我英语萘考试终于通过 Thanks go his help, I finally passed the end-of-term English exam. 16 在治疗期间,这个病人应该与其他人隔离开 This patient should be isolated from others during the treatment. 17 教育将给你提供更多就业机会 Education will provide you with more job opportunities. 18 由于受过专门训练,她打字又快又准确 Having received special training, she types quickly and accurately. 19 研究表明,人们越来越关心生活的质量 Studies show that people are have become more and more concerned with the quality of life. 20 由于药品短缺,病人无法得到及时治疗 Patients cannot be treated timely treatment because of a shortage of medicine. 21 校长在上周举行的会议上做了关于网络教育的重要报告 The president made and important report on online education at the meeting held last week. 22 这所小学平均每班有人 On average, there are 45 students in each class of this primany school. 23 我全神惯注在看书,没有听见你在敲门 I was so involved in my bood that I didnt hear you knock on the door. 24 科学研究证明,鱼含有丰富的维生素 Scientific research has shown that fish contains rich vitamins. 25 他刚工作的时候,每到月底钱就用光了 When he first started work, he usually ran out of money at the end of the month. 26 我们总是愿意帮助处在困境中的朋友 We are alwanys willing to help our friends in trouble.27 我们小的时候,对周围世界充满了好奇 When we were young, we were curious about everything around us. 28 那是我去过的最好的音乐会之一 Its one of the best concerts I have never been to. 29 他和我都有不知道为什么经理昨天没有来上班 Neither she nor I know why the manager didnt come to work yesterday. 30 如果图书馆的书放错了位置,读者不可能找到他们所要的书 Readers can not find the books they want in a library is the books are kept in a wrong place. 不采用新技术,就不能大幅度增加产量 Without adopting new technology,there will be no great in crease in production. 我们还没有找到一个代替他的人 We have not get found anyone who can replace him. 按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化 In accordance with his proposal, the procedure has been grently simplified. 你不得不承认他的表现接近于完美 You have to agree that his performance is almost perfect / has come close to perfection. 大多数人相信因特网的益处多于问题 Most people believe that the Internet s benefits out weigh its problems . 有了他的帮助,我们就没有其他什么可担心的了 With his help, we have nothing else to worry about. 他的实验充分显示了这项新技术的优势 His experiment has fully demonstrated the advantages of this new technology. 他考试作弊导致他没有取得学位 His cheating in the exams led to his failure to get a degree. 对付困难的良策是不要对困难胆怯 The best way to overcome difficulties is not to be afraid of them. 他很后悔没有把握住那次出国深造的机会 He regretted that he failed to take advantage of the opportunity to go abroad to study. 传统上,中国青年在长大成家之前一直与父母同住 Traditionally,Chinese Youths live with their parents until they grow up and marry. 他们的研究主要集中在成人的学习习惯和学习技能上 Their research focuses mainly on the learning habits of adults and learning skills. 女性职员占这个公司的三分之一 The woman / female clerks / staff make up one-third of the company. 因为他没有遵守安全规则,出了事故 His failure to observe by the safety regulations results in an accident. 这就是我不愿意加入这个足球队的原因 That is the reason why I dont want to join the football team. 在许多国家,英语是医疗卫生,电子和空间技术领域的工作语言 In many countries,English is the working language of medicine, electronics, and space technology. 你应该按医嘱去服这种药 You should follow the doctors instructions on how to take the medicine. 这首歌总让我想起在农村度过的学习生活 The song always reminds me of my school days in the countryside. 互联网使每个人在任何地方和任何时候接受教育成为可能 The Internet makes it possible for everyone to receive education anywhere and anytime. 同学们经常聚在一起分享语言学习的机会 Students often get together to share the experiences in lauguage learning. 他昨晚太兴奋了以致睡不着觉 He was too excited to fall into sleep / fall asleep last night.
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