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英语应试写作常用句型英语应试写作常用句型英语应试写作常用句型一、 文章开头句型对立法: 用于有争议性的主题,文章开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法。1. When it comes to , some people think / believe / hold that . Others argue / claim that the opposite / reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments / statements, but from my viewpoint, .2. There is a public / general / much debate / discussion today / nowadays on/ about / over / as to the issue of . It is commonly / generally / widely believed that , but is this really the case? Close examination /analysis doesnt bear out the argument.现象法:用于对社会现象进行剖析的文章,开头引出现象或问题,然后评论。1. Recently, the rise in / the phenomenon of / the problem of / the issue of has aroused public attention / caused considerable concern. According to a new / an official study / survey / report, .2. Nowadays / currently / Recently there is a growing tendency in / that / a deep-seated belief in / that / a growing recognition of / that / a serious concern over / that / a keen interest in / a great demand for .引用法:开头通过引用名人名言或有代表性的看法来引出文章要展开讨论的观点。1. “ Knowledge is power”. Such is the remark made by one of the great man. This view has been shared / confirmed time and again by more and more people.2. “ ” Thats how one college student described / commented / complained / criticized . He / She is hardly alone in the experience. / Many people have shared the experience like this.比较法: 通过对过去与现在两种不同倾向、态度和观点的比较,引出文章要讨论的主题。1. People used to think that / It was once thought that . But things are quite different. / But few people now share this view.2. It is a traditional way / practice / custom to / that .But now the pendulum has swung to another direction / the other way.二、 文章结尾句型结论法: 通过文章前面的讨论分析,引出文章的论点。1. From what has been discussed above / Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all reasons offered, we may safely / reasonably arrive at / come to / reach / draw the conclusion that 2. In summary / In conclusion / In a word, we should .后果法:用于揭示如果所讨论的问题不能解决,将会产生什么样的后果。1. Obviously / Clearly / No doubt, if we cant change / control / improve the situation, / if we ignore / are blind to the problem, / unless there is an immediate action, / unless there is a common realization, there is every chance / chances are good / it is very likely that .2. We need to examine the problem from a wider standpoint / in a new perspective, otherwise, we would pay a heavy price / come to no good end.号召法:用语呼吁行动起来,或对某一问题提请注意。1. It is high time that effective actions / proper measures / quick steps should be taken to end the situation / correct the tendency / fight the phenomenon.2. There is no doubt / denying that special attention must be paid / called / devoted to the problem of .3. There is no better time to act than right now, for you will never be offered a greater chance than you are at this moment.建议法:用于对文章所讨论的问题提出建设性的意见。1. While it cant be solved immediately / is affected by many factors / is simpler to say than to do, still there are ways. First of all, awareness of the problem is the first step toward the solution. Another method is . 2. Many solutions are being offered here. All of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough / quite satisfactory. The problem / issue should be approached in a wider context / in depth. 意义法:指出所讨论的问题的重要性及其深远的意义。1. We may have a long way to go before we reach the final destination. But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater.2. Followings these methods may not guarantee the solution to the problem, but the pay-off might be worth the effort. It will benefit / help .三、分析原因句型:1. It is no easy job / no simple task to offer the reasons for this phenomenon / tendency which involves several complicated factors. For one thing, . For another, .2. The change / problem mainly stems from / results from / arises from / comes from / is chiefly caused by / is largely due to / is largely owing to several factors. On one hand,. On the other hand, .四、后果影响句型:1. It may cause / create / bring / result in / lead to / give rise to a host of / a number of problems. The immediate result it produces / brings about is that . In addition, .2. There are a number of grave consequences / effects. Perhaps the most serious one is that .Whats more, .五、比较对照句型:两者比较:要说一个事物超过另一个事物。1. The advantages derived from A far outweigh / are much greater than benefits we gain from B.2. A may be preferable to B, but it suffers from some problems. For one thing, . For another, .两者相同:用于表达两个事物都有共同的特点,或都没有某种特点。1. There are some resemblances between and .2. The same thing is true of / goes for / applies to .3. Similarly / Likewise / In the same way, .两者不同:用于在对照两个事物时,分析它们各自不同,甚至截然相反的特点。1. A, while /whereas / on the other hand / on the contrary / by contrast B .2. There are some marked differences between A and B.单一事物比较:比较某一事物自身的优点和缺点。1. There is no doubt that it has both drawbacks as well as merits.2. For all the adverse effects, has the compensating advantages.3. The advantages gained i
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