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成都理工大学硕士学位论文成都市近30年土地利用遥感监测及生态足迹分析姓名:刘恩勤申请学位级别:硕士专业:摄影测量与遥感指导教师:杨武年20100601成都市近成都市近 30 年土地利用遥感监测及年土地利用遥感监测及 生态足迹分析生态足迹分析 作者简介: 刘恩勤, 女, 1984 年 9 月出生, 师从成都理工大学杨武年教授,2010 年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学摄影测量与遥感专业,获得工学硕士学位。 摘要摘要 土地利用/土地覆盖变化 (LUCC) 导致资源被占用和环境变化, 它通过人口、资源、环境与经济发展之间的互动平衡影响人类的可持续发展。中国在改革开放30 年来的经济发展为世界瞩目,然而快速城市化和工业化过程中土地资源尤其是耕地资源的减少,正在动摇着可持续发展的基础。 近 30 年来,随国民经济建设的高速发展,成都市区及周围城镇建设都发生了巨大的变化,经济和社会的快速发展导致自然资源需求量的急剧增加,使城市发展面临巨大的人口、资源与环境压力,引发了日益严重的人地关系矛盾,严重制约了社会的可持续发展。分析总结成都市土地利用变化的特点及变化原因,判断成都市的发展是否在生态系统的承载力范围之内,对于规范城市土地利用、缓和人地关系矛盾、制定区域环境和发展的综合决策具有至关重要的意义。本文将利用成都市 1978 年、1992 年、2000 年和 2009 年共四期遥感影像,通过遥感图像处理和解译,采用 GIS 和数理统计分析等技术,对成都市中心城区进行土地利用信息提取及土地利用变化监测,分析了成都在过去 30 年间土地利用变化的特点。同时,在分析成都市土地利用变化驱动机制的基础上,采用目前主流的评价生态安全的方法生态足迹法, 来分析成都市的发展是否在自然生态系统的承载力范围之内,是否可持续发展。 本文取得的研究成果主要有以下几点: (1)对成都市 1978-2009 年间土地利用信息进行提取,建立不同时期土地利用空间数据库。 (2)通过四期数据对比分析,发现不同时期土地利用变化具有不同的变化特点。总的来说,成都市建设用地面积大量增加,中心城区面积成倍增长,同时耕地面积大量减少。 (3)成都市特殊的自然环境状况、以及国家政策因素、人口及经济增长等因素的共同作用对成都市土地利用变化具有深刻的影响,是成都市 30 年间土地利用变化的主要驱动力。 (4) 采用生态足迹法对成都市近 30 年的建城区生态足迹进行了计算和对比分析,发现成都市建城区生态足迹呈上涨趋势。2000-2009 阶段,成都市建城区生态足迹的增长速度是 1978-1992、1992-2000、2000-2009 几个阶段中最快的。 本文对成都市近 30 年间土地利用变化的特点、驱动力机制及可持续发展能力展开了分析。成都市作为西南地区的特大型城市,其土地利用变化既有自身的特点,又有中国快速城市化的共性。本研究对于规范城市土地利用、缓和人地关系矛盾、制定土地利用和保护政策具有重要的意义。 关键字:土地利用变化(LUCC) 遥感 动态监测 驱动力分析 生态足迹 成都市 1 Analysis of the Land Use Change / Cover over past thirty years in Chengdu and its ecological footprint Author introduction:Liu En-qin, female, comes from Suizhou, Hubei. She was born in 1984. Her tutor is Prof. Yang Wu-nian in Chengdu University of Technology. She majors in Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. In June, 2010, she graduated from Chengdu University of Technology and obtained a masters degree in engineering. Abstract The Land Use / Land Cover Change (LUCC) leads to the exploitation of natural resources and changes of the environment which influence the Sustainable development of human by interactive balance to the population, resource, environment and the economic development. Chinas economic development over the past 30 years has drawn the worlds attention, but in the rapid process of industrialization and urbanization, the land resources, especially the arable land resources uncommonly declined, shaking the foundation of sustainable development. In the last 30 years, with the rapid development of the national economy, great changes have taken place in Chengdu and its surround towns. The demands to natural resources caused by the rapid expansion of economy and society increase sharply, and the urban development is faced with a huge population, resources and environmental pressure which strengthen the contradiction between people and land, seriously restricting the sustainable development of society. It makes great sense to analyze and summary the characteristic and the causes of the change of Land Use in Chengdu city. In this article, the remote sensing images in the year of 1978, 1992, 2000 and 2009 of Chengdu are used to extract the information and monitor the change of the Land Use with the help of technologies, such as Remote Sensing image processing, GIS and mathematical statistics. Afterwards, based on the analysis result of the Land Use drive mechanism in Chengdu, the ecological footprint method, which is a popular mean to evaluate the ecological security, is adopted to determine whether Chengdus development comes within the bearing capacity of the ecological system and whether it is sustainable. 2 Some results and innovations have achieved as follows: (1) This article extracted the Land Use information of the recent 30 years in Chengdu, and set up Land Use spatial database of various periods based on previous work. (2) Comparing and analyzing those data, it is shown that in different time the Land Use changes have different distinguishing feature. Totally, the area of construction land in Chengdu rolled up and the area of the inner city increased remarkably. In the mean while, the area of arable land declined unusually. (3) The coactions of the factors which include the specific natural environment of Chengdu, the authority policy, the population, the economic development, etc influence the Land Use change of Chengdu immensely. Those factors were the main driving force of the Land Use Chang of Chengdu over the past 30 years. (4) This article evaluated the ecological footprint of construction land in Chengdu in recent thirty years using the ecological footprint method. It is found that ecological footprint of construction land has been increasing. It was increasing at the fastest speed during the 2000-2009 periods, comparing with 1992-2000 period, 1992-2000 period, and 2000-2009 period. This article analyzes characteristics of the Land Use Change/Cover, driving forces and its ecological footprint in Chengdu over past thirty years. Chengdu is an especially big city. Its Land Use Change/Cover not only has the mutual characteristics of rapidly developed city, and also has its special characteristics. It makes great sense t
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