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浅谈虚拟语气的十大句型浅谈虚拟语气的十大句型安徽省巢湖市烔炀中学安徽省巢湖市烔炀中学 葛葛 平平虚拟语气分三种情况来掌握:1、虚拟条件句;2、名词性虚拟语气;3、虚拟语气的其他用语。一、虚拟条件句:一、虚拟条件句:条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气。1、条件从句与现在事实不一致,其句型为:句型句型 1 1:If 主语过去时,主语should(could, would, 或might)动词原形,如:(1) If I werewere you, I wouldwould studystudy hard.(2) If it rainedrained, I wouldwould notnot bebe here now.2、条件从句与过去事实不一致,其句型为:句型句型 2 2:If 主语had过去分词,主语should(could, would, 或 might)have 过去分词,如:(3) If the doctor hadhad comecome last night, the boy wouldwould havehave savedsaved.(4) If I hadhad notnot studiedstudied hard, I wouldwould havehave failedfailed in the exam last term.3、条件从句与将来事实不一致,其句型为:句型句型 3 3:If 主语过去时/should 动词原形/were to动词原形,主语should(could, would, 或 might)动词原形 ,如:(5) If it shouldshould rainrain tomorrow, we wouldwould staystay at home.(6) If I werewere toto gogo to the moon one day, I couldcould seesee it with my own eyes.(7) If you missedmissed the film tonight, you wouldwould feelfeel sorry.注意问题:注意问题:1、If 条件句中绝对不可以出现“would”。2、根据句中的时间状语,有时可能出现“混合虚拟混合虚拟”的情况,即主句可能是现在的情况,条件句也许是发生在过去的情况,但都要遵守上述句型,如:(8)If you hadhad studiedstudied hard before, you wouldwould bebe a college student now and you wouldwould graduategraduate from a college in four years time.3、在条件句中如果出现 were, had, should 可省去 if,将主语与这些词倒装,例如:(9) HadHad the doctor comecome last night, the boy wouldwould havehave savedsaved.(10) WereWere I toto gogo to the moon one day, I wouldwould seesee it with my own eyes.(11)ShouldShould it rainrain tomorrow, we wouldwould staystay at home.二、名词性虚拟语气:二、名词性虚拟语气:在表示命令、建议、要求、惊叹时的名词性从句中需用虚拟语气,基本句型:句型句型 4 4:主语(should)动词原形,如:(12) Mother insisted that John (should(should )go)go to bed at 9 oclock.(宾语从句)(13) It was required that the crops (should)(should) bebe harvestedharvested at once.(主语从句)(14)It is surprising that she shouldntshouldnt passpass the maths exam. (主语从句)(15) The suggestion that he (should)(should) bebe invitedinvited was rejected.(同位语从句)(16) Their demand is that their wages (should(should )be)be increasedincreased.(表语从句)注意:注意:在这种句子中绝不可以出现“would”“must”“could”等。三、虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或含蓄条件句:三、虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或含蓄条件句:句型句型 5 5:wish 后的宾语从句:与现在愿望不一致 :主语过去时;与过去愿望不一致 :主语had过去分词/could have过去 分词;与未来愿望不一致 :主语would(could)动词原形。如;(17) I wish I werewere you.(18) I wish I hadhad visitedvisited the white House when I was in the states.(19) I wish I couldcould meetmeet you tomorrow at the party.句型句型 6 6:Its time 句型:当 Its time 后用 that 从句时应该为:主语should动词原形 或 主语过去时,例如:(20) Its time that you wentwent /should/should gogo to school. 句型句型 7 7:If only 引起的感叹句相当于“How I wish宾语从句”,如:(21) If only he couldcould comecome! 他要能来就好了。(22) If only I hadhad knownknown the answer! 我要早知答案就好了。句型句型 8 8:would rather, as if(though)引导的句子也需使用虚拟,表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时,如:(23) Id rather you postedposted the letter right away.(24) Id rather you hadhad returnedreturned the book yesterday.(25) She loves the children as if they werewere hers.(26) Alan talked about Rome as if he hadhad beenbeen there.句型句型 9 9:without, but, but for, but that, otherwise 引起的短语或句子常暗含着含蓄条件。如:(27) Without you, I wouldwould nevernever knowknow him.(28) But for your cooperation, we wouldntwouldnt havehave donedone the work so well.(29) But that she was afraid, she wouldwould havehave saidsaid no.(30) I wouldwould bebe most glad to help you, but I am busy now.(31) I shouldshould havehave comecome to the party yesterday, but I was busy.(32) I am busy now, otherwise I wouldwould dodo you the favor!句型句型 1010:If it were not for./If it hadnt been for.(要不是因为.) , 其后面的主句也需使用虚拟 。如:(33) If it were not for his help, I wouldntwouldnt gogo homehome now. (34) If it hadnt been for the determined captain, all the passengers on the board wouldntwouldnt havehave beenbeen savedsaved.
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