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BookBook 7 7 UnitUnit 5 5 TravellingTravelling abroadabroadPeriodPeriod OneOne ReadingReading编者:孔庆华导学目标导学目标1. 提高阅读能力,掌握与本课阅读有关的重点词汇,分析背诵课文中部分经典的句子。2. 通过课文学习,树立国际意识,培养跨文化交际能力。自主合作探究自主合作探究I.I. 篇章结构篇章结构1.Read1.Read thethe texttext andand writewrite downdown thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe text.text.It mainly talks about the Chinese student - Xie Leis _and _ in London. II.II. 语篇理解语篇理解1.1. Decide the following sentences TRUE or FALSE and correct them if false.1). When Xie Lei first arrived in England, she didnt know how to pay on the bus. ( )2). Xies preparation course is helpful in getting used to academic requirements of a western university. ( ) 3). The tutor was satisfied with Xie Leis first essay. ( )4). Xie has no time for social activities just because she has been occupied getting used to everything. ( )5). Xie had no trouble reaching the academic requirements of a western university at first. ( )6). Xie is the only college student who lived with host families. ( ) 2.2. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage.1). Xie Lei felt like a child, because _. Which one is not true?A. she had to learn how to use a phone B. she had to learn how to pay on bus C. she had to learn how to buy things in the shop D. she had to learn how to speak English perfectly2). Foreign students usually live either _ or _ when they study abroad.A. at home, with a host family B. with a host family, in student apartmentC. in student apartment, in student accommodation D. with a host family, with friends3). In order to keep a balance between study and social activities, Xie Lei is going to_.A. join a few university clubs B. go to the cinema every day C. talk with the teachers and students all the time D. take part in all kinds of activities4). The advantage of boarding with host families is _.A. to live a comfortable life B. to save money C. to learn more about everyday life and customs D. to make more friends5). Where do you think the article might have been published?A. a travel journal B. a tourism book C. a foreign magazine D. a student newspaperIII.III. 句型背诵及运用句型背诵及运用1. ItIt waswas thethe firstfirst timetime she had ever left her motherland. 译文译文 _ 解读解读 It is/was the first time (that) sb 是一个固定句型,意为“第一次” 。 仿写仿写 2014 年冬奥会在索契举行,这是俄罗斯第一次举办冬奥会。The 2014 Olympic Winter Games took place in Sochi, and _.2. But I was also very nervous as I didnt know whatwhat toto expectexpect, . 译文译文 但是我又非常紧张,因为我不知道我所期望的是什么, 解读解读 what to expect 属于“疑问词不定式”结构。 仿写仿写 正当我们疑惑该做什么的时候,经理走了出来。When we_, the manager came out.3. I have been soso occupied with work thatthat I havent had time for social activities. 译文译文 _. 解读解读 so . that 引导的结果状语从句。 仿写仿写 新的图书馆设备如此完善,以至于许多市民都可以去那里借阅图书。The new library is _.4. He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought that the author of the article knew far more than I did. 译文译文 他想要知道的是我所想的是什么。这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。 解读解读 该句为复合句。中心句是 He wanted to know what I thought; 其中宾语是_;which 引导_从句,修饰_;because 引导_状语从句,其中谓语是_, that the did 又在句中作_语。5. Xie Lei told me that she feels much more at home in England now, and what had seemed very strange at the beginning now appear quite normal. 译文译文 谢蕾告诉我说,现在她在英国感到自在多了。以前看似很奇怪的事,如今觉得似乎很正常了。 解读解读 该句为复合句。主句的谓语是_, 其后跟两个宾语,其中一个以 that 引导,另一个由_引导,与 that 从句并列,由_连接;what 从句中的主语为_, appear 作_语。达标检测达标检测选词填空 adjust to, keep it up, fit in with, as far as one is concerned, be occupied with, get used to, take up 1) Our eyes have to_ the darkness when we go out of the bright room at night.2) _my assignments, I cant go shopping with mother this morning.3) Its said that his youngest son _the rest of his new class.4) _, you should come back after you finish your study abroad.5) Ive been working twelve hours a day, but I shall not be able to_.6) It is difficult for the old to _ another countrys customs.7) Dont let watching football matches _all your concentration.
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