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1名词性名词性从句从句用法详解用法详解一、概说一、概说名词性从句,即指性质相当于名词的从句,它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。从高考的考查的实际情况来看,名词性从句考得最多的是宾语从句,其次是主语从句,再次是表语从句,而同位语从句则很少考查。二、名词性二、名词性从句从句的的一般一般引导词引导词1. 连接词 that 只起连接作用,没有任何意思,也不充当句子成分,在宾语从句中可省略,但引导其他名词性从句时通常不省略。如:I hope (that) you enjoy your holiday. 希望你假期过得好。That he likes you is very obvious. 很显然他喜欢你。2. 连接词 whether 也不充当句子成分,但有自己的意思,表示“是否”;引导宾语从句时,可换成 if,但引导其他名词性从句时不能换成 if。如:He asked whether if I would show him the way. 他问我是否可以给他带路。Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。(引导主语从句,不能用 if 代替 whether)3. 连接代词 who(m), whose, which, what 等,均有各自的意义,在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。如:Thats why she wanted to leave. 这就是她想离开的原因。When we arrive doesnt matter. 什么时候到没有关系。Tell me which one you like best. 告诉我你最喜欢哪一个。4. 连接副词 when, where, why, how 等,也各自有自己的意义,在从句中作状语。如:The question is how we should carry out the plan. 问题是怎样执行这个计划。When shell be back depends much on the weather. 她什么时候回来在很大程度上要看天气。Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。三、名词性三、名词性从句从句的重要引导词的重要引导词1. what 用于引导名词性从句是一个十分重要的引导词,它可引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,但不用于引导同位语从句。它引导的名词性从句有两个意思是:一是表示“什么”,带有疑问意味;二是表示“所的”,相当于:先行词+关系代词。如:2I dont know what you want. 我不知道你想要什么。I dont know what you want is this. 我不知道你所想要的是这个。2. what 引导名词性从句时可用作限定词,其后修饰名词。如:I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他了。He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。注:what 后的名词可以是复数名词或不可数名词,但通常不能是单数可数名词,并且后接不可数名词时,有时可有 little 修饰,两者的区别是:what+不可数名词=所有的都,what little+不可数名词=虽少但全部。如:What friends she has are out of the country. 她有的那些朋友全在国外。We gave him what (little) help we could. 我们给了他我们力所能及的帮助。3. whoever, whatever, whichever 等也可引导名词性从句,其意分别为“所的一切事或东西”、“任何的人”、“的任可人或物”等。如:Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。Ill do whatever I can to help him. 我们将尽我们所能来挽救他。Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:任何人来都欢迎。误:Who comes will be welcome. / Anyone comes will be welcome.正:Whoever comes will be welcome. / Anyone who comes will be welcome.另外,它们也可引导让步状语从句,其意为“无论”、“不管”,其意相当于 no matter who what, which。如:Whatever happens, you must be calm. 不管发生什么情况,你都必须镇静。(whatever = no matter what)He wont eat you, whoever he is. 不管他是谁,他也不能把你吃掉。(whoever = no matter who)注:whoever 既用作主格也用作宾语;作宾语时不宜用 whomever,因为在现代英语中 whomever 这个已几乎废弃不用。4. why 与 because 的用法区别。两者均可引导表语从句,但前者强调结果,后者强调的原因。如:I had a cold. Thats why I didnt come. 我感冒了,因此我没来。I didnt come. Thats because I had a cold. 我没有来,那是因为我感冒了。3五、名词性五、名词性从句从句的语序的语序名词性从句的词序与陈述句语序相同,尤其注意那些由连接代词 who(m), whose, which, what 和连接副词 when, where, why 等引导的名词性从句,不要受它们在特殊疑问句中用法的影响而误用疑问句词序。如:Why was she crying? 她为什么在哭?I dont know why he was crying. 我不知道她为什么哭。六、名词性六、名词性从句从句的时态问题的时态问题1. 当主句的谓语动词是过去式时,宾语从句若不是一个客观事实或真理,其谓语动词也必须用某种过去时态。如:She said that she didnt want to know. 她说她不想知道。I asked her whether she would agree. 我问她是否会同意。2. when, if 这两个词既可引导名词性从句,也可引导状语从句。当它们引导名词性从句且表示将来意义时,要直接使用将来时态;但当它们引导状语从句且表示将来意义时,则必须用一般现在时表示将来意义。如:I dont know when he will come, but when he comes, Ill call you. 我不知道他什么时候,但当他来的时候,我会打电话给你。句中第一个 when 引导的是宾语从句,故用将来时态表示将来意义;第二个 when 引导的是时间状语从句,故用一般现在时表示将来意义。主语从句用法详解(例句丰富)一、主语一、主语从句从句的引导词的引导词主语从句通常由连词 that 和 whether、连接代词或连接副词以及关系代词型 what 引导。1. that 引导引导That he is still alive is a wonder. 他还活着,真是奇迹。4That we shall be late is certain. 我们要晚了,这是确定无疑的。That he should have ignored the working class was natural. 他忽视工人阶级是很自然的。That she is still alive is a consolation. 她还活着是使人感到宽慰的。That she became an artist may have been due to her fathers influence. 她成为画家可能是受她父亲的影响。That you are coming to London is the best news I have heard this long time. 你将来伦敦是好久以来我听到的最好消息。That she was chosen made a tremendous stir in her village. 她被挑选上,在她村 子里引起很大轰动。2. whether 引导引导Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。Whether they would support us was a problem. 他们是否会支持我们还是一个问题。3. 连接代词引导连接代词引导Whoever is top from wins the game when two matched players meet. 两强相争勇者胜。Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 无论(你们)谁先到都可以得奖。Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪个哪个就是你的。4. 连接副词引导连接副词引导When we arrive doesnt matter. 什么时候到没有关系。How it was done was a mystery. 这是怎样做的是一个谜。How this happended is not clear to anyone. 这件事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。How many people we are to invite is still a question. 邀请多少人还是一个问题。Where I spend my summer is no business of yours. 我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。5. 关系代词型关系代词型 what 引导引导What we need is money. 我们需要的是钱。What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是这一点。Whats done is done. 事已成定局。What he says is not important. 他说的话并不重要。What I am telling you is mere impressions. 我和你说的都不过是一些印象而已。What make the river more beautiful are the lotus plants growing in the water. 为河水增色的是水里的荷花。What you need is a good-sized canvas bag. 你需要的是一个比较大的帆布袋。5What I am afraid of is their taking him to Portugal. 我担心的是他们把他带到葡萄牙去。What struck me was that they have all suffered a lot. 给我很深印象的是他们都受过很多苦。二、主语二、主语从句从句与形式主语与形式主语 it有时为了考虑句子平衡,通常在主语从句处使用形式主语 it,而将真正的主语从句移至句末。这分三种情况:(1) 对于以连词 that 引导的主语从句,通常用形式主语代主语从句:Its a pity that he didnt come. 很遗憾他没来。It is important that he should know about this. 他必须知道此事。Its vital that we be present. 我们出席是至关重要的。It was intended that you be the cand
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