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PEP 小学英语五年级下册重点句型小学英语五年级下册重点句型1.When do you play sports? 你什么时候做运动? 2.I usually play sports at 3:00.我通常三点钟做运动 3.When does he/she do morning exercises? 他/她什么时候晨练? 4.He/She usually does morning exercises at 9:00.他/她通常 9 点晨练 5.What about you?=How about you?=And you? 你呢? 6.Can I ask you some questions? Sure.我可以问你一些问题吗?当然可以 7.What do you do? 你是做什么的? 8.I am a policeman/student.我是一名警察/学生. 9.Thank you for telling me about your day. 谢谢你告诉我关于你的一天. 10.What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么? 11.I often go shopping/hiking.我经常去购物/远足 12.Lets go hiking together next Sunday. Great.下个星期天让我们一起去远足吧.好极了. 13.Its going to rain tomorrow.明天要下雨. 14.I cant play football in the rain.我不能在雨里踢球. 15.I cant go hiking either.我也不能去远足 16.Come to my home.来我家, 17.Whats your favourite season? Winter.你最喜爱的季节是什么?冬天. 18.Which season do you like best? Summer.你最喜欢哪种季节?夏天. 19.Whats the weather like in spring? 春天的天气怎么样? 20.Its windy and warm. 有风的,暖和的 21.The leaves are colourful. 树叶的颜色五颜六色. 22.Its too cold for me.对我来说太冷了.23.I like to swim in the sea.我喜欢在海里游泳.24.I like fall best.我最喜欢秋天.25.What would you like to do? 你想要做什么? 26.Id like to climb mountains.我想要爬山.27.I wear my sweater .Its windy. 我穿着我的毛衣,有 风.28.Which season is it? Its spring.是哪种季节?春天.29.Why do you like spring? 为什么你喜欢春天? 30.Because I can plant trees.因为我可以种树.31.Why do you like winter? 为什么你喜欢冬天? 32.Because I can skate.因为我可以滑冰.33.When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall.去北京最好的时间是什么时候?秋天.34.What is the weather like in fall in Beijing?在秋天北京是什么天气 ?35.Its sunny and cool.晴天而且凉爽.36.What can I do there?我在那里可以做什么?37.You can go to the Great Wall.你可以去长城.38.When is your birthday? 你生日是什么时候?39.My birthday is in June./ Its in June.我生日在六月.40.When is your birthday? 你生日是什么时候? 41.My birthday is March 12th.我生日是三月十二日.42.My birthday is in February.我生日在二月.43.Is your birthday in February?你生日在二月吗?44.How many birthdays are there in January?一月有几个人生日?45.There are three birthdays in January.一月有三个人生日.46.When is Aunt Marys birthday?Mary 阿姨的生日是什么时候?47.Her birthday is in November.她的生日在 11 月.48.When is Teachers Day? 教师节是什么时候? 49.Its September 10th.是 9 月 10 日.50.Who has a birthday in October? Me.谁 10 月生日?我.51.Whats the date?几号?52.Its October 1st.10 月 1 日.53.What are you doing?你在做什么什么?54.I am sending Grandma an e-card.我在给奶奶发电子卡片.55.Does she have a computer? No she doesnt. 她有电脑吗?没有.56.Everyone likes to get birthday cards.每个人都喜欢得到生日卡片.57.What are you doing? 你在做什么?58.I am doing the dishes.我在洗碗碟.59.I am talking to you.我在和你说话.60.Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? Sure.你想去儿童活动中心吗?当然.61.What is she/he/Amy/your father doing?她/他/艾米/你的爸爸在做什么?62.She/He/Amy/My father is writing an e-mail.她/他/艾米/我的爸爸在写邮件.63.Can I speak to your mom please?我可以和你妈妈说话吗?64.Sure. Please hold on.当然,请稍等.65.There s a call for you.有你的电话.66.Hows everybody doing? Just fine 每个人都好吗?很 好.67.What s he doing? 他在做什么?68.Hes writing an e-mail.他在写电子邮件.69.What is she doing? 她在做什么?70.She is walking.她在走路.71.What is it doing? 它在做什么?72.Its running.它在跑.73.What are they doing? 他们在做什么? 74.Theyre running.他们在跑步.75.What are the elephants doing? 大象们在做什么? 76.They are drinking water.他们在喝水.77.The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.大象在用它的象鼻喝水.78.What a big nature park!多么大的一个自然公园啊.79.Do you see any animals? Yes I do.你喜欢动物吗?是 的.80.Here come two tigers.来了两只老虎.81.Here comes a tiger.来 了一只老虎.82.They are good climbers 他们是很好的攀爬者.83.Can tigers swim? Yes they can.老虎会游泳吗?是的, 会84.Can ducks flying? No they cant.甲子会飞吗?不会. 85.Can they climb trees? Yes they can / No they cant.他们会爬树吗?是的,会/不,不会.86.They like to be quiet in the day.白天他们喜欢保持安 静.87.Its running too fast.跑得太快.88.Theyre looking at us.他们在看着我们. 89.They live in trees.他们住在树上.90.Kangaroos live in Australia.袋鼠住在澳大利亚. 91.What is Mike/he doing? 迈克/他在做什么?92.Mike/ He is watching insects.迈克/他在观察昆虫.93.What are you doing? 你在做什么?94.Im watching my classmates.我在观察我的同学们.95.Where are they? 他们在哪?96.They are in the woods.他们在树林里.97.What are they doing? 他们在做什么?98.Theyre catching butterflies. 他们在捉蝴蝶.99.Are they catching butterflies? 他们在捉蝴蝶吗?Yes they are./ No they arent.是的/不是.100.What experiment? 什么实验?101.What do ants like to eat?蚂蚁喜欢吃什么?102.Come and have a look at the ants.来看看这些蚂蚁.103. Do an experiment on me please.在我身上做一下实验.104.Whats John doing? John 在做什么?105.Hes playing chess.他在下棋. 106.Is he playing chess? Yes he is / No he isnt.他在下棋吗?是的/没有. 107.Its time to go.该走 了.108.She is running to us.她在向我们跑来.109.Where is she? 她在哪?110.Shes over there.她在那里.
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