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上海交通大学航空航天学院李伟鹏特别研究员招聘博士后上海交通大学航空航天学院李伟鹏特别研究员招聘博士后一、研究方向一、研究方向1. 计算气动声学(CAA)和计算流体力学(CFD)2. 声传播的时域和频域的计算方法3. 壁湍流模拟、高雷诺数湍流减阻4. 湍流数据统计分析,机器学习建模等二、应聘条件应聘条件1. 具有流体力学、声学、航空航天、流体机械等相关专业博士学位;2. 具备与上述研究方向相同或相近研究基础;3. 具有独立开展科学研究的能力,以及较强的中英文写作、交流和表达能力;4. 踏实做事,诚实为人,具有强的团队合作、奉献精神和责任心,较强的组织协调能力。三、职责三、职责1.独立申报和完成科研课题;2.协助联系导师团队指导博士生、研究生及本科生的研究工作;3.负责团队及所在实验室管理等公益工作。四、待遇四、待遇1、年薪 20-25 万(税前) ; 2、博士后在站期间,可选择租住学校博士后公寓;3、根据博士后人员的工作情况和科研产出发放奖励性津贴;4、其他福利待遇按国家和上海交通大学有关规定执行(http:/postd.sjtu.edu.cn/files.htm ) 。五、应聘方式五、应聘方式1. 初审:初审:发送个人简历(包括学习、工作经历和研究成果)和应聘意向书至:liweipengsjtu.edu.cn,并请在邮件标题中注明“博士后应聘”;2. 面试面试:初选合格后,电话或 E-mail 通知本人参加面试,面试时需提供:学历、学位证书及其复印件;了解应聘者工作的 2 位专家推荐信(其中一人须是应聘者的博士导师)和其他可以证明本人研究能力及水平的相关资料。3. 联系人联系人:李伟鹏 liweipengsjtu.edu.cn4. 导师主页导师主页:http:/www.aero.sjtu.edu.cn/Data/View/994Post-doctoral Fellowship on CAA/CFD in School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, SJTUApplications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai city, China. Project descriptions: Projects are available in the areas of (but not limited to): Computational aeroacoustics and computational fluid dynamics (CAA/CFD) Noise propagation in time- and frequency-domain Flow and noise control at high Reynolds number Turbulence statistics and modeling Machine learning for turbulent flowAbout Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), as one of the higher education institutions which enjoy a long history and a world-renowned reputation in China, is a key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Peoples Republic of China and co- constructed by MOE and Shanghai Municipal Government. Through 121 years unremitting efforts, SJTU has become a comprehensive, research-oriented, and internationalized top university in China. More information about SJTU, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Dr. Weipeng Li can be found at: http:/en.sjtu.edu.cn/about-sjtu/overview http:/www.aero.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Default http:/www.aero.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Data/View/2776Qualifications: Applicants should be of outstanding quality and exceptionally motivated, and should have a PhD degree in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics, Mechanics or a closely related discipline; strong and demonstrated experience in CAA or CFD; good publications in peer-reviewed top journals; practical experience of turbulence and unsteady flow.Salary and benefits: The positions are for two years initially, renewable depending on funding; Annual salary 200k250k RMB ($31k39k) depending on experience; Outstanding candidates will be appointed as Research Assistant Professor (RAP);How to apply: Please send a CV with a list of publications, experiences to liweipengsjtu.edu.cn Application deadline: Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.
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