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新视界大学英语第一册第二单元课文翻译及练习答案新视界大学英语第一册第二单元课文翻译及练习答案(will(will新视界大学英语综合教程第二单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading吃火锅这是一个寒冷的冬夜,我们刚从纽约来,到了这里不过两个小时。我们和朋友一起,在北京一家四川火锅店吃饭。这是个典型的温暖、热闹、充满活力的地方。我回到了中国,感觉非常惬意。一个服务员把火锅放在我们面前,点着了火。我们正研究着里面都放了些什么,那沸腾的蒸汽和调料的味道就冲了上来。迎着火锅的热气,我们兴奋地满脸通红,期待着我们最爱的食物。其实,并不是每个人都如此。我的男朋友和我一起来的中国,他只会停留很短的一段时间,这是他第一次来中国,我早就承诺带他吃经典的四川菜。他看上去有点迷惑,也许是因为坐飞机累了的缘故吧。我的一个中国朋友把菜单递给我,让我点菜。服务员端来了几盘生食:有牛肉片、羊肉片、堆得很高的蘑菇,有很多西方人会觉得少见的蔬菜,以及一些很难辨认的小块滑溜的肉。在美国吃这种肉?我们想都不会想。我给我男朋友解释说,火锅一边的锅底比较清淡,另一边的是辣椒油,里面全是辣椒,必须小心对待。然后我解释如何将各种配菜放到煮沸的锅里,烫熟,在各种调味酱中蘸一下,然后吃掉。 很快,我们都自己动手开始吃了,相互分享最好吃的,同时闲聊我们假期都干了什么。但是,我男朋友的盘子是空的。我看到他夹起一片又一片,每一片都看一看,然后又放回锅里。我问他:“你找什么呢?”他看上去很迷茫:“他们是怎么知道哪片是自己放进去的?我怎么才能找到自己放进去的那些呢?”我们大笑,然后我才意识到他是认真的。后来,我又看了一眼我男朋友。他非常慢地咀嚼着,筷子停在半空中。他看上去满腹狐疑但脸上又挂着礼貌的微笑。我问他:“又怎么了?你以前又不是没用过筷子!”“不是,不是因为这个。我吃到的和我想象的不一样。 ”虽然他面带微笑,但我还是能看出来他在想什么。我甚至可以听出来他吃的是什么东西,尽管周围很嘈杂。忽然,我想起了自己第一次在中国吃中餐的感觉。我跟他解释说:“这不是曼哈顿唐人街的外卖中餐,那种中餐是根据西方人口味作了专门调整的,现在吃的才是真正的中国人吃的真正的中餐!”我怎么会把他带到这儿来呢?这可是他在中国吃的第一顿饭!我真应该带他去上中餐初级班,就像他以前上中文初级班一样。现在我在中国,吃真正的中餐已经成为一种习惯。可我第一次来的时候,不管上什么菜,我都硬吞下去,尽管我根本不喜欢吃,为的只是让主人开心而已。对于西方人来说,味但是,渐渐地,在中国住了几个月后,我意识到我喜欢的是中餐的这种感觉,这也是我在离开中国时所怀念的。现在,中餐已经使我感到贪馋了。 我现在到了中国就像到了自己家一样,但我男朋友第一次吃真正中餐的经历还是吓了我一跳,也让他开始想家了。Dealing with Unfamiliar Words Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.1. the norm 2. despite 3. plentiful 4. investigated 5. adapted6. Apart from 7. expectations 8. energetic 9. greedy 10. doubtful Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. chew 2. recall 3. exhausted 4. swallow5. confused; puzzled / puzzled; confused6. swear 7. suck Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. appreciate 2. ingredient 3. handle 4. raw5. plunge 6. identify 7. Dip 8. mildLanguage in Use Now replace the underlined words with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1. They are going to bus us home after the meal. 2. She works in a restaurant and heads a team of seven people.3. As the manager, he shoulders a lot of responsibilities.4. Can you text me when you arrive at the restaurant?5. Ive already mailed you my reply.6. About 100 people crowded into the waiting room. Now replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in brackets.1. boring 2. bored 3. frightened 4. frightening 5. puzzling 6. puzzled 7. tiring 8. tired Now rewrite the sentences using with+noun.1. My hands turned blue because of the cold.My hands turned blue with the cold.2. She was screaming because she was so angry. She was screaming with anger.3. His eyes lit up because he was so pleased.His eyes lit up with pleasure.4. Everything changed as a result of the news that she had passed the test. Everything changed with the news that she had passed the test.5. After the arrival of our friends we were able to relax. With the arrival of our friends we were able to relax. Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs using see someone doing something.1. putting 2. walking 3. waiting4. burning 5. discussing 6. beating Now rewrite the sentences using should have done.1. I didnt try the soup, but I wish I had.I should have tried the soup.2. I ate the fish, but I wish I hadnt.I shouldnt have eaten the fish.3. I drank a whole bottle of wine. I regret this.I shouldnt have drunk a whole bottle of wine.4. We should have ordered some vegetables.5. I didnt say goodbye to everyone, which was a mistake. I should have said goodbye to everyone. Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. As we investigate its contents, the bubbling steam and spices rise, and our faces go red with the heat and the expectation of our favorite food.我们正研究着火锅里面都放了些什么,那沸腾的蒸汽和调料的味道就冲了上来,迎着火锅的热气,我们兴奋得满脸通红,期待着我们最爱的食物。2. The waitress brings plates of raw food, as well as some slippery bits of meat which are hard to identify and which we wouldnt even think of eating in the US.服务员端来了几盘生食,以及一些很难辨认的小块滑溜的肉。在美国吃这种肉?我们想都不会想。3. Then I explain how to plunge the ingredients in the boiling stock, cook them and then dip them in the different sauces before eating.然后我解释如何将各种配菜放到煮沸的锅里,烫熟,在各种调味酱中蘸一下,然后吃掉。4. Why did I bring him here, for his first meal in China? I should have taken him to a beginners class in Chinese food, as if he was in a beginners class to learn Chinese.我怎么会把他带到这儿来呢?这可是他在中国吃的第一顿饭!我真应该带他去上中餐初级班,就像他以前上中文初级班一样。5. However, gradually, over the months Ive lived in China, I now realize that its the feel of the food which I appreciate and which I miss when Im away.但是,渐渐地,在中国住了几个月后,我意识到我喜欢的是中餐的这种感觉,这也是我在离开中国时所怀念的。 Translate the sentences into English.1. 令很多家长感到困惑的是,为什么孩子们对洋快餐那么感兴趣。(puzzle; crazy about)What puzzles many parents is why their kids are so crazy about foreign fast food.2. 到中国之前,你应该对中国的饮食文化有所了解。(should have done)You should have learnt something about Chinese food culture before you came to China.3. 尽管食品安全问题引起了广泛关注,食品安全仍然面临严峻的问题。(despite; safety)Despite all the attention that has been paid to food
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