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高级口译考试历年真题口试答案及口译真题 1997.11 上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 A 卷 参考答案: Part A Passage 1: 纽约因人而异可以是两类城市中的一种:对旅游观光客来说,那是一座人流拥 挤、汽车喇叭声不停、交通堵塞、街道肮脏、地铁闷臭的城市所有这一切同 华尔街和联合国大厦等国际性标志性建筑形成了鲜明的对照。 然而,对大多数本地居民和上班族来说,纽约只不过是一个巨大繁忙的商业活 动场所到晚上,就应该立即离开,前往环境更加宁静的地区。当然,纽约仍 然是西半球人口最多、最繁华的大都市。 Passage 2: 贵方产品改进后的式样给我留下了深刻的印象。产品有新意,而工艺尚不尽如 人意。不过我还是打算询个价。这是一份我所感兴趣的产品的购物单,请您给 我一个有效期为 30 天、目的港为旧金山的到岸价。 您知道我是一个诚心诚意的大买主。当然,我的采购量则完全取决于贵方的报 盘。得到您的底价后我想与您讨论一下付款方式问题。 Part B Passage 1: Welcome to the Shanghai Museum. Completed in the 90s, the Shanghai Museum is a large museum equipped with modern facilities. Its bronze ware collection is a fine treasure of the Chinese cultural heritage highly respected in the world. The Shanghai museum also displays over 500 pieces of the finest ceramics as well as nearly 200 pieces of sculpture, with the Buddhist sculpture and figurine modeling art as the main subject. Each of these exhibits depicts the artistic styles of different historical periods. Passage 2:In the past, China was called “the sick man of East Asia”. Not a single Chinese name could be found among the top world-class athletes or world-record holders in competitive sports before 1949. The founding of the Peoples Republic of China brought fundamental changes to the field of sports, and the skills of Chinese athletes improved quickly. By 1996, Chinese athletes had won 2563 world championship titles. 口译题录音文字稿: Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: New York is, depending on ones point of view, any one of the two cities: to the tourists, it is a city of hurrying crowds, horn- blowing traffic jams, dirty streets and smelly subwaysall in sharp contrast to such international symbols as Wall Street and the United Nations Building, / but to most local inhabitants and commuters, it is simply an enormous and busy working field associated with business activities a place to leave as soon as possible in the evening for the more peaceful atmosphere of the suburban areas. But of course, New York remains to be the most populous, flourishing and prosperous metropolitan city in the Western Hemisphere. Passage 2: Im very impressed by the improved design of your products. They have a novel appeal, though the workmanship is not so desirable. Anyway, Id like to make an inquiry. This is my list of interested items and Id like to hear your quotations on a C. I. F. basis valid for 30 days to San Francisco. You know Im a serious and bulk buyer. But of course, my intended amount of purchase is definitely dependent on your offer. Id also like to discuss the terms of payment with you as soon as I get your floor price. Part B Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal you may take notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, lets begin Part B with the first passage. Passage 1: 欢迎各位参观上海博物馆。上海博物馆是我国 90 年代建成的一座大型现代化博 物馆。馆内收藏的青铜器是中华民族文化遗产中的珍品,为世界各国所崇仰。 上海博物馆还展出了 500 余件历代陶瓷精品,以及近 200 件雕塑作品,其中以 佛像雕刻和俑像雕刻为主。每件展品都代表了不同历史时期的艺术风格。 Passage 2: 过去,中国被称为“东亚病夫” 。1949 年前,在竞技体育的世界运动员或世界 纪录保持者中找不到一个中国人的名字。中华人民共和国的成立给体育界带来 了重大的变化。中国运动员的技能迅速提高,至 1996 年为止,中国运动员获得 了 2653 项世界冠军。 B 卷 参考答案: Part A Passage 1: 英国教育的问题在于教师。我认为除了他们执教的课外,教师在实际上如何教书这方面没有得到足够的培训。他们太一本正经,太学究气,想象力也不够丰 富。/ 因此,教室里没有充分的热烈气氛来激发孩子们对所学课程的兴趣。我认为理 论教得太多,有实用价值的教育和知识不足,结果学生忙于应付考试,没有时 间去理解生活本身以及学会如何生活。 Passage 2: 在过去 10 年中我们美国人的饮食习惯已发生了诸多变化。越来越多的美国人钟 情于那种尽可能免于加工的天然食物,他们大多喜欢从豆类、奶酷和鸡蛋等食 物中获取人体所需要的蛋白质。 我们美国人正重新认识餐饮的家庭和社会寓意,与家人和亲朋好友共进晚餐已 被视为一种享乐与交流的极好机会。虽然我们仍然会在快餐店里匆匆打发自己 的午餐,但是我们下班后都希望同家人围聚在餐桌旁共进晚餐,从容不迫地共 享家宴的美味。 Part B Passage 1:Chinas sports have undergone several thousand years of development. But they had not been regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949, when the Peoples Republic of China was founded. Now, a nationwide network for physical culture and sports has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. The purpose of developing physical culture and sports in China is to spread sports among the people, enhance their physique, improve the sporting level of the country as a whole and chalk up new record, thus helping to promote the countrys economic as well as moral and cultural development. Passage 2: Ladies and gentlemen, before you make a decision, Id like to make some remarks about the quotation policies regarding the group tours with this travel agency. First, an individuals quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, tourist guide service and round-
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