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你好,欢迎光临你好,欢迎光临 BL 眼镜公司。眼镜公司。Hello, welcome to BL glasses company.我能为您做些什么吗?我能为您做些什么吗?What can I do for you?请问您是需要太阳眼镜还是近视眼镜呢?请问您是需要太阳眼镜还是近视眼镜呢?Could you tell me whether you need the sunglasses or spectacles?请问您是近视还是远视啊?请问您是近视还是远视啊?Could you tell me whether you are myopia or long sight?是不是需要我帮您验光呢?是不是需要我帮您验光呢?Whether need me to help you to have an eye test?那我们这边走好吗?那我们这边走好吗?Then shall we come this way? 或者或者 This way please!您请坐!您请坐!Sit down, please!把头放在这里,尽量不要动,好吗?把头放在这里,尽量不要动,好吗?The labour contractor puts here, try not to move, OK?很快就好的!很快就好的!It is all right to be very fast!你好,可以了,我们这边坐好吗?你好,可以了,我们这边坐好吗?Hello, all right, shall we sit down in this side?你好,现在我给你测下瞳距!你好,现在我给你测下瞳距!Hello, I examine the distance between two pupils for you now!好的,现在我开始给您精确的验光了!好的,现在我开始给您精确的验光了!OK, I begin to give you accurate having an eye test now!如果你能够看清楚方向,告诉我,好吗?如果你能够看清楚方向,告诉我,好吗?If you can see the direction clearly, tell me, OK?这对我非常重要。这对我非常重要。This is very important to me.现在你告诉我是红色的现在你告诉我是红色的 8 清楚,还是绿色的清楚,还是绿色的 8 清楚呢?清楚呢?You tell me to be that red 8 is clear now, or does green 8 know?谢谢,那么现在呢!谢谢,那么现在呢!Thanks, then now!好的,现在告诉我你能够看清楚第几排?好的,现在告诉我你能够看清楚第几排?OK, tell me now which row you can see clearly?很好,你能用手势告诉我方向吗?很好,你能用手势告诉我方向吗?Very good,it can tell gesture you we to?很好,现在我们比较下左眼清楚还是右眼清楚!很好,现在我们比较下左眼清楚还是右眼清楚!Very good, we lower left eye clear or right eye clear now!让我们试试舒服不舒服好吗?让我们试试舒服不舒服好吗?Let shall we is it comfortable to have a try?好的,可以了,这就是您的度数!好的,可以了,这就是您的度数!OK, all right, this is your degree!左眼近视左眼近视 250 度,右眼近视度,右眼近视 300 度。度。Left eye is near-sighted 250 degrees, right eye is near-sighted 300 degrees你喜欢玻璃镜片还是树脂镜片啊?你喜欢玻璃镜片还是树脂镜片啊?Do you like the glass lens or resin lens?喜欢什么颜色的眼镜架呢?喜欢什么颜色的眼镜架呢?What color of spectacle frame is liked?价格真的很便宜了!价格真的很便宜了!The price is really very cheap!已经给您打过折了。已经给您打过折了。Have already hit rolling over for you.眼镜要两天后可以做好!眼镜要两天后可以做好!The glasses can do well two days later!您不急着要吧。您不急着要吧。You can wait?那我们后天见。那我们后天见。Then we will meet the day after tomorrow.再见!再见!Good-bye!这是一个知名的大品牌!这是一个知名的大品牌!This is a big famous brand!它是意大利制造的。它是意大利制造的。It is made in Italy。你喜欢中国制造的是吗?你喜欢中国制造的是吗?You like what China make, right?我也觉得中国的东西不错的哦。我也觉得中国的东西不错的哦。I think too the thing of China is good.价格也比较便宜。价格也比较便宜。The price is cheaper too.
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