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学号_0910322583024_密级_武汉大学本科毕业论文武汉大学本科毕业论文电信网上营业厅业务办理系统的设计与实现电信网上营业厅业务办理系统的设计与实现院(系)名 称:国际软件学院专 业 名 称 :软件工程(电子金融)学 生 姓 名 :XXX指 导 教 师 :XXX 教授二一一年六月BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF WUHAN UNIVERSITYTelecom online business hall Business deal with system design and implementationCollege :International SoftwareSubject :Software EngineeringName : XXXDirected by : XXX Professor(Times New Roman 4 号居中)June 2011郑郑 重重 声声 明明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名: 日期: I摘要摘要传统的电信业,业务办理都是在前台进行,客户浪费了大量的时间去排队办理业务,而电信公司花了大量的人力物力去开设业务办理网点。这样就照成了极大地浪费,因此我们想创建网上营业厅用于解决这个问题。网上营业厅是各大运营商为了方便客户办理查询各类业务而开办的专用网站,用户通过登陆网上营业厅可以自助办理各种交易业务、查询业务清单、查询业务记录、获知最新动态、投诉、建议等功能,这一点有点类似于网上银行。网上营业厅可以使用户免去劳顿之苦,不用再为办理业务而奔波,在营业厅排队。随着网络技术和用户需求的发展,“互联网”的概念和内涵已经并且继续突破传统意义上基于 PC 的模式,向多样化终端、多手段接入、多媒体应用的下一代网络(NGN)演进,而整个系统优化的结果将导致应用和网络日趋紧密的结合。这种网络架构的变革将对电信运营商的运营模式产生深刻的影响,一种可能的结果是:运营商将成立专门的、面向内容应用的运营部门,统一运营应用层“业务”,并与相应的固话网、宽带网、移动网等业务网络运营部门紧密结合,向客户提供完整的综合信息服务。中国电信门户网站也是应势而生。既汲取了国外的成功经验又在实际应用中融合了中国客户的消费特点和服务需求。关键词:电信业;;网上营业厅;业务办理IIABSTRACTTraditional telecom, business is in the foreground to deal with, customer wasted a lot of time to queue conduction business, and telecommunications companies spent a lot of manpower resources to open business deal with network. This greatly according to become waste, so we want to create online business hall used to solve this problem. Online business hall is each big operators for the convenience of our customers deal with inquires offered various business and dedicated web site, the user through landing online business hall can transact various trading business, self-help business list, inquires the business query record, inform the latest trends, complaints, Suggestions, and other functions, it somewhat similar to the bank on the net. Online business hall suffering from fatigue that enables users to transact business, dont have to rush about, in business hall and queue. As the network technology and user demand, “the development of the concept and connotation of the Internet“ has been and continues to break through the traditional sense of the model, based on PC to diversification terminals, many means access, multimedia applications next generation network (NGN) evolution, and the whole system optimization will result in application and network combination of increasingly close relationship. This kind of network architecture changes could the operation mode of telecom operators have a profound effect, a likely outcome is: operators will establish a specialized, the content of operations, application unified operation application layer “business“, and corresponding with the fixed-line network, broadband network, YiDongWang business network operations closely, to provide customers complete a comprehensive information service. China telecom gateway website also should potential and living. Not only absorbed foreign successful experience and in practical applications combine the Chinese customer consumption characteristics and service requirements.Key words: Telecommunications;Online Business Office;Business deal withIII目录目录第 1 章 绪论.11.1 论文选题的目的和意义.11.1.1 选题目的.11.1.2 选题意义.11.2 国内外关于该论题的研究现状.11.2.1 国内研究现状.11.2.2 国外研究现状.21.3 论文的主攻方向、主要内容、研究方法及技术路线.21.3.1 主攻方向.21.3.2 主要内容.21.3.3 研究方法.21.3.4 技术路线.21.4 论文的结构.2第 2 章 系统平台与技术.42.1 Java 开发语言.
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