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课后强化作业(二十八)专项语法八 虚拟语气1(2010浙江,10)Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy_.Awould have been saved Bhad been savedCwill be saved Dwas saved答案:A 句意:要是我早知道这个电脑程序的话,我就会节省大量的时间和精力了。此句为虚拟语气条件句,表示过去的事情,从句用过去完成时态,主句用would/might/should/could have done。2(2010湖南,29)If he _ my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job.Afollowed Bshould followChad followed Dwould follow答案:C 句意:如果他早听了我的建议的话,他就不会丢了工作。本题考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。从句的时态用过去完成时,主句的时态为would/could/should/mighthave done。3(2010陕西,15)If we_the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.Atake Bhad takenCtook Dhave taken答案:B 句意:如果我们当时走那条路,可能就会按时赶到那里参加会议。由 might have arrived here 可知应表示对过去的推测,因而 if 从句用 had done 时态。4(2010潍坊一模)How I wish I_my mouth before I shouted at my mum!Ashut Bhave shutChad shut Dwould shut答案:C 该题考查虚拟语气。wish 后跟从句,从句要用虚拟语气,因为后面是过去时,故此处表示与过去事实相反,要用过去完成时。5(2010青岛一模)My uncle suggests I_abroad.I would rather you_at home.Ago; stay Bwent; stayedCgo; stayed Dwent; stay答案:C suggest 当“建议”讲时,从句中要用虚拟语气,结构是“should动词原形” ,should 可以省略;would rather 后面跟从句时,从句中也要用虚拟语气,根据语境此处应用过去时。6(2010济南统考)We_here at lunch time; we were delayed at the airport, though.Acould be Bshould beCmust have been Dwould have been答案:D 考查情态动词的用法。句意:我们本来能在午餐时刻到达,但我们在机场被延误了。would have done sth.表示与已经发生的事实相反,意思是“本来会但实际没有” 。7(2010潍坊检测)After inspecting the building, specialists discovered some faults that otherwise_.Ahad been overlookedBwould have been overlookedCwere overlookedDwould be overlooked答案:B 该题考查虚拟语气。由句中的 discovered 及语境可推知此处是表示对过去发生事情的假设,故此处要用 would have done 来表示,因为是被动语态所以要用 would have been done 表示。8(2010温州模拟)Isnt that Anns husband over there?No, it_be himIm sure he doesnt wear glasses.Acant Bmust notCwont Dmay not答案:A cant 表示否定的推测,意为“不可能” ,符合句意。9(2010日照二模)“If I_taking drugs, I would be a successful businessman now, ”said the dying heroin addict.Adidnt start Bhavent startedChadnt started Dshouldnt start答案:C 考查虚拟语气。此题是一个混合虚拟语气句,从句是对过去事情的虚拟,应用过去完成时,主句指说话时可能产生的结果。10(2010福州检测)I didnt go to the movie last night because of the rain.What a pity! If I had got the ticket, I_it.Awouldnt have missed Bwouldnt missCdidnt miss Dhadnt missed答案:A 考查虚拟语气。从句为过去完成时,所以主句用 would have done 结构。11(2010南通一模)Sorry indeed, I_to your birthday party if.Forget it. I know you were out on business.Amust come Bwould comeCmust have come Dwould have come答案:D 考查虚拟语气。此处表示对过去的虚拟,if 后面省略了过去完成时(补充完整应该是 if I had not been out on business),所以主句中应该用 should/would/could/might have done 结构,因此选 D 项。12(2010合肥一模)It is required in some colleges that lights in students dorms_off by 11 oclock.Abe switched Bwould switchCshould switch Dmust be switched答案:A 考查虚拟语气。在“It is vital/necessary/important/strange/unusual/natural/surprising/suggested/required/orderedthat 从句”结构中,that 从句中的谓语动词用(should)do 的形式,而 switch off 与 lights 之间存在动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。13(2010合肥二模)Did you make it at last?Yes. But for your help, it_a serious loss.Awould cause Bmust have causedCwould have caused Dmay cause答案:C 考查虚拟语气。句意:“你们最后成功了吗?” “成功了,要不是你的帮助,我们的损失就大了。 ”but for.“要不是” 。14(2010南京调研)I cant thank you_much because without your help I_have won the first prize.Atoo; wouldnt Bvery; shouldntCthat; might not Dso; couldnt答案:A 考查特殊句式和虚拟语气。第一空格为特殊句式“can not/never.too.”(无论都不过分),第二空格为虚拟语气,表示对过去的虚拟。15(2010南昌二模)Why didnt you buy the gold ring?I_, but I didnt have the money.Awould have BboughtCwould like to Dhad bought答案:A 考查虚拟语气。上文问的是没有买的理由,下文自然是对过去原因的陈述,but I didnt have the money 给出的是事实,换句话说,如果有钱的话, “我”就会买。所以选 A。此处可以变形为:I would have bought it if I had had the money。16(2010南昌调研)If he_his legs in the last training, he_the coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in.Adidnt hurt; would go in forBhadnt hurt; would have taken part inChadnt hurt; would join inDdidnt hurt; would have taken part in答案:C 考查虚拟语气。in the last training 暗示第一空是对过去的虚拟,从句应该用过去完成时;又根据主句中 the coming World Cup 可知第二空表示对将来的虚拟,所以应该用 would动词原形。17(2010东北三校联考)Why are you so late?I got stuck in the traffic jam, or I_earlier.Aarrived Bhave arrivedCwould arrive Dwould have arrived答案:D 考查虚拟语气。答语的意思是“我遇到交通堵塞了,否则我本来可以早一点到的。 ”言外之意是如果不是交通堵塞,就可以早点到达,因此此处是虚拟语气,相当于“If I hadnt got stuck in the traffic jam, I would have arrived earlier.”。18(2010天津市十二区县重点学校联考)Mary failed the driving test again. If she_harder, she_the test easily.Apracticed; would passBhad practiced; would passChad practiced; would have passedDshould practice; should have passed答案:C 考查虚拟语气。对过去的虚拟,if 从句用过去完成时,主句用 would have done。19(2010焦作一模)The article suggests that when a person_under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a wellbalanced diet.Ais Bwere Cbe Dwas答案:A 考查时态和虚拟语气。suggest 所接从句中,又是一个主从复合句,此时主句用“should动词原形”的虚拟语气,从句无此要求。20(2010九江市六校第二次联考)He looks very hot and dr
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