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1 tales of the unexplained 不能解释的传说 2 be puzzled at 对感到迷惑的 3 step up 加快 4 step in 干预 5 take steps to do 采取行动做 6 search for 搜寻 7 in search of 搜寻 8 due to 由于 9 be due to sb 应该给某人的 10 be due to do 将要做 11 show up 出现 12 show off 炫耀 13 lose ones sight 失明 14 the sighting of UFO 目睹不明飞行物 15 in sight 在视野内 16alien culture 外国文化 17 a witness of the accident 事故的目击者 18 a witness to ones honesty 某人诚实的见证 19 according to 根据 20 do research on 在上做研究 21research (into) sth/sb 研究某物/人 22 be frightened of /to do 害怕某物/做 23 rule out the possibility of 排除的可能性 24 there is no possibility of / that 没有的可能性 25 it is possible that 是可能的 26 look into the case 调查这个案子 27look forward to sth/ doing 期望某事/做 29 look out for 小心某物 30 make oneself up 打扮自己 31 be made up of 由组成 32 make up for the lost time 弥补失去的时间 33 make out 理解 34make a difference 产生区别 35 in case 以防万一 36in the case of 就而言 37 in no case 决不 38convince sb of sth 使某人相信某物 39convince sb to do 说服某人做 40make great progress 取得巨大进步 41 in progress 在进行中 42be disappointed in/with sb at/about sth 对某人某事感到失望的 43 to one disappointment 令人失望的是 44 be similar to sth in 在方面与相似 45 be the same as 与相同46 shoulder to shoulder with sb 与某人肩并肩(并肩作战) 47fall on one shoulder 落在某人肩上 48recover ones strength 恢复某人的体力 49 in a state 处于的状态 50 in support of 支持 51 come into existence 产生,出现 52be in existence 存在 53 every inch 到处 54 solve a mystery 解开这个谜 55 full of mysteries unsolved by science 充满了科学所不能破解的谜 56sunken ship 沉船 57 run into a Yeti 偶然遇见一个野人 58some day 将来某一天 59believe in unexplained things 相信不能解释的事 60 happen to ordinary people 发生在普通人身上 61step up their search for a missing boy 加快对失踪男孩的寻找 62 go missing =be lost 失踪,丢失 63show interest in ones disappearance 对某人的消失显示出兴趣 64 sightings of puzzling lights 目睹令人奇怪的光 65 reports of alien visits 对外星人访问的报道 66at first 一开始 67stay out late 呆在外面到很晚 68 show up at family lunch 在家庭午餐时出现 69on Friday night 在周五晚上 60 get ready for bed 准备睡觉 61 go straight to sp 径直走向某地 62 put on ones favorite CD 打开某人最喜欢的 CD 63 according to 根据 64 pull back the curtain 拉开窗帘 65 white skinned, strange-looking creatures 白皮肤,怪模怪样的人 66take away 拿走 67 get frightened 感到害怕的 68look into other possibilities 调查其他的可能性 69 make up such amazing stories 编造如此令人惊讶的故事 70 take charge of the case 接管这一案子 71 find convincing evidence 找到令人信服的证据 72carry out space exploration 开展太空探索 73the launch of the artificial satellite 人造卫星的发射 74launch unmanned spaceships into space 把无人驾驶的太空飞船发射到太空 75orbit the earth 绕轨道运行 76the first human being to take a walk in space 第一个在太空中行走的人 77take photos 拍照 78collect samples 采集样品 79so far 至今为止80 dream of becoming an astronaut 梦想成为一名宇航员 81 come true 成为现实 82 separate(sth )with sth 把。 。 。与,分开 83fall into the sea 掉入大海 84 do the research in a base 在一个基地上作研究 85 take a spacewalk 在太空行走 86take off spacesuits 脱掉太空服 87 provide sb with sth 提供某人某物 88provide sth to/for sb 提供某物给某人 89offer sb sth /offer sth to sb 90 conduct a survey 开展一次调查 91 ask one piece of information at a time 一次问一条信息 92make sure 确保 93 point out 指出 94in return 作为回报 95 take turns to do=so sth by turns 轮流做 96 report doing
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