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Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Learning Objectives一、一、Topics(话题)(话题): Rules二、二、Functions (功能功能)Talk about rules三、三、Structures (结构结构)1. Imperatives (Dont) 2. Can for permission3. Modal verbs have to, must四、四、Target Language (目标语言目标语言)Dont eat in the classroom!We cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.Can we wear a hat in class?Yes, we can./No, we cant.We have to clean the classroom.We have to follow the rules.五、五、Vocabulary (词汇)(词汇)rule, dish, night, luck, hair, arrive, listen, fight, wear, bring, practice, relax, read, feel, remember, follow, keep, learn, quiet, noisy, dirty, terrible, strictarrive late for class, be on time, listen to music, do the dishes, make your bed, be strict with , follow the rules六、六、Skills (技能技能)Listening for key informationScanning in reading 七、七、Recycling (复习巩固)(复习巩固)go out, do your homework, watch TV, clean your room, help your mom make breakfast, in the evening, every Saturday八、八、教材分析教材分析这本教材的词汇量很大,有难度,但是,内容新颖,尤其是生动活泼的卡通化的画面,很符合七年级学生的年龄特点和心理特点,其中还囊括了丰富多彩的文化知识,以及合作探究的活动,十分贴近学生的实际生活经验。本单元的话题 Talk about rules.与日常生活密切相关。作为一名中学生,遵守校纪班规家法,和社会公共场所的规章制度是必须的。在谈论规则时,一般运用祈使句、情态动词 can 和 have to 等。这是英语新课程标准中规定所必须掌握的内容,是交际英语中必不可少的项目。因此,本单元对于提升学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的听、说、读、写能力都有很大的帮助。九、教学目标九、教学目标(1) 能正确使用情态动词 can,have to 和祈使句。(2) 能熟练使用目标词汇和语言,围绕规章制度展开话题,发表自己的看法与观点。(3). 提高学生听说读写技能。十十、教学重难点:教学重难点:1. 用祈使句的否定形式来谈论规则 Rules.2. 情态动词 can 及其否定形式 cant 的意义用法与发音特点。十一、课时安排十一、课时安排第一课时:完成 Section A 1a2c 第二课时:完成 Section A 2d3c 第三课时:完成 Section B 1a1d第四课时:完成 Section B 2aSelf Check The Fourth Period (Section B, 2aSelf Check)Teaching aims (教学目标)(教学目标)1. 能用所学知识阅读文章。2. 能理解文章内容,回答问题。3. 掌握 can,cant,have to, must 的用法。4. 能够用目标语言表述自己的家规校规并对其评价。Language points (语言点语言点)1. 词汇:1) 名词 n. kitchen, luck, hair 2) 形容词 adj. dirty, more, noisy, terrible, strict 3) 动词 v. relax, read, feel, remember, follow, keep, learn 4)短语 make ones bed, be strict with sb, follow the rules2. 句型:We have to follow the rules.Can you help me?Im not happy because Difficulties (教学难点)(教学难点)1. 理解文章内容,正确回答问题。2. 用所学知识写出完整的文章。Teaching steps (教学步骤)(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(课堂热身和复习)(1)Check the homework.T: What are some rules in your classmates homes?S: I interviewed Xiao Hua. She cant watch TV on school nights.Xiao Hua: I interviewed Jim. He has to clean his room every Sunday.Jim: I interviewed Lucy. She cant go out on school nights, and she must do her homework after school.(2) T: Do you like these rules?【教学设计说明】建议本环节让尽可能多的学生进行操练。本环节操练的方式是锁链式操练,小华采访了 Jim, Jim 采访了 Lucy。本环节一方面帮助学生复习目标语言,一方面为下个环节的阅读文章做了铺垫,自然导入。2. Work on 2aWhen you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to?T: Molly has some troubles, and she wrote a letter to Dr. Know.【教学设计说明】通过谈论此话题自然过渡到阅读文章。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)(呈现新知识)(1) Work on 2b. Read the letter from Molly and answer the following questions. 1. Whats Mollys problem?There are too many rules.2. Does she have rules in school?Yes, she does.3. What does Molly think of the rules?She thinks the rules are terrible.(2) Read the letter from Molly again. Underline the rules for Molly.(3) Read the letter from Dr. Know. Underline the things Molly can do.(4) Work on 2c. Read the letters again and complete the sentences with have to/must, can or cant.(3) Explain the key words and key sentences.【教学设计说明】本单元阅读旨在训练学生学会了解文章大意, 能够自己组织语言回答问题,并能够读懂文章细节内容。进一步帮助学生掌握 can,cant,have to, must 的用法。3. Work on 3aComplete Zhao Peis letter to Dr. Know using have to/must, can or cant. Have some Ss read the passage. Explain each blank to the class.Pay attention to some sentences and phrases. They will help Ss in writing.【教学设计说明】本部分旨在帮助学生学会用正确的语言进行写作,并帮助学生积累语言。为完成本单元的写作部分进行铺垫。4. Work on 3b(1)Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school.Check () the rules you think are fair.Things I have to doThings I cant do(2)Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.【教学设计说明】通过填写表格使学生搜集写作素材。4. Homework(1) Recite the text in Section B, 3a.(2)Finish Self Check.
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