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Unit 5 My New Room笔试部分(笔试部分(50 分)分) 一、一、Read and fill.(根据上下文填入所缺的单词,使对话意思合理、完整,每空分,(根据上下文填入所缺的单词,使对话意思合理、完整,每空分, 共共 10 分。分。 )(fruit, clothes,on, like, under, picture, favourite, near, trash bin, computer) My name is Lily. My_ food is chicken and my favourite _is grapes. This is a _ of my room. There is a new bed. The end table is _ the bed. Many _ are in the closet. There is a _ behind the door. The mirror is _ the air-conditioner. There is a desk, too. Guess! Whats _ the desk? Its a _. I often play games with it. Do you like my room? Whats your room _? Can you tell me, please? 二、二、Read and finish the dialogue.(根据上下文意思,将对话内容补充完整,(根据上下文意思,将对话内容补充完整,10 分。分。 ) A: Look at this picture. _? B: Yes, its a picture of the zoo. A: _? B: There is a monkey, a panda, a pig and some birds in it. A: _? B: The monkey is in the tree. A: Is there a pig in front of the house? B:Yes, there is a pig _ the house. Its playing with the panda. A: Look at the birds. They can sing well. B: _? A: They are in the trees. B: Oh, the animals are very happy. 三、三、 Write or answer the questions.(根据上下文或图片,写出问句或答句。共(根据上下文或图片,写出问句或答句。共 10 分)分) 1. A: _?B: Yes, this is my bedroom. 2. A: _?B: There is a bed, a closet, a mirror and an end table in Zips room. 3. A: Where are the books?B: _. 4. A: _?B: Robot can use a computer. 5. A: _?B: No, she isnt quiet, she is active. 四、四、Read and choose(阅读下面的短文,选择最适合的答句,并将其字母编号填在题前的(阅读下面的短文,选择最适合的答句,并将其字母编号填在题前的 括号内。每小题分,共括号内。每小题分,共 10 分。分。 ) This is my new bedroom. There is a small shelf on the desk. Two end tables are near the bed and a photo is over the bed. The chair is in front of the desk. Look at my shoes. They are under the bed. I clean my bedroom on Sundays. I empty the trash every day. Mom says Im a helpful boy. ( ) 1. Whats on the desk?A. A computer. B. A closet. C. A shelf. ( ) 2. The photo is _.A. Near the bed. B. On the bed. C. Over the bed.( ) 3. What can you do every day?A. I can clean my bedroom. B. I can empty the trash.C. He can empty the trash. ( ) 4. Are you helpful at home?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I cant. ( ) 5. Where is the desk?A. Its behind the chair.B. Its near the shelf.C. Its under the bed. 五、五、Look and write.(写一段话,介绍你的房间有什么东西,这些东西放在哪里,不少于(写一段话,介绍你的房间有什么东西,这些东西放在哪里,不少于 五句话,要求语言规范,句子通顺。共五句话,要求语言规范,句子通顺。共 10 分。分。 )
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